eating bad make me lose weight

Hi All,
I notice something the other day that didn’t make any sense to me.
I weight myself every morning to keep track of what food cause a reason on my body from the day before. So when I eat healthy, usually lose about half to a pound or stay the same which should be normal.
But, I notice something the other day. When I eat crap food, I lose more. For example this past weekend
Breakfast: ham and cheese omelet, 2 slides wheat toast with butter and soda
Lunch: Chick Fil A chicken sandwich, fries and regular limonite
Dinner: Typical Cuban food, rice, bean, roasted pork, fry plantains and soda.
Breakfast: 2 slide wheat toast with mayo
Lunch: Leftover from the dinner
Dinner: Rice, BBQ pork ribs, ice cream and Coconut Flan
Plus some snacks during the days. I know. I went crazy.

On Monday morning I was expecting to see some weight gain because of that, but I actually lose 2 pounds during the weekend which make no sense to me 0_o
Same happened a previous weekend two months ago. Any ideas? Is this normal?

My routine: 4 days a week 30-60 minutes Mountain biking. 3 days a week Dumbbell weight lifting.


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    did you track all of that stuff? it could be the "junk" food is just adding up to less cals then you think
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    WHAT you eat (healthy vs. "crap") is less important than HOW MUCH (calorie-wise) you eat.

    You can lose weight on pizza. You can gain weight on salad.

    Along with food - exercise, water, sodium, etc can all contribute to fluctuations in weight.

    I think you're seeing a correlation when it's merely coincidence.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Maybe you were retaining water and it just happened to come off? Who really knows.

    What you ate was not cheap, it was just food.:smile:
  • elyuma
    elyuma Posts: 11 Member
    My goal is 1390 per day, i being trying to keep track of my calories and sometime is hard depending where i buy the food. so i go with an average.

    During this week i being eating crap due to my work, but still losing weight or staying the same. But i go light with dinner and do my exercise. It is funny and when i tell people they dont believe me. :)
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I found antidotal evidence in my diary also. I think the "junk" just made me retain water so any loss was masked till I dropped the water, at that point it seemed like a big loss all at once. I now expect a big drop in weight tues-thurs. I eat "junk" more on weekends and at a higher goal, my weight then sits at the high number of my weight range (from the week before) then Tues morning I drop and sometimes drop til Thursday. Then over the weekend and Monday I will be up by about 4 lbs (my range is 4lbs)...repeat. The first time it happened, my weekend was multiple parties and alcohol... The joke was "hmm party food and alcohol, the perfect".
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    My goal is 1390 per day, i being trying to keep track of my calories and sometime is hard depending where i buy the food. so i go with an average.

    During this week i being eating crap due to my work, but still losing weight or staying the same. But i go light with dinner and do my exercise. It is funny and when i tell people they dont believe me. :)

    calories in vs calories out FTW.
    Daily fluctuations, water weight, blah blah blah happens, but it's probably better just to look at the big picture.

    Why 1390? are you 5'3?
  • elyuma
    elyuma Posts: 11 Member
    that was my recommended goal to lose 2 pound per week here.

    5'8 started at 245 pounds
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    that was my recommended goal to lose 2 pound per week here.

    5'8 started at 245 pounds

    mmmm... I'd suggest that you check out another calculator. That sounds kinda low for a male.
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    that was my recommended goal to lose 2 pound per week here.

    5'8 started at 245 pounds

    mmmm... I'd suggest that you check out another calculator. That sounds kinda low for a male.

    I agree. Way too low!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    that was my recommended goal to lose 2 pound per week here.

    5'8 started at 245 pounds

    mmmm... I'd suggest that you check out another calculator. That sounds kinda low for a male.

    I agree. Way too low!
    Also agreed. If you're eating at a large deficit (which it sounds like you are), you can increase stress on your body, which increases cortisol levels, which can cause water retention, which can mask weight loss. Then you eat more, cortisol levels drop, and tada, you weigh less.

