
I am really struggling to stick to my diet at the moment. I feel hungry all the time which is unusual as I have had a the same calorie intake for a year now x any ideas x


  • Sharl_120
    Sharl_120 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a newbie but probably need to give the experts much more info. Height, weight, food intake, changes in lifestyle, exercise etc. :smile:
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It's tough to give advice without knowing your stats, calorie level, or seeing your diary, but here are my 5 generic tips for hunger:

    1. Make sure your calorie goal is appropriate for your size and activity levels. Way too many people skip this step and then wonder why their bodies are telling them something.

    2. Look for foods with more protein, fat, and fiber. These help us feel fuller and more satiated for longer.

    3. Drink plenty of water.

    4. Play around with meal timings. Some people do really well on 6 small meals a day and others do better with 2 large meals. Meal timing won't affect your weight loss. It may affect your mood, energy levels , gym performance, and sustainability. Find what works best for your schedule.

    5. Wait it out. If all of the above fail and you know you're eating enough, getting enough nutrients, etc. then you may just have to let your body adjust for a couple of weeks.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Change the types of foods you're eating.

    More protein and fat will help you feel less hungry. Eat your lean body mass in grams of protein per day.
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    Change up your daily routine. Start a new hobby. Read a book. Go for a walk... Chances are you aren't really hungry... more like bored. I know exactly what you are saying because I experience the same thing. I've come to find that what I think is hunger is really plain old boredom. And I've also come to realize that it was that boredom that I tried to feed which caused me to be fat all my life.... until now
  • herbaliz
    herbaliz Posts: 6
    Good Afternoon!

    I would love to help you lose the weight. I am a weight loss coach and I use the product Herbalife. It is really easy to use. 2 meal replacement protein shakes a day, 1 meal, and healthy snacks in between. I help you every step of the way. You don't need to exercise but of coarse it will speed up your weight loss process. If your interested email me at: lizthuer (the sign at)

    Thanks for your time,
