I was looking in the mirror

and I noticed I could see my Collar bone partially, I still have a good amount of weight to go, but It really made me feel good even though it was a very minor change!


  • Vicki685
    Vicki685 Posts: 69 Member
    Know what you mean. Really felt good when my collarbones reappeared, still like being able to see them in photos.
  • ApronMom
    ApronMom Posts: 16
    For me it's my double chin! When I can finally see my neck without a shadow I know I'm losing weight. Sometimes it's the little things only you notice that inspire you to keep the momentum going! Congrats on your milestone! Hope you see many more along the way.
  • zoegator
    zoegator Posts: 165 Member
    It's the little things! Keep up the great work and you'll see even more inspiring results!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Seeing my collarbones is one of my NSV goals! Great job!
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror the other day and wondered exactly when mine had reappeared too - I had to do a double take. I also noticed a slight "boniness" about my shoulders that had not been there before. Great NSV, congrats to you!
  • nesto610
    nesto610 Posts: 107
    I began at about your starting weight and it was around the 20lb mark that I started to notice differences in my body too. Collarbones were definitely noticed by me at some point but I don't remember at what weight it first occurred to me.

    I do however recall the day that I realized that I could touch my thumb and middle finger together while having them wrapped around my wrist. I know it sounds weird.....

    Great job, keep it up!!!
  • MzBeckie
    MzBeckie Posts: 207 Member
    I was so happy when I started to see my collar bone too! and feel my hip bone. Crazy how small changes like that make us happy. It gives me more motivation too.

    I'm looking forward the day I notice my cheekbones.

    Its good to see happy posts like this. Congrats.