On the news Today - Our kids will never know....



  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member
    cursive writing
    who came up with that crap any way?
    cold weather, the way ....
    ]Please don't say "Global Warming" in my company!!! I moved to FL from PA to get away from the weather we have had the last two winters. Since '94 I have NEVER needed my heat to run more than a few days all winter and maybe ten nights all winter. The past two winters I haven't needed the AC all winter long.

    One thing the kids today will never know is HONESTY IN THE MEDIA!!! The "fourth estate" was given the First Amendment to keep the Government in check by TELLING US THE TRUTH!!! Even the schools and colleges are not telling them the whole story or have completely changed "history" in the history books.

    HAHA... I could go for some global warming right about now...lol.
    I remember in grade school...(the late 60,s early 70's) we were told in science that we were heading into an ice age because pollution was blocking the sun... EXPERTS (yea right) said we had at most...da,da da...that magic number of 20 years before it was all over. They made money selling those books and movies too.
  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    Kids born this year will never know the feeling of freedom and safety we knew.
    When i was 8, i was allowed to go so far away, my father had to whistle or use a air horn to get us in for dinner. We had 10 minutes from the time the call was sent out to get home; which means we could go ten minutes from home on our bikes (a kid can get pretty far away in ten full minutes). So long as we did not cross the highway, we were good to go.
    Now, kids have to have someone watching them at every moment. They can't even go a block away without parents panicking that they may be kidnapped or something. And unfortunately, they have reason to worry.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    cursive writing
    who came up with that crap any way?
    cold weather, the way we are going.
    WHAT? If they want to try COLD weather they can come here to Montana!!!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Here's a funny related story:

    My daughter (9) was doing one of those pics where it was "circle the wrong thing" when she was 6. (Ie, flying toaster, etc) This is among what she circled:

    A TV that had "rabbit ear" antennas (circled antenna)
    The knobs on the TV
    The cord on the phone

    I asked her why she did that...she said that TV's don't have "turners", "there aren't sticks coming out of the TV" and "there's no strings on real phones."

    I was rolling. She didn't believe me when I told her that TV was in black and white at one point.

    We also showed her my husband's old sony walkman...the tape playing version...she couldn't believe that tapes held only about 12-14 songs and couldn't believe how big it was.

    I showed her a payphone...she asked what it was. I told her, and she said "well why don't they just use their cellphone?"

    My son who is 24 and I were both cracking up. How funny! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    cursive writing
    who came up with that crap any way?
    cold weather, the way we are going.

    Please don't say "Global Warming" in my company!!! I moved to FL from PA to get away from the weather we have had the last two winters. Since '94 I have NEVER needed my heat to run more than a few days all winter and maybe ten nights all winter. The past two winters I haven't needed the AC all winter long.

    One thing the kids today will never know is HONESTY IN THE MEDIA!!! The "fourth estate" was given the First Amendment to keep the Government in check by TELLING US THE TRUTH!!! Even the schools and colleges are not telling them the whole story or have completely changed "history" in the history books.
    I could care less about the media. Or the politics. Democracy is failing on a large scale here in America. Thanks to the media we are blind. I just don't listen to them now. So, humans have no effect on this planet? You are kidding right? Or did I misunderstand what you said?
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    cursive writing
    who came up with that crap any way?
    cold weather, the way we are going.

    Please don't say "Global Warming" in my company!!! I moved to FL from PA to get away from the weather we have had the last two winters. Since '94 I have NEVER needed my heat to run more than a few days all winter and maybe ten nights all winter. The past two winters I haven't needed the AC all winter long.

    One thing the kids today will never know is HONESTY IN THE MEDIA!!! The "fourth estate" was given the First Amendment to keep the Government in check by TELLING US THE TRUTH!!! Even the schools and colleges are not telling them the whole story or have completely changed "history" in the history books.
    I could care less about the media. Or the politics. Democracy is failing on a large scale here in America. Thanks to the media we are blind. I just don't listen to them now. So, humans have no effect on this planet? You are kidding right? Or did I misunderstand what you said?

    Our form of government is "democratic" but it is not a "democracy". We have a "representative republic". In the first one, 50% + one vote decides everything. In the latter, we elect representatives to vote for us and then the laws require a majority to pass. Big difference. It's more nuanced than that but you get the point that there is a difference.

