Disney Vacation??

don't know why I'm so concerned when I'm not even going until march, but oh well gotta be prepared! I am going on vacation to walt disney world in march, however I have not cheated in 8 months.. I do have planned cheats when I go to disney.. I'm thinking one sweet treat a day, so I can use it as fuel when I go workout later in the evening. I plan to prep my meals at our vacation home for the week and bring them with me so that way I can stay on track without adding on any un-needed fat. My dad can't eat very much due to his gastric bypass so theirs really no point in eating out. however my question is, I'm just concerned that after this vacation I will fall back into old habits. I have a little more than 3 more till my year mark and I am currently putting on muscle mass, so when I start cutting 3 weeks out of my year mark, I'll be able to have that transformation picture I've always wanted. Once I hit my year mark I plan to go on maintenance… should I start incorporating cheat meals once a week? I personally just see no value in those foods, however I've noticed my cravings getting a bit stronger lately. I'm just not sure how to get past the whole its okay in moderation thing, plus when do I cheat?! idk I probably sounds retarded, but its been on my mind, so I just thought I'd see if I could get any tips or pointers!


  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    We're going in September, with the full dining plan. I don't plan on tracking anything and will eat whatever I want. Worst case, I put on a few lbs and will take it back off within a few weeks of returning. Meanwhile I'll enjoy my vacation and all the great food they have to offer.

    Don't over think it. Work your plan between now and then, and again when you get back. Just enjoy yourself.
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    I don't have any kind of regular cheats. If a special occasion comes up, I allow myself to indulge a little and go over my deficit, but I don't go all crazy. I don't think I've even gone beyond Maintenance calories on any indulgence day. Cheating means something different to most people, so it kind of depends what you mean by cheat.

    That said, go and enjoy Disney. Allow yourself a treat if you want one. Don't have one if you don't want one. Remind yourself it's a special trip and not a complete fall off the progress train.
  • MknAllKindsOfGains
    There is definetely no harm in having a cheat snack once a while on vacation, its a holiday, enjoy your holiday. I'd have no worries of you going into your old habbit, you seem dedicated.I think you should just enjoy your holiday and if that involves eating junk food every so often that is okay,only if you're reallly craving it though :p
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    I agree with others...go and enjoy yourself.
    You're at Disney so you'll be doing lots and lots of walking. You will be able to afford the odd treat.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Remember you'll be walking a LOT (unless you spend hours standing in lines for the popular rides). You may burn more calories than usual.

    When I travel I'm a little more relaxed but I make sure that when I eat something that I ordinarily wouldn't indulge in at home, it's something I really love. That cuts out most of the usual junk food. If you stick to your usual healthy habits, walk around a lot and choose one indulgence per day you should be fine.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    We're going in September, with the full dining plan. I don't plan on tracking anything and will eat whatever I want. Worst case, I put on a few lbs and will take it back off within a few weeks of returning. Meanwhile I'll enjoy my vacation and all the great food they have to offer.

    Don't over think it. Work your plan between now and then, and again when you get back. Just enjoy yourself.

    This is exactly what I did for my cruise last year. Enjoy yourself!
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    We did Disneyland a month ago and I didn't gain any weight. I ate anything and everything but we also walked a lot. According to my Fitbit we averaged over 20 000 steps a day (we also have 2 young kids so could have easily done much more if it were just my husband and I). Just log all your food as best as you can and enjoy! It's literally one week (or whatever), you can get back on track when you go home.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Do you believe that if you have treats at disney it will unleash a crazy old you that has worked hard to not eat treats? If not, and really you are just concerned that a week of treats will be bad for you then I'd suggest you chill the hell out. One week isn't going to undo 8 months of good hard work. Enjoy yourself, its feakin disney.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    OP - there is no joy in your post about what should be a fun vacation.
    Think you have lost a bit of perspective to be honest. It's great to be driven and have a goal but this seems over the top to me.

