Does anyone else's weight loss graph look similar?



  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    Looks like mine. I'd say it is normal!
  • you are doing perfectly fine!! thats how our bodies fluctuate. here are my charts just to show you.

    first is my last 30 days. (i usually weigh every day too).


    and here is what a year looks like..


    also for later posts.. you change the IMG tag to img for a pic to show up.
    i log both gains and losses. i like to be accountable. the rare occasion when i dont log is because i didnt get a good reading.. i know its just sodium or something and will be right off the next day, or i woke up at a different time and ate so my reading wouldnt be accurate.
  • Nightstar76
    Nightstar76 Posts: 48 Member
    This is making me feel better, my weight fluctuates as well and I only record when I have a low weight.
  • stetienne
    stetienne Posts: 560 Member
    Mine usually fluctuates in relation to the weekends :)
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I also use the "Monitor My Weight" app for android. I like the clarity better than MFP's graph which usually looks like a wavy line than a trend.

    I use the same app for iOS and have for about a year, weighing and recording almost daily (couldn't when I was out of town but that was a grand total of 12 days over the last year - most of them last week - so no big deal). Up down, the same - I record it all, and I have a nice data set now that I love! I'd post a screen shot of my graph but I don't know if I can (my computer recently decided to leave me stranded and I've been reduced to "computing" via iPad Mini :laugh: I haven't even tried posting pics since)
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    ok let's see

    past month
    Past year-ish
  • MemeGwen
    MemeGwen Posts: 1
    I joined 4 weeks ago today so we joined at almost the same time. I record all weight daily but I am looking at the week's loss, which has been consistent 2 # a week. I never lost that much on weight watchers and I think it's because it is so much easier to get a true calorie count using this site. I was amazed at how much is in the database, even restaurants that aren't a big chain.

    I think that having the digital scale from the fitbit people has made a huge difference. I used to have a Health-o-meter but it was too inaccurate and this one is expensive but worth it in the long run for motivation. I love the fact that it weighs me like cheese in fractions of a pound.

    I find that if I don't drink 8 glasses of water then the next day I might be up by as much as a pound. I record it but then it gets me back on track to be extra diligent with logging everything I put in my mouth.

    One thing that I learned in weight watchers that helped me so much is that if you blow it for one meal (or even one day) think of the big picture. You have 21 meals in a week plus 7 snacks. If you get off track for a day that is only 3 meals and 1 snack. In the overall picture it is a tiny amount so just get back on track as fast as possible and continue to move in the right direction.

    Another thing that helped me is buying individual packages of snacks. I think it might cost more at the store but think of the cost in health. I always have the 100 calorie packs of nuts in my handbag and usually a Clif bar. It keeps me from stopping at a fast food when I am starving & I feel like I can't get back home to make myself a healthy meal.

    Good luck!
  • jtrack3d
    jtrack3d Posts: 91
    Looks like

    I also use the "Monitor My Weight" app for android. I like the clarity better than MFP's graph which usually looks like a wavy line than a trend.

    I use the same app for iOS and have for about a year, weighing and recording almost daily (couldn't when I was out of town but that was a grand total of 12 days over the last year - most of them last week - so no big deal). Up down, the same - I record it all, and I have a nice data set now that I love! I'd post a screen shot of my graph but I don't know if I can (my computer recently decided to leave me stranded and I've been reduced to "computing" via iPad Mini :laugh: I haven't even tried posting pics since)
  • dannie1978
    dannie1978 Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you so much for posting this. My graph is identical to this, deep dips and high increases. Its soooo frustrating. I record every day so that I don't regain a single pound that I"ve lost permanently. I don't want to go back, but what the heck. I weighed myself Sunday and weighed 148 Tues , Wed, and Thurs I wake up and weigh exactly 152 every single day???? So frustrating I have been following my low cal diet, running, everything I can think of. Guess its time to pick up some weights for a couple days see if that helps.
  • stacyosoyoos
    stacyosoyoos Posts: 41 Member
    I don't record anything but the losses. If I put in my weight every time I weighed in, my graph would be like a seismic recording of an earthquake! :laugh:

    LOVE your sense of humour!
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Good topic. Thanks for posting, all!
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    Yup, I'm in zig zag city too! :drinker:

  • cheesevixen_staci
    cheesevixen_staci Posts: 153 Member
    I've been at this for 31 days as of today. I weigh everyday. Not because I'm obcessed with the loss but it maintains my motivation and gives me a visual my body's changes. Has anyone seen this pattern before? I tend to lose overnight by 2+ lbs, then gain back 3 or so, till I gradually dip down again below the previous loss. I'm working out, have cut out regular soda, and eating healthy.


    Sorry I can't seem to get the graph to show up.

    ETA: That is about what mine would look like if I included the peaks. I record losses only and then wait for it to come back down under where I was before.

    That's exactly what I do too. I just wait until I lose more weight. I don't record every week if I am just maintaining. I am up and down too; usually by 3 pounds either way. It's frustrating, and when I am up I get sad. So I just log in the good stuff. I am still losing weight. Just not stressing.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    Mine is in my ticker... Weight loss is not linear.... but as long as the trend is downward its all good.
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    Yep mine is all bouncing right now. As long as it keeps going downwards, it is all good. I try to weight every week, but been doing it daily. Daily and I are not friends.
    30 days

    90 days
  • mart001
    mart001 Posts: 194 Member
    Mine is very steady. Pretty much can see when I took trip to New York. This pretty much covers whole 523 days since beginning.:smile::smile: :smile:

  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    Thanks so much for posting that for me! And that's good to know.
    I guess that brings up another question. Does everyone usually just record the losses?

    I use a separate app to record my weight a few times a week, to get a real sense of the up and down and the trend over time, but I only log my weight in mfp every 6 weeks or so, so i'm usually logging a loss.
  • Where do you find the graph?
  • Like most people are saying, if I recorded every single day, mine would look like yours. But I am one of those who records once or twice a week, same time of the day, just underpants on. That way I can rule out stuff like full bladder, heavy jeans, etc. I am just now hitting a bit of a plateau - taking much longer to lose weight with the same strategies...I know eventually calories restriction will take its due course, but I also understand how frustrating it can feel to be trying and seeing things looks a bit bleak. hang in there!