How to lose weight, the easy way

postzak Posts: 15 Member
I have been compulsively tracking my calories untill I got tired with it. After thst day I started to eat without using any tracki g and just go with my gut feeling. Haven't felt any better ever since.

Read carefully, mfp is not something to be using in an obsessive way and it is only there to give you a guideline in how much of each macronutrient you have ingested that day.

Here is what I did, and still do.
MFP has taught me how to use my macro's in a beneficial way to get into the shape I want to. Quit searching the interwebs for answers to your problems to weight loss and start experimenting yourself, because every body is different in their own way.

Figure out what carbs are best to eat at what time, before doinf such and such activity i.e. going to school, work, training, etc. For thise who seek to build muscle; find out hoe much protein you should eat a day (i say 80-135 gram is enough for the average dude). And most importantly, don't eat your calories up until a certain point if you haven't had enough, unlesa you are hungry. Not craving for something, but HUNGRY.

As you start to go by your gut feeling, you will see that there is no need to conpulsively track your macro's/calories/whatever (unless your are diabetic and need it, please don't die.). Always looking st thst silly app causes you to be remembered of food 24 ****ing 7, and that is not going to help you.

Once you figured out how much you can eat in order to function properly, eat the same for some time and throw in variations. It is not bad to feel hungry at some times, that will release fat oxidising hormones and GH, which stimulates further increasion of metabolic rate/fat oxidation. Once the tank is empty, it will run on it's fumes(fat). But don't forget to refuel, because you don't want to break down.

This app is only tool, not some holy grail of fat loss with its so called personalised plans which put people on a 1200 kcal diet (suicidal, unless you lay in bed all day doing nothing at all). Use it right, don't let it take you over.

You will find that once you figured out how to eat, you can livr very easily without the app and still make progress. You just got to figure out hoe to get there and what is best for you. Search the interwebs for LITERATURE on metabolic pathways and everything else that has something to do with thst ehich you like to achieve and not only read other people's articles and their oponions. Get straight facts together and figure it out.

Like I said: every body is different in its own way.
You have to experiment and try, it won't be linear progress, but this is just how life works.

Have fun! :)

EDIT: Oh and one last thing; exercise is THE key to fat loss, what form soever. You are not going to lose much of it sitting on your *kitten* all day. Get up and do something! Don't give me that bs of not being able not to do any form of exercise unless youre crippled. Even then you could swing your arms around and make your metabolism hum like a hummingbird.

Wrote this all on my phone, sorry for grammatical mistakes.


  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    My easy way.

    figure my intake
    figure my output
    increase intake with increased output
    ensure balanced nutrition and macro ratios
  • postzak
    postzak Posts: 15 Member
    My easy way.

    figure my intake
    figure my output
    increase intake with increased output
    ensure balanced nutrition and macro ratios
    That 'figuring out' is what I mean with experimenting;)
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    My easy way.

    figure my intake
    figure my output
    increase intake with increased output
    ensure balanced nutrition and macro ratios
    That 'figuring out' is what I mean with experimenting;)

    Fair enough. :drinker:
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    My easy way:

    Enter info into MFP.
    Eat that.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    I just literally cut slabs of fat off.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Came in ready for the ish storm.

    Posting because "9998 lbs left to go" on the ticker above me.

    lol wut?