    Geological studies prove (by doing core drilling all over the globe and especially at ocean shorelines) that we are currently headed for an ice age. It is not within our lifetime. Studies of the sun show that the sun has gone "silent" meaning no sun spots which equals less UV rays making lower surface temperatures on the planets. Other planets in our solar system are also registering lower temps. Other mitigating circumstances are the changes in the orbit around the sun as well as the simultaneous movement of the sun away from the earth. It doesn't sit still out there. The earth temperatures have been getting cooler for the last ten years.

    Regarding the human race affecting global tempurature with the use of carbon based and petrolium fuels.... Those aforementioned core samples found that on the California coast the smog levels and smoke levels were higher in the early 1900's than they were in the 1980's. The car was yet to really catch on and the industrial revolution was just getting started.

    The studies that are being bandied about since Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" movie have been found out to be fraudulent and to have manipulated data. Using temps for Sept. in Oct. data logs to show a false increase for one of many examples. In the U.K. a court ruled that whenever Gore's movie was shown in the country it had to be preceeded by an announcement that it was "Political Propoganda" citing something like 13 absolute falsehoods.

    If "Global Warming" is real, then why do they have to lie about it or manipulate the data?!?

    I realize that someone your age is bombarded with it on all sides. All I'm saying is, "Don't believe everything you hear out there...do your own research." I can't remember the name of the scientist who studied the core samples in CA but if you want to find out I'm sure the internet search engines will find it for you. He published a paper about it stating that the majority of people will believe the worst news much easier than the minority. I'll try and find it for you.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    cursive writing
    who came up with that crap any way?
    cold weather, the way we are going.

    Please don't say "Global Warming" in my company!!! I moved to FL from PA to get away from the weather we have had the last two winters. Since '94 I have NEVER needed my heat to run more than a few days all winter and maybe ten nights all winter. The past two winters I haven't needed the AC all winter long.

    One thing the kids today will never know is HONESTY IN THE MEDIA!!! The "fourth estate" was given the First Amendment to keep the Government in check by TELLING US THE TRUTH!!! Even the schools and colleges are not telling them the whole story or have completely changed "history" in the history books.
    I could care less about the media. Or the politics. Democracy is failing on a large scale here in America. Thanks to the media we are blind. I just don't listen to them now. So, humans have no effect on this planet? You are kidding right? Or did I misunderstand what you said?

    Geological studies prove (by doing core drilling all over the globe and especially at ocean shorelines) that we are currently headed for an ice age. It is not within our lifetime. Studies of the sun show that the sun has gone "silent" meaning no sun spots which equals less UV rays maning lower surface temperatures. Other mitigating circumstances are the changes in the orbit around the sun as well as the simultaneous movement of the sun away from the earth. It doesn't sit still out there. The earth temperatures have been getting cooler for the last ten years.

    Regarding the human race affecting global tempurature with the use of carbon based and other fuels.... Those aforementioned core samples found that on the California coast the smog levels and smoke levels were higher in the early 1900's than they were in the 1980's. The car was yet to really catch on and the industrial revolution was just getting started.

    The studies that are being bandied about since Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" movie have been found out to be fraudulent and to have manipulated data. Using temps for Sept. in Oct. data logs to show a false increase for one of many examples. In the U.K. a court ruled that whenever Gore's movie was shown in the country it had to be preceeded by an announcement that it was "Political Propoganda" citing something like 13 absolute falsehoods.

    If "Global Warming" is real, then why do they have to lie about it or manipulate the data?!?

    I realize that someone your age is bombarded with it on all sides. All I'm saying is, "Don't believe everything you hear out there...do your own research." I can't remember the name of the scientist who studied the core samples in CA but if you want to find out I'm sure the internet search engines will find it for you. He published a paper about it stating that the majority of people will believe the worst news much easier than the minority. I'll try and find it for you.

