Help please!!

Ok about a year ago I weighed almost 300 I lost 56 pounds I got to a stopping point where I lost nothing for several weeks I got discouraged moved away from the gym and now live in the country.. My weight went back up to 270.. I cant describe that feeling but I am determined to go at this again..ive been walking daily and staying in a calorie intake of 1200 -1400.. Ive lost 7 pounds in a little over 2weeks.. this past week I really watched my eating and did walking almost daily..fri being my weigh in day I stepped on the scales and was excited to see my loss..well... didn't happen.. the scales say I gained 6 ounces..what!!! omg I do not want to get discouraged but I did... :( but im determined not to give up..any suggestions???


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. Unfortunately, sometimes we do everything right and don't see a drop on the scale due to various factors. It's really common for people to see a large drop in the first couple of weeks and then stall for a short while. My guess is that after the large initial loss your body is equalizing and you'll see the scale move in the right direction again soon.
  • purcel
    purcel Posts: 34 Member
    In the last 6 months, my weight has fluctuated a lot, day to day, week to week but that's why I look at averages. You may stay the same some weeks or gain one week and lose other weeks just keep going no matter what!. Just think in three weeks (just judging time from your post) you lost 2.3 pounds a week! that's great and above average! You can do it! don't get discouraged. this is long haul type of stuff.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    My suggestion is to just keep plugging away. It could have been up just from something you ate the day before even though you stayed within you calorie limits. Sodium is bad thing in large doses. I can't see your diary but I suggest you pay close attention to your sodium intake. Processed foods have a ton of it in them so watch that.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Ok about a year ago I weighed almost 300 I lost 56 pounds I got to a stopping point where I lost nothing for several weeks I got discouraged moved away from the gym and now live in the country.. My weight went back up to 270.. I cant describe that feeling but I am determined to go at this again..ive been walking daily and staying in a calorie intake of 1200 -1400.. Ive lost 7 pounds in a little over 2weeks.. this past week I really watched my eating and did walking almost daily..fri being my weigh in day I stepped on the scales and was excited to see my loss..well... didn't happen.. the scales say I gained 6 ounces..what!!! omg I do not want to get discouraged but I did... :( but im determined not to give up..any suggestions???

    7lbs in two weeks is great.
    Gaining a few ounces isn't anything to fret over either. My birthday was last weekend, and I "gained" over 5lbs over the course of that weekend. Water weight happens. Weight loss isn't linear. The initial drop is going to be huge, and as your body gets accustomed to the changes, the losses become more gradual.

    I would say to continue what you're doing. Weight is going to fluctuate every day due to water and a number of factors. I'd suggest not getting too hung up on the number (especially down to the ounces). I'd also suggest taking measurements. I've found those to be a very accurate gauge of my progress, even when my losses for a week are small.