Ladies with THICK legs



  • tattoo06
    tattoo06 Posts: 19 Member
    Just like most of the people on MFP we are all making strides for the body we want... I have descent arms because of my constant workouts, I have gone down from Size b manboobs to a toned A cup. :-) My love handles are still there and I need a lot of toning for my stomach but guess who loves to swim and refuses to not do it because of my outward appearance. You would be surprised how much you are the worst critic you have when your self conscience side shows up. Just be you and all that comes with it. I won't be the last to say your legs are fine but if you don't think so it won't matter who else says it. Think about the lady with no legs or calves (not a joke) then maybe you will love yours a little more.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    I like thick thighs, I cannot lie! :-)

    You look great, and I would say so do your legs. But if you really want to hone them a little try plyometric training.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I like thick thighs, I cannot lie! :-)

    You look great, and I would say so do your legs. But if you really want to hone them a little try plyometric training.

    and kickboxing helps too
  • Madelinec117
    Madelinec117 Posts: 210 Member
    Even in my skinny school days I couldn't wear boots. I inherited my father's muscular legs. The good side is I can sure move a lot of heavy furniture in the house by myself using just my hips.:wink:
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    5'9" with 15.5 calves and 24 thighs. Granted I'm not where I want to be, but I am aware of the fact that with my body shape and musculature that I will never have slimmer legs. Those huge calves of mine are total muscle and the thighs are slowly getting there, but even when I get my body in the shape that I want it to be, I'm still going to have nine kinds of junk in the trunk. I was upset about this when I was younger, but the older I get the more I realize that its not so bad. Sure its tough to rock the skinny jeans and man do I have to be careful buying boots, but wow do I look BAM!!! in a little black dress. Love your body, as you can see there are plenty of other folks who think its awesome, so you should too!

    Edited to add that the extra .5 on my calves came after I started lifting weights. I ain't even mad. :)
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    OP, I think you'll find greater happiness with yourself and your body if you stop worrying about what other people think.

    I have one thin leg and one thick leg, an atrophied left side that is very noticeable and the result of cerebral palsy at birth. It doesn't bother me and I still wear shorts. I consider myself very fortunate. I'm not in a wheelchair and I'm not intellectually impaired. Oh, and I also have 11 half marathon medals.

    I'd suggest you take a few minutes and watch this inspiring video. Chris has a few obstacles that he's overcome, yet he's doing quite well and to me he's a shining example of the importance of self acceptance.
  • 347Gigi
    347Gigi Posts: 99 Member
    I think you are very nicely proportioned. Lovely hourglass figure- legs and all :smile:
  • I like your legs! Actually, they look just like mine! And while we'll never have that bone structure that people with skinny legs do, we can still rock the summer clothes. I promise that nobody is staring (seriously....think about how much you REALLY spend time judging other people wearing shorts). Unless they're checking you out :) A lot of people prefer legs with curves, so ignore the rest! Some of the best compliments I've ever received were how nice or even "sexy" my big "volleyball player" thighs are. So I can't wear those high boots like the skinny legged girls...I can blow them out of the water with my curves though!
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    I like thick thighs, I cannot lie! :-)

    You look great, and I would say so do your legs. But if you really want to hone them a little try plyometric training.

    and kickboxing helps too

    Or you know... weightlifting... without a calorie surplus.
  • I used to be a gymnast, and I still have big thighs and calves. I think you should rock the body your genetics gave you. Squats and heels raises help define the muscle, so you look strong, not fat.

    I'm 5 feet tall, it is what it is. I work out as much as possible. Luckily enough, I have small ankles. But honestly, at least from what I have found (and I'm engaged so I'm not saying this as a single woman who is wishfully thinking) my fiance loves my legs, how strong I am. So I say, embrace yourself.
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    OP, I think you'll find greater happiness with yourself and your body if you stop worrying about what other people think.

