I've been bad

momof26 Posts: 83
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
I've slipped the past few days. I took my son to the dr on Friday to find out that he has strep throat. So, I've been cleaning and dealing with his sickness which has lead me to eat unhealthy and just lay around with him. I feel horrible for not exercising or eating right but my sick child comes first!! On a lighter note, he is feeling somewhat better and we are suppose to get some snow here in Arkansas today! Hope everyone has a good day and stays warm!


  • kelzz193
    kelzz193 Posts: 120 Member
    don't beat yourself up over a few days like this. As a fellow Mommy i couldn't agree kiddos come first! Just get right back at it when he's better :)
  • I have been in the house too much these past couple of days and couple that with my mom making delicious food, I have eaten too much & not enough fruits and veggies!!! I'm right there with you. My stomach is telling me that it can't take it anymore. I am getting back on track today!!!
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day! Enjoy the snow, it is snowing here in Washington State too... LOVE IT!!!!
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Everyone is right! Don't get too down on yourself. It happens to the best of us. Try again tomorrow : )
  • kelzz u have lost 79 lbs? how r u doing it....????? and as for u momo. i always say if we get don for a few days and let it put us down we wont start back up just tell ur self u needed a lil break and that ur gonna start back up soon as u can.
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