Crossfitter Attempts 100 pull-ups! Amazing!



  • FWMagicMike
    FWMagicMike Posts: 113 Member
    Anyone who is either de trained or never worked out with high intensity will most likely puke (p90x, insanity, tabata, HIIT) those will mostly cause anyone to puke untrained...

    Crossfit doesn't "train with bad form". People let their ego get the best of them and that's when injuries happen. I am new to crossfit and I am technical. Sure I will try to do a 135# clean and jerk! but only after I feel comfortable with the bar and 95#. Yes, I do fail at a lot of the lifts, but i keep my form in mind. It is ashamed that people are critiquing the armatures and newbies. And those newbies (such as me) should learn technique first.
  • kinmad4it
    kinmad4it Posts: 185 Member
    A post solely designed to do nothing more than poke fun at Cross-Fit. I do believe this should've gone in the Chit chat and general bollox sub forum and not Fitness. It has nothing to do with fitness other than to poke fun at something the OP probably knows nothing about other than what they've read online here.