Constantly hungry even after eating


For the past few weeks now I've been constantly hungry...well it feels like gnawing hunger and this is happening even after I've ate a meal and I logically know I can't possibly be.

I have withheld from eating extra because I am assuming it can't be real hunger but my days have become quite awkward and I am walking around with that hunger type pain in stomach most of the day which is never pleasant.

Ive been given by mfp 1200 calories per day, I am 5'4 and weigh 137 pounds now. I used to be 52lbs heavier last year. I do often go over my cal goals because I am losing weight and I don't feel I should be doing without all the time.

At what point do you know if you are genuinely not eating enough for your new weight? Or am I smaller now so don't need as many calories?

I still have around 15lbs to lose before goal and have started walking a few miles plus I'd like to join the gym and make heavy lifting a priority as I hate loose skin and fat pouches.


  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    Well, being smaller you DO need fewer calories than you did when you were larger, but there are some work arounds. How fast are you set to lose? If you're still at 2# per week, you can go in and lower that which will give you more calories for the day. Actually, at only 15# left to lose, you SHOULD do this- a healthy rate at this point is 1/2# per week.
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    Are you eating protein in your meals? That helps to make you feel full. Also, you can snack on raw veggies all day and still not add too many calories.
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    Also, are you drinking your water?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Your protien is very low...47grams in one day? I get that in one meal...

    As well you aren't eating back most of your exercise calories...that's what they are there for...and a lot of days you are netting under 1200...that's why you feel hungry.

    You aren't eating enough food.

    At 5 ft 4 you could eat a lot more than 1200 calories a day and still lose weight.

    My sister who is quite active maintains on 2500 calories and she is 5 ft 4 and weights 125lbs...
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    At what point do you know if you are genuinely not eating enough for your new weight? Or am I smaller now so don't need as many calories?

    You'll continue to loose weight and be lethargic if you don't eat enough for your new weight.

    More protein/fat and less carbs may help make you feel full at the same calories.
  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    I agree with some other posts. You should lower the rate of your goal, because 1200 is very low for everyone, including us 5'1" shorties haha.

    If you feel hungry, it's probably because you are. Don't deny yourself food because of it. The other tips on here are great.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Agree that you are definitely not getting in enough protein! I went back quite a ways in your diary and saw a range from 29g to 59g a day - not one single day when you even MET the goal. MFP's protein goal is absurdly low to begin with, at a mere 15% of daily calories from protein, and you aren't even meeting that. No wonder you're still hungry all the time!!

    As a comparison - my protein goal is 179g per day and I nearly always meet it (if not go over!!). I plan my eating around my protein goal, it's the first macro I ENSURE that I meet, followed by fat (enough dietary fat also helps with feeling satiated), and then carbs fill up the rest. I will note that I am a bit taller than you (5'8") and still heavier (CW 177), but that's not going to make all that much of a difference in where your protein target should be (fwiw mine is set at 35% of my calorie intake bc that's as close as I could get it to the # that gave me. Even if you stay with 1200 as your calorie goal, 35% is a *%#*-ton more than you're currently getting). Bump your protein, a LOT, it will help dramatically.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    A starting point would be to eat a NET 1,200 calories. 3 days in your diary, and with exercise, or without, you are netting 1,050 on average. Your BMR is closer to 1,350(read the BMR definition) assuming you are at 30% body fat.

    The point is this, change your goal for weight loss, and slow the process down, incorporate more caloric intake, and have a reasonable goal of 1/2 a week instead of what you have MFP set to currently. Best of luck, and remember the closer to goal the longer it takes and it will allow good habits to form for life not just the goal.
  • Lilenatalem
    Lilenatalem Posts: 46 Member
    i think everyone already hit the nail on the head.

    Drink LOTS of water. Half you weight in OZ of water daily, and more if you are working out and sweating your tushie off.

    YOU MUST, must must must eat your "banked" calories from a work out.

    I know it's sounds really stupid, but you need to eat to lose. If you are working out you need to Fuel your body to do its thing.

    if you do a 3 mile walk, boom thats 300 calories you can now eat! (which is basically like 2 eggs with a 1/4 cup of cheese on top and some spinach yummmmy right?)

    If its the middle of the day and you just ate lunch or had a snack and your stomach is stll grumbing drink a full glass of water.

    Also drinking 2 glasses of water (16 oz which is a normal "glass" that most people already have in their kitchens) before each meal. I do this and it helps me not eat as much.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    A gnawing, hunger like pain is also an ulcer symptom. If this persists, you may want to see a doctor.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    Definitely increase your calories a little bit and put more protein and carbs in there. I increased mine from 1200 up to 1450 and I'm still losing and I'm not hungry all the time
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Your protien is very low...47grams in one day? I get that in one meal...

