fractured ankle, what can I do??

Hello all! So I fractured my ankle 2 weeks ago and have not been able to workout at all! Since I have started this diet very seriously I want to get some type of fitness in. Does anybody have any exercises I can do till I am back on my feet?


  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    You can do seated upper body workouts with weights. Sit-ups and modified push-ups would probably be fine. It may be best to ask your doc for suggestions, though, to make sure that nothing you do stands a chance of further damaging the injury. Some exercises may "seem" ok, but are causing you to flex the muscles in the injured area without realizing it.
  • khsb14
    khsb14 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I did talk with my doctor and he said I could do anything that does not require any kind of movement from the knee down. Sit-ups are really the only thing I know of.