    " should I start incorporating cheat meals once a week?" - Who are what are you cheating?
    "I personally just see no value in those foods" - Why would you eat foods you don't enjoy or value? Or do you feel guilty about eating foods you enjoy?
    I don't even understand "those foods". Why are foods you eat when losing weight different to foods at maintenance or foods you eat for pleasure?

    Hope this might help you to see there is a different way to enjoy vacations and food....
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    We went to Disney last year. We paid for "club level" for the hotel. They had in the lobby all day every day fresh fruit and veggies, continental breakfast type stuff, they'd have little something's for lunch and dinner - pork sliders, or chicken satay. Not lots of it - just for hors deuvres (sp?). AND it was free.

    Also, if you go to restaurants or any of the places in the park, order a kids meal and split it with someone. I think once we went to some stand that was "in park" - the Friar's nook (I think) - and we ordered 3 kids meals for 2 adults and 2 kids (9 and 6), and it was plenty.

    You can always take a snack bag with you into the park with protein bars, peanut butter crackers, etc.
  • SteveyBrule
    SteveyBrule Posts: 171 Member
    Remember you'll probably be burning a lot of calories. I went in December and we logged 11 miles/day!
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I say, enjoy your vacation. I know we walked a lot when we went, and I didn't gain when we were there, despite eating all the things and not logging anything (this was pre-MFP).

    As for "cheat" meals - I put it in quotes because my philosophy is that there's no such thing as cheating. If I want some cake or ice cream or gummi bears, I plan for it and enjoy it.
  • qmmanager69
    qmmanager69 Posts: 71 Member
    We plan our "cheats" as a family by picking one thing we all love and splitting it. That way you get the satisfaction of the cheat, but only eat a quarter of the treat.
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member

    As for "cheat" meals - I put it in quotes because my philosophy is that there's no such thing as cheating. If I want some cake or ice cream or gummi bears, I plan for it and enjoy it.

    I agree with this. I do try to eat the things that I know are better choices most of the time. But I wouldn't pass up a Mickey Mouse ice cream sandwich!
  • gieshagirl
    gieshagirl Posts: 102 Member
    several of the parks have 100% frozen fruit bars! they are great without super guilt! also one had choc. covered bananas! (I go every year in the spring. are you going during spring break?
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    First, I am SO jealous! Disney is our favorite place!

    Second, when we went last year we had the regular Dining Plan. We really only ate the 1 quick service and 1 sit-down meal a day and sometimes the snack and that was enough food for us all. We were too busy to eat anymore. And with all the walking you do there I say enjoy all the delicious goodies to the max!
  • jfubar13
    jfubar13 Posts: 11 Member
    Last time I was there I took a pedometer and was averaging 10miles a day walking. Enjoy the happiest place on earth :)
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    We went last year and walked sooo much we actually lost weight! :laugh: We ate homemade Mickey waffles and bacon every morning in our condo, then I would pack up turkey wraps, slim jims, etc for us to snack on while we were at the parks. For lunch the 4 of us would share a huge Turkey leg, or a couple hot dogs and fries....but to be honest during the day were were so busy going from ride to ride, we didn't want to take the time to sit and eat a huge meal.

    What worked for us was having our big meal at dinner. Our favorite thing to do was go to Mexico in Epcot and chow down on a huge plate of nachos and drink cold beer! :laugh: YUM!!

    I would't worry about gaining at all...its vacation!! Have fun!! :drinker:
  • halfpintpeggy
    halfpintpeggy Posts: 64 Member
    When you visit Disney World you will be doing soooo much walking that you won't have to worry about those extra calories. My guess is that you'll probably be doing some swimming too! Don't stress about it, go & enjoy your vacation.
  • pinkteenweightloss13
    thanks everyone! i plan to enjoy myself and just let loose while making some healthy choices! I'm not gonna be super strict! heck its disney! can't pass up some good disney food! --as for the negative comments, I'm not "pathetic" thank you. I'm just enjoy fitness, its me v.s me. I plan to compete in figure in a few years.. its a passion. Im not worried about temporary weight gain either. I know my body very well!