New (Again!)

So I'm taking the plunge (again!) to be serious about being healthy again. I underwent a partial hysterectomy about a year ago resulting in my hormones drastically changing and an unexpected weight gain. Yes, I know not all of it was due to the surgery, however, I am know that it did play a factor and is playing a factor in my success. Has anyone else gone through this type of surgery? I plan to see my Dr soon for hormone and thyroid testing and any supplements she recommends for me. For now, I want to do my part with exercise and eating better.

Started T25 a few weeks ago. Eating cleaner and cutting back on sugar and dairy. I've seen my weight go up a little since starting. I understand that I'll gain some with muscle but I was under the impression that with 50lbs to lose that I would see some drop but nothing :(

This is the first time I've ever put something like this "out there" so I'm hoping this helps motivate me and not give up, despite my results so far. I'm excited and hopeful to be at my goal but it's definitely scary and frustrating at times, too.


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It's really, really common to see a stall or slight gain on the scale when you start a new exercise program, especially something intense like T25. That's because our bodies flood sore muscles with extra fluid to help cushion and repair them, which can mask any fat loss that's happening.

    You mention that you're eating cleaner, but I don't see a mention of your calorie goal. Are you tracking your foods and staying within your calorie goals? I ask because a lot of people think that eating clean will automatically lead to weight loss. Unfortunately, it's possible to gain or maintain even on the cleanest diet in the world if you're not at a calorie deficit.

    If you haven't come across them yet, I always recommend starting with these links:

    And then read these when you're ready to take your logging accuracy to the next step:
  • TRACYS2785
    TRACYS2785 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you, Dianne. I'll take a look at those links.

    To answer your question, I am staying within my calories (currently 1200-1450 depending on exercise). I'm utilizing the MFP food/exercise diary for every morsel put in my mouth. If anything, I'm a little conservative at times and "charge" myself a few more if I don't think it's quite right.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Thank you, Dianne. I'll take a look at those links.

    To answer your question, I am staying within my calories (currently 1200-1450 depending on exercise). I'm utilizing the MFP food/exercise diary for every morsel put in my mouth. If anything, I'm a little conservative at times and "charge" myself a few more if I don't think it's quite right.

    Great! It sounds like you're on the right track!
  • QueenGolden1
    QueenGolden1 Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome back, I'm new again too, hopefully I can stay motivated this time
  • TRACYS2785
    TRACYS2785 Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome back, I'm new again too, hopefully I can stay motivated this time

    I agree! I tend to give up too easy. Good luck!
  • Audrea23
    Audrea23 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm right there with you! A few years ago I lost about 60 pounds or so...and of course still wasn't happy with my progress. Since then I've managed to gain it back, lost some, and gain even more of it back then before. This up and down has put me at a weight and size I didn't think I was capable of getting too, and what's pre-diabetes has morphed into actual diabetes.

    I KNOW that I need to get this weight off, and at least back down to where I was a year ago. I don't have children yet, but me and the new hubby are planning to start trying within the next couple of months. Pre-existing glucose problems entering a pregnancy is definitely not favorable...

    My problem-CONSISTENCY & MOTIVATION! I am a great starter, but a horrible finisher! I always start the journey, simply to stop, give up, or regress back to old habits. I'm not sure how to really improve that, as it's an internal mechanism.

    I'd love to do this with the support of my husband...but when you both have a sweet tooth and desire for junk food, it's a little challenging LOL

    I guess we're all in this together though...
  • TRACYS2785
    TRACYS2785 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm right there with you! A few years ago I lost about 60 pounds or so...and of course still wasn't happy with my progress. Since then I've managed to gain it back, lost some, and gain even more of it back then before. This up and down has put me at a weight and size I didn't think I was capable of getting too, and what's pre-diabetes has morphed into actual diabetes.

    I KNOW that I need to get this weight off, and at least back down to where I was a year ago. I don't have children yet, but me and the new hubby are planning to start trying within the next couple of months. Pre-existing glucose problems entering a pregnancy is definitely not favorable...

    My problem-CONSISTENCY & MOTIVATION! I am a great starter, but a horrible finisher! I always start the journey, simply to stop, give up, or regress back to old habits. I'm not sure how to really improve that, as it's an internal mechanism.

    I'd love to do this with the support of my husband...but when you both have a sweet tooth and desire for junk food, it's a little challenging LOL

    I guess we're all in this together though...

    I agree, Audrea! I start strong and once I mess up, I throw in the towel! One of the problems I used to have was when I'd hit my calories for the day, I'd stop tracking figuring "why bother" when I was already over. This time around, I feel stronger about my goal than I have before (I'm by far at my largest weight ever). I keep reminding myself that I want my goal more than I want say, that ice cream. There is a fight, trust me! Good luck to you! Maybe we can bounce motivation and accountability off each other!
  • tomee638
    tomee638 Posts: 64
    Hey, T25 is a great program. I've worked it most the way through Alpha phase so far. I love Shaun T which is why I chose this program after I finished Insanity. I needed something less serious to just keep working cause I'm going on a couple week vacation soon.

    If you're interested in a Facebook support group, we have a group of nearly 500 people doing these at home workouts and people are constantly posting updates. Feel free to friend me either way and let me know if you're interested.

    - Josh
  • I'm doing the Brazilian Butt Lift, there are MANY programs though T25 is one of them, and joined a challenge group at the end of April. It has kept me accountable, motivated me, inspired me, and given great clean eating tips/recipes. Because I saw so much success I decided I would start hosting challenge groups. Let me know if you are interested! Promise if you follow meals and complete the workouts, you WILL see change!