50 days weight loss challenge!



  • ElizaVioleta
    ElizaVioleta Posts: 1 Member
    I am in July 15th is my 1 yea anniversary and i been up and down, i'll work out lose weight get lazy or sidetracked and back to the start, but im so tired of hating my body. LETS DO THIS
  • Shihpoonut
    Shihpoonut Posts: 28
    Hello~ This morning I did the Shaun T25 1.0 workout. It was hard and this afternoon I went for a 21 minute walk outside. I want to get more activity into my day but it is hard not to feel tied to my desk when I am at work. I need to have a better plan for my days.
  • AlisonML6
    AlisonML6 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in! This is great and we should all keep each other in check.
  • jaleados
    jaleados Posts: 1
    I love these group challenges and reading about everyone's experiences, both struggles and successes. I've personally been super frustrated with my attempts of weight loss for the past few months. I've been eating clean as possible and exercising more than ever in my life. Still...no weight loss. Actually, I've just gained a few pounds. I'll be the first to admit, I've had a couple nights in the 6 weeks that I've probably had too many glasses of wine but as an overall picture, the lack of any results is not only disappointing, it's confusing.

    I'm considering a two week Dr. Oz diet that sounds pretty simple but I'm worried that losing weight that way is only a short term fix.

    I'd love to hear from anyone with a similar story or potential suggestions. Otherwise, I'm here just to read through all of your posts and soak in all of this positive energy!

    Age - 32
    SW. 162
    CW. 161 - 165
    GW. 140
  • I'm completely in! I gained weight at my last job, and I'd love to partake! Excitement!
  • fabulousmo
    fabulousmo Posts: 41 Member
    I'm getting bored with my meals. What's everyone eating for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks?
  • MancLass
    MancLass Posts: 33 Member
    Day 18 for me; Monday and Tuesday became rest days as I got so tied up at work; I was disappointed to miss the gym and my eating started to slip. But it didn't go completely haywire so I'm going to celebrate that!

    Fabulousmo, today I had Greek yoghurt with blueberries & raspberries and organic muesli for breakfast; then aromatic chicken soup, granary bread and mango for lunch. Will probably have smoked salmon and scrambled eggs for evening meal - AFTER - the gym!!

    Hope everyone else is doing OK.
  • Hi! Are you losing inches? Last time I lost weight on MFP I exercised a lot and I weighed more but was almost as small as I had been 15-20 pounds lighter but wasn't exercising regularly (I hope that made sense!). Please feel free to add me as a friend, we can give each other support, plus our goals are very similar. Until this past weekend I had never really looked at the forums or groups, but out of frustration and lack of motivation I started looking at them, updated my profile. I also opened my diary for friends to view because I can lie to myself about what I put into my mouth but I wouldn't lie to anyone else about it so it keeps me honest. So just by doing those few things and reading about other people's success I am super motivated again and it has shown on the scale! Yay!!
  • The above message was meant for Jaleados:) I tried to reply directly to her post but my message was posted separately from hers, is that just the way replies to messages work or did I do something wrong?
  • Hi everyone! I am new to MFP and love to participate in 50 days weight challenge. :flowerforyou:
  • Shihpoonut
    Shihpoonut Posts: 28
    Hi fabulousmo! This morning (as most mornings) I had steel cut oatmeal with frozen wild blueberries and almond butter and I add a cup of green tea. I eat a lot of the same things and it does get boring. I have been adding in a grande skinny mocha from SBUX for fun!

    This morning I did the Shaun T25 Total Body Workout. It was hard. I did the best that I could. I was sweating heavily and out of breath, but I wonder if that is because it is so much warmer now:laugh: .

    I just got back from a 24 minute walk around my office park. What does everyone else have going on?
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    Hi you all,

    I'm doing 30DS.
    Yesterday I started Level 2 so I took my measurements again and I'm amazed.
    After Level 1 (10 days exercising and eating healthy) I have less 7,3 inches (18,5 cm) in total (neck, bust, waist, navel, hips, both thighs and both calf)!!!

    Edited to say that I only lost 1,3 lbs but i feel so happy!!!

    Kisses to all,
  • Shihpoonut
    Shihpoonut Posts: 28
    Happy Day! I'm back to my weight before I went to California! My friend said that she does not weigh herself the day following a flight because of water retention, etc. I have to agree with her, but I have worked out every day this week and I'm back to healthy eating, so I'm going to give me some credit too :-)

    This morning I did 1/2 of the Jari Love DVD Ripped & Chiseled workout. I focused on lower body training. I like working out with Jari, she is very motivational.

    Tatyanne- I've done 30 day shred with Jillian. She is really great too. Good for you for going strong for 10 days. You will look great after 10 days of level 2!!.

    Have a great day!
  • MancLass
    MancLass Posts: 33 Member
    Day 20 for me today - and reading your posts I'm thinking of digging out my Jillian Michaels DVD and trying to do it each day for the remaining 30 days of this challenge. It feels like a massive commitment but it could be a good way to try and keep at it!

    My week hasn't been great - so I'll be pleased if I maintain - I'd like to lose 10lbs during this challenge though so I better get a move on. We have been promised thunderstorms this weekend (the NW of England) so I'm going to try and get out for a run tonight while I still can!
  • mom4mav
    mom4mav Posts: 1 Member
    I'm all in too! And I will try the app for the counting down sounds great! I am attending a family wedding in September and need to be healthier,
  • Shihpoonut
    Shihpoonut Posts: 28
    This morning I did the Shaun T alpha abs workout. I liked it ok. I'm planning on taking a walk later. Here's to a portion controlled healthy eating weekend! Ha!

    MancLass- That's a great idea about the Jillian workouts, but remember to set achievable goals so that you are a success! I learned that when I was in WW meetings. Good Luck!
  • FlyersGirlrc
    FlyersGirlrc Posts: 31 Member
    SW: 215
    GW: 199.9

    W1 5/22/14: 213.2 (-1.8 lbs)
    W2 5/30/14: 212.2 (-2.8 lbs)
    W3 6/06/14: 211.2 (-3.8 lbs)
    W4 6/13/14:
    W5 6/20/14:
    W6 6/27/14:
    W7 7/04/14:
  • latishaz
    latishaz Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in...how are you counting down?
  • DesertMermaid29
    DesertMermaid29 Posts: 181 Member
    May 17th-

    I'm in as well!

    SW: 163
    CW: 157
    GW: 125
    GL: 17

    GWeek1: 154
    GWeek2: 151
    GWeek3: 148
    GWeek4: 146
    GWeek5: 144
    GWeek6: 142
    GWeek7: 140

    We can do this!

    June 6th -
    SW: 163
    CW: 151
    GW 140

    I'm about 12 lbs down in 20 days! I am aiming for 23 total, so 11 more to go with 30 days left. Do-able??
    I'm still hula hooping like mad and dropping inches.
  • eskimite
    eskimite Posts: 56
    Day 20! Hm, still managing to be lower carb and still finding that I don't feel like inhaling lots of crunchy, salty snacks in the evening. I do miss bread. I am getting a little bored in the evenings, however, as I would love nothing more than to tuck into a big bowl of popcorn (homemade, always). However, that would blow my carb count. I guess, for now, since I am feeling energized, feeling strong and not overcome with urge to inhale popcorn, I'll just keep plugging along. I hope everyone else is managing the ups and downs and staying focused!