I must pay attention to foods!

Have you ever noticed some foods make you feel heavier, some foods fill you up quicker, while some foods you just plain overeat?

I have never ever ever been a breakfast person, and probably won't be. I'm just not hungry when I get up, and usually I crave a coffee anyways :) However, when I do eat, there's certain things that will keep me full and going, and others that just feel like I'm eating air lol.

So I'm taking careful inventory of how foods react with me. I overeat on carbs, and feel incredibly full and bloated after wards. Drinking lots of water de-bloats me (if that's even a word, LOL). Vegetables and fruits make me happy, full, give me energy, and make my skin feel great.

Does anyone else have similar experiences with food?


  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    These are great observations and the "notes" section in the food diary would be a great place to record this. I can't say I'm diligent enough that I pay attention to these things, but I know its true.

    For example, one I *have* noticed (not with any intentionality though) is that pizza does NOT fill me up at all. I can eat an entire take-out pizza and be hungry again 2 hours later. I don't know why though. However, a bowl and a half of cereal can do me in. Weird, huh?

    If I ever feel like being retentive enough, I"ll start tracking these things. :-)
  • Artistmom
    Oh yeah. If I eat too much sugar, I get hot flashes, I don't sleep as well, I get hungry faster. I have been following a low carbohydrate diet for the past 8 months and definitely feel better. I need to focus on eating more veggies. I like them, but in the cold weather, they just don't appeal to me as much (eww a salad for lunch?) I know, I know, I should be eating more salads. One thing I can say about the low carb is that I eat more protein and I just don't get hungry. My cholesterol dropped 20 points too, even with eating eggs and bacon.

    One thing about cutting out sugar (and that means pasta, rice, bread, etc) I don't crave it the way i used to! Funny how many people don't realize what food does to your body (good or bad!!)

    Breakfast: I drink a nutritional supplement in the morning and I add a scoop of protein powder. So if you're not a morning breakfast eater, that may be a good alternative. It will give you body the protein it needs first thing in the morning.

    Good luck with your food adventure!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I am considering decreasing the carbs. I know, I know, many people on here will say this is terrible and I should NOT do it, but all I can say is it has worked for me in the past. I didn't do a crash diet or restrict carbs altogether, but I did cut out breads, cereals, grains quite a bit, and felt a whole lot more energetic and less bloated.