Getting Fit with Celiac Disease

Hello! I was diagnosed 3.5 years ago with Celiac and a month later had my gall bladder removed. In just 3 years, I gained 65 pounds (no food change except taking out gluten). I'm tired of just accepting it as "something I have to deal with", and I'm getting fit! Is anyone else in the same predicament???


  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    A surge in weight gain unfortunately often accompanies going gf after a coeliac diagnosis, as your body suddenly starts absorbing all those things that it couldn't before (I was diagnosed in November 2012 and have put weight on since, plus received a diagnosis of hypothyroidism, making weight gain even easier!) Since joining myfitnesspal and sticking within my daily allowed calories, and increasing my activity, I've lost weight for the first time in forever, and I'm feeling positive. We may be made miserable when we walk past a normal bakery with it's delicious smells or want to cry walking past a takeaway (or is that just me? Lol) but I think those of us who stick with the gf diet religiously as we should, have greater willpower than we would give ourselves credit for. I still long for the gluteny things I used to have, and every time I say no, and I always will say no, for the good of my health. So I know I can stick to eating within my calories and lose more weight, for the good of my health. And you can too. :-) Just log honestly, don't deprive yourself of treats within your calories, be as active as you can, and you will see results!
  • lmhs1935
    lmhs1935 Posts: 1 Member
    I was diagnosed about 6 years ago and also gained weight eating GF. You need to be careful with eating some GF products as they can be filled with sugar to try to make them taste better. I have about 20 pounds to go to be at my ideal weight. I usually make good food choices (absolutely no gluten for years) but am now getting off my butt and using portion control. Oh, and trying to stay away from ice cream!
  • Awwww....Thanks ladies!!