Any women out there getting fit before baby?



  • ceceg13
    ceceg13 Posts: 25 Member
    I tell people this all the of my reasons for losing weight is to be fit before I have a baby. I can just imagine gaining more weight on top of what I have and feeling extra tired and fatigued.....yea no thxs!
  • SarahZFeig
    SarahZFeig Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! Healthier mom = healthier baby! Hopefully the healthy habits will carry after the pregnancy and will help with the weight loss after baby #1. My mom's still blaming me for her pregnancy weight 27 years later!
  • We are also looking at getting pregnant within the year. i wanted to get a healthy lifestyle going before hand. I'm doing the Brazilian Butt Lift, there are MANY programs though, and joined a challenge group at the end of April. It has kept me accountable, motivated me, inspired me, and given great clean eating tips/recipes. Because I saw so much success I decided I would start hosting challenge groups. Let me know if you are interested! These are PROVEN to work programs with money back guarantee at the end of 30 days if you don't see results. I promise if you follow meals and complete the workouts, you WILL see change! I also know people that have joined these groups and followed the plans that have gotten pregnant, after trying for months-years, within a few weeks-months of doing this because they changed their lifestyle to HEALTHY.
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    I am!

    I've never had a baby and I've never been all that overweight, but I'm working on my body before my husband and I try to get pregnant early next year. It's bittersweet - on one hand, the better shape you're in before pregnancy, the easier it'll be to get back into shape afterward (provided you don't completely throw all of your new habits out the window while pregnant) and a healthier me means a healthier baby. On the other hand, I'll have a nice body and then my bad genes will kick in and I'll have loose skin and stretch marks that will prevent me from ever getting as tight as I'll be right before I get pregnant. I know that right after the birth, I'll think, "Well, there goes all that work!" But I want kids, so all I can do is try to be as fit and healthy as I can beforehand, maintain that level of fitness throughout pregnancy, and then get right back at it as soon as the baby is out.

    I'm pretty much in this boat. Not trying to lose, but want to be as physically fit and healthy as possible before baby.
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    One of my reasons for losing weight, alongside being healthier and avoiding preventable disease is to have a healthy pregnancy and recover quicker after pregnancy, so feel free to add me!

    I have a 4 year old at the min and plan to start trying maybe later this year. Would be amazing if I could be goal weight by then, but I've still got 22lb to go, so not realistic!

    I'm also very worried about pilling the weight I worked so hard to lose during pregnancy.
  • cjames010
    cjames010 Posts: 86 Member
    I am trying to get healthy before baby! I have a four year old. It took us about 6 years of trying to get pregnant. I don't know if I'll ever get pregnant again--I'm in my 40s. But I sure hope so.
  • ashleeei
    ashleeei Posts: 35
    I am. Had a start weight of 190 and am currently 159. Really trying to get to at least 140 before trying although I don't know if it's possible as I plan to have a IUD removed in about a month.. I've never been as committed as I am now so I am hoping to lose as much as possible in the next month and am starting 30 day shred today. Also currently have no kids.
  • Chaskavitch
    Chaskavitch Posts: 172 Member
    I am!

    I've never had a baby and I've never been all that overweight, but I'm working on my body before my husband and I try to get pregnant early next year. It's bittersweet - on one hand, the better shape you're in before pregnancy, the easier it'll be to get back into shape afterward (provided you don't completely throw all of your new habits out the window while pregnant) and a healthier me means a healthier baby. On the other hand, I'll have a nice body and then my bad genes will kick in and I'll have loose skin and stretch marks that will prevent me from ever getting as tight as I'll be right before I get pregnant. I know that right after the birth, I'll think, "Well, there goes all that work!" But I want kids, so all I can do is try to be as fit and healthy as I can beforehand, maintain that level of fitness throughout pregnancy, and then get right back at it as soon as the baby is out.

    I'm pretty much in this boat. Not trying to lose, but want to be as physically fit and healthy as possible before baby.

    I'm glad there are so many other people in this same situation :) I'm not really overweight, but I want to be in the best shape I can be before we start. We are going to Costa Rica in November, so that is also a factor in my wanting to be in shape, but that's also my last cutoff. I absolutely don't want to be pregnant on my first beach vacation, but after that, all bets are off :) Just this morning, though, my husband said "I almost don't want to have kids, I don't want your body to change because I like it so much the way it is. But, really, I do really want kids..." Yet another reason to be in good shape going into pregnancy.
  • I am trying to lose some weight before having #3. It's not coming off as easily this time. My children are 5 and 10 months. Feel free to add me :)
  • tink989
    tink989 Posts: 10
    I love this post! I was overweight when I had my daughter 2 years ago and worried everyday that I wouldn't get a cute baby bump. Thankfully I did get a cute bump, but now that my hubby and I are trying for baby 2 I am trying to loose some weight. I am doing it for myself but I want to ensure I will have a healthy pregnancy.

    Add me ladies!
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    We've been TTC for a year now. In the mean time I'm trying to get in the best shape possible.
  • daisyellow
    daisyellow Posts: 54 Member
    I also wanted to acknowledge the women who have had trouble conceiving a healthy baby - lots of sticky baby dust for you!!!

    And, thank you, mamas-to-be (and mamas-to-be-again), for being so selfless and taking care of your bodies. :flowerforyou:
  • FrancescaWebb
    FrancescaWebb Posts: 211 Member
    In the same boat over here...miscarried at 6 weeks in March of 2013. Not due to weight, but it definitely inspired me to get as healthy as possible before i get pregnant again. I have PCOS and newly diagnosed hypothyroid.
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    I'm kinda sorta trying. I know being overweight can affect fertility in some people. I was heavier than I am now when I got pregnant with my 5 year old. That pregnancy was beautiful and perfect and normal. No diabetes, no preeclampsia, no problems at all. But this time around, I don't know why I'm having issues getting pregnant. I could be having issues that are beyond my control. But losing weight would eliminate one of those possible issues, so it certainly can't hurt to try.
  • We have been trying since January, but it seems that nursing is keeping #3 at bay ... of course, I want to have as healthy a pregnancy as possible and I definitely need to lose weight in order to accomplish that.
  • trisherbie
    trisherbie Posts: 21 Member
    Yes, most definitely. My husband and I are TTC and at this point my weight is one of the biggest unsuccessful factors. My doctor has asked that I try to get down to 250lbs before looking at other causes of infertility and options :-)
  • cask16
    cask16 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm in! Want to get a solid exercise route in place before getting pregnant

    I'd be interested to see if any guys join this link - my hubs is keen to loose weight before baby too so we can do all the fun running about style things all kids deserve :)