    Or you had a whoosh:
  • nikkiworld2
    nikkiworld2 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi All,
    I notice something the other day that didn’t make any sense to me.
    I weight myself every morning to keep track of what food cause a reason on my body from the day before. So when I eat healthy, usually lose about half to a pound or stay the same which should be normal.
    But, I notice something the other day. When I eat crap food, I lose more. For example this past weekend
    Breakfast: ham and cheese omelet, 2 slides wheat toast with butter and soda
    Lunch: Chick Fil A chicken sandwich, fries and regular limonite
    Dinner: Typical Cuban food, rice, bean, roasted pork, fry plantains and soda.
    Breakfast: 2 slide wheat toast with mayo
    Lunch: Leftover from the dinner
    Dinner: Rice, BBQ pork ribs, ice cream and Coconut Flan
    Plus some snacks during the days. I know. I went crazy.

    On Monday morning I was expecting to see some weight gain because of that, but I actually lose 2 pounds during the weekend which make no sense to me 0_o
    Same happened a previous weekend two months ago. Any ideas? Is this normal?

    My routine: 4 days a week 30-60 minutes Mountain biking. 3 days a week Dumbbell weight lifting.

    The only "bad" food I see in your post here is: soda, fries, other 'fried' stuff, ice cream & coconut flan. Out of those foods, doesn't seem like you went overboard on them. You can eat all of them if they fit in to your cal's/day. The only thing I would cut out is the soda. I am a little prejudiced when it comes to fries (luv them). But since I know what a trigger food they are for me I limit them to no more than once/wk or less. But to actually answer your question; maybe it takes a day or two for the body to catch up. One night I weighed myself before the morning of my weigh-in & I was up - way up, like 1.9lbs. from my last weigh-in. I was depressed & almost didn't want to weigh myself the next morning. I forced myself to weigh in next morning & I was down that much! Crazy, right??? So, I actually didn't lose that week, but I also didn't gain, like I thought. Who knows???
  • elyuma
    elyuma Posts: 11 Member
    thanks guys for the replies.

    I usually stay away from fried food,soda and sugar. sometime in the weekend a eat a little.
    Based on your recommendation i went to another famous site (I dont know if i can post here) and my daily intake should 1741. I'll will give it a 15-30 days trail and let see what happen :-)

    it also recommended to eat 45% Protein, 35% Carb and 20% fat. does this sound good?
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    There are no "bad" or "crap" foods. What makes a pizza or a chik fil a sandwich unhealthy? I'm so sick of people thinking that if something isn't made at home from scratch it's automatically bad for you.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Maybe you were retaining water and it just happened to come off? Who really knows.

    What you ate was not cheap, it was just food.:smile:
    Oh, this darned automatic spell on Kindle! I meant to say what you ate was not CRAP, it was just food. :laugh:
  • MargaretSobers
    MargaretSobers Posts: 167 Member
    Yes of course eating bad make you lose weight because the food that you are eating are junk foods so try to avoid them and start drinking black tea with your diet, it can be beneficial for you:)
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Yes of course eating bad make you lose weight because the food that you are eating are junk foods so try to avoid them and start drinking black tea with your diet, it can be beneficial for you:)

    None of this makes sense. There's no reason to avoid anything, and black tea isn't some weight loss magic drink.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    that was my recommended goal to lose 2 pound per week here.

    5'8 started at 245 pounds

    Wow that seems really low. I'm 5.8 and when I started a 232lb a 2 pound loss = 1825 calories.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    My goal is 1390 per day, i being trying to keep track of my calories and sometime is hard depending where i buy the food. so i go with an average.
    You need to eat more than that and track your foods properly. If you don't track them properly in reality you have absolutely no idea how many calories you are eating my guess is your eating far on some days and far less on others than you think. Weigh your foods and then you'll know and be able to be consistent