    As well you aren't eating back most of your exercise calories...that's what they are there for...and a lot of days you are netting under 1200...that's why you feel hungry.

    You aren't eating enough food.

    At 5 ft 4 you could eat a lot more than 1200 calories a day and still lose weight.

    My sister who is quite active maintains on 2500 calories and she is 5 ft 4 and weights 125lbs...

    THIS! Eat more woman!
  • Goldilukes
    Goldilukes Posts: 45 Member
    A gnawing, hunger like pain is also an ulcer symptom. If this persists, you may want to see a doctor.

    I did wonder about this already as it only started happening after a few totm headaches and ibruprofens :(
  • Goldilukes
    Goldilukes Posts: 45 Member
    i think everyone already hit the nail on the head.

    Drink LOTS of water. Half you weight in OZ of water daily, and more if you are working out and sweating your tushie off.

    YOU MUST, must must must eat your "banked" calories from a work out.

    I know it's sounds really stupid, but you need to eat to lose. If you are working out you need to Fuel your body to do its thing.

    if you do a 3 mile walk, boom thats 300 calories you can now eat! (which is basically like 2 eggs with a 1/4 cup of cheese on top and some spinach yummmmy right?)

    If its the middle of the day and you just ate lunch or had a snack and your stomach is stll grumbing drink a full glass of water.

    Also drinking 2 glasses of water (16 oz which is a normal "glass" that most people already have in their kitchens) before each meal. I do this and it helps me not eat as much.

    Thanks for the reply.

    I do drink loads of water at least 4-5 x 75cl bottles per day plus my 6-7 coffees. I don't know what those bottles are in glasses but I'm constantly running to the loo so feel I get plenty. I just never log that because I know I'm ok with my intake.

    For some reason I believed that the extra calories you get from exercise where not always to eat back so felt guilty eating half back. Plus I felt 354 cals for a 3 mile walk was too good to be true?? I do walk brisk though always.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    If you're walking less than around four miles an hour, a 3 mile walk is around this many net calories burned:

    0.3 X 3 miles X 137 lbs = 123 net calories

    Greater speed I'm not sure but personally do not think it would be triple, either
  • Goldilukes
    Goldilukes Posts: 45 Member
    I lost the majority of my weight on med protein, high fat and low carbs but had stalled for months and felt so fatigued. I've felt heaps better since upping carbs but obviously starving and I do miss that just right feeling in my tummy after a good few days of proteins and fats.
    I logged a few steaks on mfp with the fat on and they came back so calorific I felt a little disheartened, although I do still make sure I'm getting plenty of butters and oils.

    Can some one just point out a few good protein sources that won't eat all my daily cals? Or should I just eat them anyway even if I go over on cals? I do love proteins and fats and this could be why I'm so hungry. I don't just feel like I'm on a diet I feel like I have to play mind games all day and it's so draining.

    I wish there was a way on here that I could like each persons comment because you have all been so helpful. I will also take on board to lose at a lower rate and hopefully mfp will adjust my daily cals so I have plenty of room to eat some nice meats again.
  • jouttie
    jouttie Posts: 109 Member
    I also immediately thought of an ulcer, especially since you get this pain after eating. Try seeing which foods make the pain worse, or if it is all foods, and if there is any foodstuff which calms the pain - yoghurt, for instance. See your doctor. Good luck!
  • penny0919
    penny0919 Posts: 123 Member
    Eggs (or just egg whites if you are already close to your calorie limit, tuna, whey protein powder (mixed into a shake- I like to add frozen fruit and unsweetened vanilla almond milk- blend), cottage cheese, string cheese, chicken breast
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    I am your exact height and weight, and I'm eating ~1500 to lose .5 pound a week. 1200 calories is very low and since you are already within the healthy weight range for your height, you should be aiming to lose about .5 pound a week. Set your goal on MFP to lose .5 pound a week (or even .7 pounds a week) and see how many calories it gives you then. You're hungry because you're eating too little. I'd be constantly hungry at 1200 cal/day, too.

    I also second everyone's suggestion to eat more protein (lean meats, beans, cheese, eggs, milk, etc.) and drink more water.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Your protien is very low...47grams in one day? I get that in one meal...

    As well you aren't eating back most of your exercise calories...that's what they are there for...and a lot of days you are netting under 1200...that's why you feel hungry.

    You aren't eating enough food.

    At 5 ft 4 you could eat a lot more than 1200 calories a day and still lose weight.

    My sister who is quite active maintains on 2500 calories and she is 5 ft 4 and weights 125lbs...

    ^^^ this

    you're hungry because you need to eat more.... and I agree with wertgirlfor.... do what she says, i.e. 0.5lb/week weight loss calorie goal + eating more protein