Big toe is going numb

Morning, I am having a big problem with the tip of my big toe. It is going numb when I jog/work. I am wearing the same shoes. Not sure what to do. Thinking it's because I lost 35lb and I started jogging.

What should I do? I waitress at a function hall. Need really good shoes I can walk a lot in. Help please ????????????????????


  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    This happens to me whenever I use the elliptical. But pretty much only then, so I just chalked it up to something about the machine/motion. If you have the means get to a doctor. I'm thinking circulation issues, but i'm no professional.

    I bartend, and I wear shoes from Make sure you are replacing your shoes often if you work a lot.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
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  • igor11
    igor11 Posts: 23 Member
    i have the same issue. It only happens when I jog for longer distances though. You might just be like me where you step off with your big toe when jogging and the constant pushing makes it numb. It hasn't been anything serious for me, but if it starts to hurt, you should get it checked out. Other than that, I don't think it's a problem to worry about.
    You could also try getting a running shoe that will help balance that out and keep you from rolling your foot and stepping off with the big toe.
  • Taiser
    Taiser Posts: 81 Member
    It's pretty normal. I had the same issues on the elliptical but not while running which is funny. I got orthopedics that helped (custom made but they are not cheap) but now instead of after 30 minutes it starts at maybe 45. Just the nature of the beast I think. We weren't really designed to be on machines I guess. I wouldn't worry about it too much unless it gets painful. I can usually just reduce the pressure on the one side and shake it off.