Is walking a legitimate exercise?



  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    Calorie defecit and walking as my main exercise - works for me so yes, I class it as legitimate exercise :)
  • carfanman
    carfanman Posts: 271 Member
    Anyone who mocks walking as an exercise I think is just uninformed.

    If you have some pounds to lose really all it takes is adding a morning walk to your routine and paying attention to your calories. You don't have to break a sweat to be exercising, your aerobic range includes heart rates that are not going to make you pant and sweat.

    Most weight I have ever lost in a short time I lost doing nothing for exercise but walking.

  • Sharon5913
    Sharon5913 Posts: 134 Member
    YES!!! nuff said. :glasses:
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    No. Do proper exersice, unless it's walking up hills or power-walking. They have their place.

  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    For me there are two types of walking:

    Unconsious walking: The walking I do in my day to day life - the slow mundane walking to my car, walking around my workplace and around the supermarket. ect etc. This I do not count as exercisedoesnt make me break a sweat or challange me in anyway.
    Consious Walking: The walking I do that is out of the ordinary - the quick paced walking like when I walk up the canal or around the nature reserve or up the hills in the peak district. This I do count as exercise because by the time I get back to my car, I am hot, sweaty and my muscles are anywhere between slightly achey or screaming.

    I've lost the majority of my weight through walking. Since it works for me, I couldnt really give a flying doughnut if someone tells me its not an legitimate exercise and I should be doing <insert exercise here>.

    Find what works for you, if you enjoy walking and you are losing weight stick with it.
  • BeckyMBisMe
    BeckyMBisMe Posts: 215 Member
    walking vs sitting on your a&& = exercise vs nonexercise
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Everyone has their opinion on this, and I think sometimes that opinion comes from where people are in their health journey. For me, I categorize walking as an activity, but not exercise. It's there with house cleaning and gardening. Those are activities, not exercise. But, that's just me. Don't worry about other people and do what you want. I go for walks sometimes. There are mental benefits to walking.

    Just curious - what is your definition of exercise and what would preclude walking from it?
  • jmcnealy
    jmcnealy Posts: 28 Member
    if you're in it to lose weight or improve your cardio health, then any little bit helps. I think the problem is people tend to over-exaggerate how much they are working out. I suggest getting a pedometer that sync with MFP (like fitbit, etc). I hardly have to ever track anything and all my walking/running/jogging counts automatically. You'd be surprised how much "walking" you do cleaning the house, or taking the dogs outside, or doing yardwork. it all counts. just don't go overboard, if you walk a mile, don't say you've walked 45 minutes uphill. be honest with yourself. :)
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Nice try? I am being genuine... I truly don't know the difference, and am a little confused as to why walking wouldn't be considered exercise...
  • jmcnealy
    jmcnealy Posts: 28 Member
    For me there are two types of walking:

    Unconsious walking: The walking I do in my day to day life - the slow mundane walking to my car, walking around my workplace and around the supermarket. ect etc. This I do not count as exercisedoesnt make me break a sweat or challange me in anyway.
    Consious Walking: The walking I do that is out of the ordinary - the quick paced walking like when I walk up the canal or around the nature reserve or up the hills in the peak district. This I do count as exercise because by the time I get back to my car, I am hot, sweaty and my muscles are anywhere between slightly achey or screaming.

    I've lost the majority of my weight through walking. Since it works for me, I couldnt really give a flying doughnut if someone tells me its not an legitimate exercise and I should be doing <insert exercise here>.

    Find what works for you, if you enjoy walking and you are losing weight stick with it.

    i like this thought of conscious and unconscious walking. make sure you're not just always counting the unconscious kind. get out and go for a walk, like previous poster said... has mental benefits too. pick up the pace. try a more challenging route (differences in elevation), or better yet, get out and go hiking, a little climbing. you don't even know you're "working out."
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    Boy I sure hope so, because if it doesn't then the 70+ pounds I've lost walking and eating right are a lie.

  • KatiePapaya
    As someone who uses walking as cardio, yes, it is. However, I only count it if I'm going fast enough to work up a sweat etc. I have a scarily accurate pedometer; at my fastest (4.5-5mph) I can easily burn up to 300 calories a walk...:drinker:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Nice try? I am being genuine... I truly don't know the difference, and am a little confused as to why walking wouldn't be considered exercise...

    It's exercise. Like any other exercise it has it's place and benefits.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    It's exercise. Like any other exercise it has it's place and benefits.

    I agree 100%. I'm just curious about other's justification for saying it isn't.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    As someone who uses walking as cardio, yes, it is. However, I only count it if I'm going fast enough to work up a sweat etc. I have a scarily accurate pedometer; at my fastest (4.5-5mph) I can easily burn up to 300 calories a walk...:drinker:
    Yeah whenever I walk my dogs it's definitely exercise. We walk FAST! Also walking up and down the stairs several times a day at work helps me burn extra calories as well (3rd floor of a big office building). I don't record any of my exercise in MFP but walking, running, rowing, lifting weights, etc are all legitimate exercise.
  • sissym2004
    My doctor said walking 30 minutes a day is what he wants me to do.I am close to 80 so anything is a blessing to me.When I was younger sure I speeded it up but now at least I'm not a couch potato and I admire anyone who does anything to feel better and enjoy
    better health.:flowerforyou:
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    It's exercise. Like any other exercise it has it's place and benefits.

    I agree 100%. I'm just curious about other's justification for saying it isn't.
    Because they're not walking far enough, fast enough, or with any resistance and they assume everyone walks like a turtle.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    It's exercise. Like any other exercise it has it's place and benefits.

    I agree 100%. I'm just curious about other's justification for saying it isn't.

    I just put that in the same category as the "running will make you a woman" trash talk from the anti-running part of the bodybuilding community. It's trash talk and nothing more.