    I have one thin leg and one thick leg, an atrophied left side that is very noticeable and the result of cerebral palsy at birth. It doesn't bother me and I still wear shorts. I consider myself very fortunate. I'm not in a wheelchair and I'm not intellectually impaired. Oh, and I also have 11 half marathon medals.

    I'd suggest you take a few minutes and watch this inspiring video. Chris has a few obstacles that he's overcome, yet he's doing quite well and to me he's a shining example of the importance of self acceptance.

    Thank you for the perspective Medalist! It's humbling to be reminded to be thankful for all that our bodies CAN do for us rather than nit-pick the details that are largely inconsequential!
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    And congrats on your 11 finishes!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I like thick thighs, I cannot lie! :-)

    You look great, and I would say so do your legs. But if you really want to hone them a little try plyometric training.

    and kickboxing helps too

    Or you know... weightlifting... without a calorie surplus.

    I know I know...all those squats lunges and them...
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    I know this isn't the answer you're looking for, but I honestly feel like the best way to feel cute in shorts and dresses is to wear shorts and dresses that make you feel cute. I hate my legs; I carry a lot of weight in my thighs (it bunches at my knees, it's effin' awful) and my calves are huge. But I love (LOVE) shorts and dresses, so I wear them anyway.

    It helps to remind myself that no one but me* really cares what I'm wearing, and anyone who is staring for the sake of being judgmental is an probably *kitten* anyway.
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    I have really thick legs, I always have. I refuse to wear shorts even when its 100+ degrees. I am 5'4'' and 159 pounds. My calves are 16.75'' and my thighs are 25 1/2''. I recently lost 24 pounds but my calves haven't changed at all!! I just want to be able to wear shorts and cute summer dresses and feel good in public, hell even in the privacy of my own house. I hate feeling like EVERYONE stares at my GIANT calves! Anyone have any pointers or going through the same thing?

    I am the same way... don't be afraid to wear shorts... thick legs are in style and very attractive especially with a flat stomach. I would show leg with wedges or heels, which makes the muscle sit up higher and look more shapely than with flats.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    My calves have not changed sizes since I've lost body fat because I've also gained muscle. I do a lot of hiking, trail running, and Crossfitting (box jumps, etc.) so I've just learned to embrace the fact that I have powerful legs! They help me do cool stuff! Change your mindset. :flowerforyou:
  • I have always had bigger calves but when I started exercising on a regular basis and losing weight, my calves have slimmed way down!! I did the Eliptical 4-5 days a week and every month made the resistance harder.
  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    Muscle is smaller than fat. Doing strength training will decrease the circumference of both the calf and thigh.

    Why do people say this is true? I have read it about a flat stomach too. If you can't spot reduce, surely, until you lose the fat you are actually making the area bigger by ADDING muscle? So shouldn't the only option for reducing losing more fat? Just confused.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I am 5'2" and have similar leg measurements. I also used to hate my legs. I've always wanted to be able to wear skinny jeans, but can't because they cut off circulation in my calves. Finding knee high boots is pretty much impossible. (I did find some on - they have "wide calf" options - that aren't wide enough, IMO). When I sit down they look humongous!

    Over the last couple years though I've started to appreciate my legs. Sure they're on the big side, but they biked my *kitten* through 90km of mountain trails in one weekend. They help me squat 125 lbs and deadlift 135 lbs (and they're gonna lift heavier!). They can do amazing things.

    Some people don't get to walk/run/bike either because they're missing limbs or are paralyzed. I won't take my legs for granted, and you shouldn't either, no matter what size they are! :flowerforyou:
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Muscle is smaller than fat. Doing strength training will decrease the circumference of both the calf and thigh.

    Why do people say this is true? I have read it about a flat stomach too. If you can't spot reduce, surely, until you lose the fat you are actually making the area bigger by ADDING muscle? So shouldn't the only option for reducing losing more fat? Just confused.

    because it's true but it takes time, diligence and some smart work into it.
    what you said is not quite true, however. Adding muscle is not as easy as we often assume. Temporary increase of size is just the result of muscle swollen and fat layer not going down. It's temporary, just.