    Yep I sounded like an idiot. Point well proven. I have heard all of that too. I've also read that the sun is just going into a high activity. Solar cycles. Here's a link. Solar cycles are linked with ice ages.
    Also I've read that the magnetic poles are shifting too.
    The median temperature of the planet has risen by 2 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880 when recording started. This also means we could be coming out of a small ice age and it may be just be cyclic. Check out the Little Ice Age that lasted from 1300 1850 AD.
    Now what Gore did was propaganda. He stood a great chance from getting rich from global warming by selling carbon credits. Also what happened with CFCs. The ozone layer is self regenerating by uv light splitting the O2 molecules. Well we can debate all day about this stuff, but what we can't debate is that the planet is changing and we can't stop it from happening.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Agreed. Such wanton hubris to think that some one as small as a man could influence something as large as the earth with the infinite number of symbiotic ecosystems. We are still discovering new species every day and all the crazy libs want to whine about are the things becoming extinct!! Stupid delta smelt!!! A two inch fish caused CA to stop pumping water to the entire Juaquin Valley where they grow like 40% of this country's produce!!! Not to mention all the people out of work and starving. Also, the produce has to be imported causing a National Security Risk.....Hellloo?!

    Okay, rant extinguished!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously digressed there...Whheeeewwww!!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    You can keep ranting I will keep agreeing with you. Thanks for the facts man, keep em coming!
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    You can keep ranting I will keep agreeing with you. Thanks for the facts man, keep em coming!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Here's an interesting one showing some hypocrisy: I listen to Sirius Sattelite radio all day. The channel is called The Patriot Channel.(conservative talk radio) 144 on there and 166 on XM. On a certain day every year the treehuggers try to make a symbolic gesture by getting everyone to turn off their lights simultaneously around the globe to save energy, lower the global temp.,etc. blah,blah,blah. This past year, someone was camped out across the street from Al Gore's house in TN. When the proper time came(9PM eastern I think) the observers reported live on the air that his house stayed lit up like he was having a party for 300 people and they were in fact not having a party at all. His monthly power bill is like $24,000!!! Yet he claims that he "offsets" his "energy footprint" with carbon credits. His personal jet is the biggest, least economical jet in the air!! I especially had to laugh when they all flew in(each in their own personal jet) to Helsinki for the "Global Warming Summit" and it SNOWED!!!! What was the energy footprint for all those jets and limosines? There weren't enough limos in the country. They had to round them up from all over Europe!!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Yea, those people stood to make a lot of money selling carbon credits. There is so many differing things said now, that I have no idea what is truth and what is not. Its weird that the magnetic poles are shifting and that stuff is not on the news. Something to eave of 40 miles a year. So much so that Tampa international airport had to shut down to change runway names because they are based on magnetic north.
    Thats quite amazing. There is a pole cycle too. The year is something like every 200,000 years. Its been pretty consistent. We haven't had one in over 780,000 years. So whatever happens, we are all going to parish anyway. There are so many things going on right now that can destroy us without us doing it to ourselves.
  • sweetiekayk
    I just came across this post and it reminded me of my mom. She still has a rotary phone and uses it! Rotary phones still work when power goes out so she keeps it for emergencies. But she did finally get a cell phone last year. My kids were fascinated with the rotary phone with a cord. Hilarious. And speaking of cell phones.....I'm pretty sure basic ones will be gone soon. All smart phones. I have a basic phone right now as a loaner and I hate it. I want my blackberry!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Pretty soon, we may not even have a life to live. Ignorance is bliss. Wish I didn't know what I do.
  • ljbouse
    ljbouse Posts: 129
    Don't know bout the rest of you, but where i am from in indiana, i could only tell you where maybe 3 pay phones are and 1 is where i work and i am not sure if any of them work....lmao!!!
  • ljbouse
    ljbouse Posts: 129
    Pretty soon, we may not even have a life to live. Ignorance is bliss. Wish I didn't know what I do.

    yea i am with you on that one!!!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Anymore ideas guys?
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Anymore ideas guys?

    This post could go on and on if people were adding to the list of things that today's kids won't know about and not merely saying, "Yea, I agree."

    How about: non-motorized things to ride on. Anybody remember the "Big Wheel"?!? Man, there are three kids in my neighborhood with battery powered cars or 4-wheelers.
  • angelsouthernbelle
    angelsouthernbelle Posts: 12 Member
    eight track tapes, wood burning stoves, metal roller skates that attach to shoes, webble wobble toys. oh and mr. bill cartoon.
    i agree it's sad... oh i forgot one more .. fist fights ... because it is just too easy for them to bring guns to school.
  • angelsouthernbelle
    angelsouthernbelle Posts: 12 Member
    i loved the big wheel
  • angelsouthernbelle
    angelsouthernbelle Posts: 12 Member
    Drive in's are another one