For the first time taking it serious!!!

khsb14 Posts: 6 Member
Hello all! I have been trying to lose weight on and off for the last 12 years. I was diagnosed as diabetic 3 months ago and took it serious for about 3 weeks before I got bored and stopped. But I realized that I have stopped going out and have become a total closein. That is NOT me!! I am a social person and I love spending time with people. So I made the decision over the weekend that enough with the excuses and I can do this. So I am starting! Officially started my diet yesterday. Ended VERY badly, but the great thing about MyFitnessPal is that I get to review it and decide how to make changes for the next day. So I am attacking this like I do my job, always looking for ways to improve to get to results faster. I have 140 pounds to lose! I know it wont happen overnight but I am going to do it.

As I begin this journey I would love to hear from people who have been in the same shoes as me and what you have done to help you stick with it.


  • CaroleC2B
    CaroleC2B Posts: 29 Member
    Hi khsb14 I too just joined (again).I also have found myself to be more and more isolated, inactive, and eating mindlessly through the day. I feel and look terrible. I wish you the best and look forward to hear about your journey. Have a successful day!
  • khsb14
    khsb14 Posts: 6 Member
    You too Carole!!! One Day at a time!!
  • Madelinec117
    Madelinec117 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm not in the same shoes as you, but I'm glad to see you taking a proactive approach. I have several cousins with diabetes who didn't take care of themselves at the beginning and it is creating health problems after years of not following their diet/medicine regimens. My younger brother was just diagnosed as pre-diabetic, a sister who is pre-diabetic and on medicine and a sister who is a full diabetic, so I decided to lose some of weight, since I have already started to exercise. I have a long way to go, but am trying to take is one day, one success at a time.
  • happygirlterri
    Hey there! Welcome back! It's always is a work in progress isn't it.. First of all.. Today.. decide that things will be different. that they will change and that YOU are in complete control. You have this! Don't be too hard on yourself, think positive every chance you can. Finally. Don't expect to be perfect, you will get burnt out quickly that way. Take one day, one pound at a time. I wish you the BEST of luck!! Drink lots of water, eat every 2-3 hours to keep your sugar stable. Congratulations on taking this step forward into a new lifestyle :)!
  • tmo39
    tmo39 Posts: 7 Member
    I understand how you feel. It won't happen overnight. I have a long road ahead of me as well. Started out with 110 lbs to loose... still have a long ways to go. I keep thinking - I didn't gain it overnight, so I can't expect to loose it overnight either.

    I saw this earlier so I'm giving myself a 90 day challenge. Maybe this will help you too.

    "It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Give it 12 weeks. Don't Quit."

    (and yes I realize that 12 weeks is actually 84 days - but I figured an extra 6 for good measure)