High starting weight, slow results

Hello. I am 5ft 8 inches and i weighed 288lbs on 22nd feb. i lost 4.5lbs in the first month, and then 4lbs a month for the other 3 months. I'm pleased to have lost 16lbs so far so i am 272lbs now but i feel like everyone else who started around my weight is seeing much larger improvements? I eat between 1200-1500kcal a day as recommended by my dietician. I am not currently exercising regularly but am walking more, being more active etc. I weigh all my food and know the amount of kcal i am eating. I know 1lb a week is healthy but is it 'normal' for other people around my size? I'm worried if i do get down into the 190lb area that when my weight loss slows it'll be non-existent. Not worried about it taking a few years to get to my goal of 150lbs but am i doing something wrong? Thanks.


  • warrio1010
    warrio1010 Posts: 31 Member
    Ensure that you're counting every calorie that enters your mouth accurately and everyday, as opposed to not counting on weekends and stuff like that. Once that is taken care of then eat the amount of calories for the rate of weigh loss, so if you want to lose 2 lbs a week, eat less. I think you're good at 1% a week, so for you that's over 2lbs a week (check this information I may be wrong).

    Also 300 cals is a big variance so maybe choose 1350 per day or whatever. Also feel free to have a re feed day once a week/ 10 days on which you can add 500 or so calories
  • kirstienom
    kirstienom Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you very much for the response. I do count calories each day but I will aim to stick to a similar number each day with a "re-feed" day and see how it goes :)
  • I feel exactly as you do! Only Starting at 220, counting everything and eating cleaner. I go to the gym like 5 days a week. If you dont mind Id like to stay on here in case someone gives you some more good tips.