Only one in family wanting to make the change! HELP.



  • bciloveme2014
    bciloveme2014 Posts: 213 Member
    Portion size is really the way to go. I am the main chef in the house so I make sure we always have veggies with dinner so I can load up on that. I try and save calories during the day and really be sensible then so there isn't a huge difference between us at dinner. Plus I can decide if we eat less pizza and more chicken breast with broccoli. My family doesn't seem to mind because it isn't "diet" food at all, we eat regular stuff just less on the lasagna. I always make sure there is protein so no one feels deprived. My husband is big on meat so we eat a lot of lean meats. Plus loading stuff with other flavor, like over loading, helps with less fat, like I use lean ground turkey or beef and put in tons of herbs, garlic, stuff like that when I make burgers. My husband prefers it.


    I had that problem for years but I started to replace the beef for turkey meat, regular pasta for whole wheat or vegetable pasta, etc. also still eating pizza but 2 slices the max. You can still eating everything but with smaller portions and logging everything.
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    I haven't read thru all the responses, but my suggestion would be to exercise portion control and eat the same meal you prepare for your family, maybe fix extra veggies for yourself (to help fill you up a little more while adjusting to smaller portions). Also, try to have some "healthier' snacks available...that way when the family has a bowl of chips for snack time, you have a "better" (more filling, less calories) substitute (or eat a little less of the family snack)....My family isn't down the same path as me, but hubby is trying to be as supportive as possible, so he tries to be more flexible in the meals we eat.
  • dbucshon141
    Its not about being over weight its about being healthy.dont buy diet food buy healthy food and just make one meal. Dont feel guilty.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Don't make others responsible for your successes and failures.
  • ceceg13
    ceceg13 Posts: 25 Member
    I completely understand your situation. Thank God my family has decided to join me this time around. I see everyone saying portion control is key and it definitely is. But for me the problem wasn't my portion control, it was the snacks and junk laying around in the house. I would feel so proud of myself for eating a "good" dinner but then an hour or two later I was going through our snack bin. So when it comes to that area you just have to find what works for you. My loophole at that time was buying snacks for myself that I enjoyed just as much as the regular stuff. Baked chips in single serving baggies, skinny cow ice creams, fiber one brownies. I would pre-plan my meals for the next day and give myself some wiggle room for a snack after dinner. So while the hubby ate his Ben & Jerry's I had my skinny cow cookie dough ice cream bar...and I was happy with that. So I say portion control is key, load up on veggies and lighten up on all the carbs, and find your loophole to not feel deprived while everyone else is enjoying their snacks and stuff.