As you get older, do you find yourself...



  • ThisCharmingFellow
    ThisCharmingFellow Posts: 132 Member
    If you find yourself settling, rethink it.

    LIfe is too short for "meh"


    I had settled for several things over recent years. A couple of months on MFP and everything is just so different, it's as though I am alive again. I was happy with life but now I am even more happy with life. Hopefully the future will be even better.
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    I'm too ambitious to settle.

    Sometimes, I do settle for just giving him a bj instead of the whole hour ordeal...I mean, sleep is way more important these days.:drinker:
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    Are you a life coach? just think maybe I'm hitting some form of a mid-life crisis, just a little early :sad: I am thoroughly enjoying reading everyone's comments and to the woman who met/married the love of her life at made me cry :heart: in a good way lol
  • Star_1234
    Star_1234 Posts: 123 Member
    For awhile I did, and then I woke up and realized that this was not the life I wanted for myself. I only have one shot at this thing so I have to be bold and brave and take more risks.

    Relationships - I got rid of the people who were pulling me down and kept the ones that really mattered.

    Body - I joined the gym and set out to start a whole new lifestyle. 6 months later I'm 35 pounds less and stronger than I have ever been in my life and so very happy with my new lifestyle.

    Job - I starting becoming more focused on personal/professional growth, advancing my skills and knowledge. It's a work in progress.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    No, but I find my priorities changing. It may look like settling to other people, but I'm finding my priorities are lining up with what I actually enjoy rather than what other people think I should enjoy. I work a job that probably sounds boring but I like the people and like the flexibility.


    I worked my way up to a "career" position and was absolutely miserable, it affected every area of my life. I now have a stable office job with benefits and loads of downtime (hence thousands of posts on this forum and Pinterest pins, LOL). I am so happy and in my evenings and weekends and vacations, I can truly enjoy all of my passions in life and be present for the people I love. It's awesome.
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    Are you a life coach? just think maybe I'm hitting some form of a mid-life crisis, just a little early :sad: I am thoroughly enjoying reading everyone's comments and to the woman who met/married the love of her life at made me cry :heart: in a good way lol

    Read "Eat, Pray, Love" one too many times?

    LOL!! maybe i should?? tried to read it once and hated it...watched the movie instead, but that kinda blew too :)
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Actually, I find myself doing the complete opposite..I find myself more motivated to keep getting better in all areas of my life. =)

    I do the same thing.... I've waited and worked this long to get exactly what I want, why give in now and settle??
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Not in the least.

    At 53 I left my high paying, high bonus job to start my own engineering firm. I became profitable in just 1-year (after buying over $200k in lab equipment, 5 trucks, etc.) and just hired my 9th employee.

    Although I am working my *kitten* off, my only regret is I waited too long to start it.

    Make time for the important things. Use what time is left for the little things.