Not seeing much of a difference in body/weight!

Hey there everyone!

So over a month ago, I decided to do a clean eating fad diets, just healthy, good old clean eating. Before that, I was doing the Atkins diet and I went from 153 to 148. Of course, when I went from counting carbs to calories, I went back up to 153, which I had already expected would happen. The first two weeks of the diet I was doing pretty well, just a cheat day at the end of the week, and eating minimally processed foods. Afterwards, I went full-on no processed foods, except for the whole wheat bread I eat sometimes in the morning. Now, I don't know if I'm being a little impatient, but I feel as though the scale has YET to move!! It goes down...and then goes back up to 148 and I just keep fluctuating between 146 and 148!! This is extremely frustrating as I had the same problem on the atkins diet! I tried to figure out what I was doing wrong but I can't find anything. I haven't had a cheat day since I first started the diet, I get my full servings of protein, fats, and carbs, and stay with 1200-1400 calories a day, depending if I did strength training or not. With exercise, I try to work out about 4 times a week with either 45 minutes of cardio if I'm too sore to do weights or some full-body strength training 3 times a week. However, I do spend a good majority of the time at home right now since i'm taking online classes and the weather is a little off and on, so I don't know if I should be walking around more? My workouts consist of youtube videos I do, and once or twice a week I'll go take a walk around town. I could really use some advice! Thank you!:)


  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    It can take a month or so before you see results, so just be patient and keep doing what you're doing. Is the exercise new? Any time you start a new exercise routine (or significantly increase one you're already doing), you can see some water retention, which could be masking any losses. Are you taking measurements as well as weighing? You'll have weeks when you lose inches only, weeks when you lose pounds only, weeks with both and weeks with neither. If you haven't lost any pounds yet but are losing inches, that still counts as progress!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    How much are you trying to lose? Sounds like you've gone from 153 to 146/148 which is 5-7 pounds in a little over a month? 1 pound a week is a great average. Perhaps you just need more consistency. Stick with it.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Double post. I'm not awake yet.
  • fittoday14
    fittoday14 Posts: 128
    How long have you been on your non-atkins diet?
  • jabbajuice
    jabbajuice Posts: 17
    In total, I'm trying to lose about 30 Ibs, but I've been trying to lose about 2 ibs a week since I've always had a problem staying on a long-term weight-loss plan for over two months! I actually haven't measured myself D: So you're right, I could probably be losing inches. I guess from looking at my body I'm not really seeing a difference. I've been on my new diet for a over a month now.
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    Try not to be as aggressive with wanting to see a deficit each week of more than 1 lb, be more patient. I can say this, because I was you once. I did the aggressive weight loss and lost 20 lbs in 2 months (went from 150 in January of 2010 to 119 by July; saw biggest loss in April and May due to a crazy schedule, eating 1200 calories a day and no working-out). It was awesome! But short lived... I only learned how to lose the weight and not maintain the weight loss back then. So when I stopped being so aggressive, I started gaining, and It got even worst. I learned that I lost all my lean muscle back then, not just the fat; so my metabolism was shot and still is. Try to look at the reasons for why you are wanting to lose weight and be more conscious about those reasons. Stop obsessing with the scale, and get focused on the inches and long-term lifestyle you want to achieve. Trust me! Its hard... And I know it, because I too want instant results now. But we have to realize we didn't put the weight on over-night, so we can't take it off over-night either.
  • xToniBx
    xToniBx Posts: 27
    Before i lost 5 pounds in one week, then it gets harder every week but it will get easier, before you know it, you'll notice you've lost weight. Im trying to loose 1 pound every week or 2 pounds. I just do more walking everyday, eat healthy and sit ups before bed.
    Just try forget about it, dont worry about it, clear your mind, eat what you are eating and exercise and it will work, hopefully quick. People told me to be patient yesterday when i asked about it