help family party

mi2mina Posts: 24 Member
okay ,,,im going to a family bday party today...tons of filipino foods, sweets,and cake...they even have a taco man coming and hes making carne asada tacos and LA street dogs with bacon....any helpful hints? i will have 700 calories when i go there lol....want to make sure i make the right choices but dont deprive myself either that will lead to a binge


  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    stick with the carne asada , protein, put it in a bowl with some avocado & lettuce ,tomatoes....stay away from the sweet carb stuff, you will just regret eating that later on ....
  • smrhjrc67
    smrhjrc67 Posts: 2 Member
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Another vote for the carne asada. A plate of that (with some lettuce and tomatoes) with a lime wedge or two plus some hot sauce, YUMMY! If you're wanting cake (I would), skip the tortillas and/or rice and budget in a slice of dessert. At any rate--it's okay to eat at maintenance level for family gatherings. ENJOY!!
  • mi2mina
    mi2mina Posts: 24 Member
    thanks for the helpful hints ...
  • mi2mina
    mi2mina Posts: 24 Member
    thanks, i am on a mission to have self control today...usually when i fail i end up failing the rest of the day and regretting it later on.
  • NonDebutante3dot0
    NonDebutante3dot0 Posts: 42 Member
    Awesome that you know ahead of time how many calories you're "budgeting," and it's a benefit that you know your family's party cuisine and can anticipate what will be served.

    I would ONLY advocate strict avoidance of a food IF you have worked very hard to stay off of it and are extremely committed to avoiding it. For example, let's say you just came off of a grueling 14 days sugar detoxification in which you went cold turkey off of every substance that ends in -ose. It wouldn't make sense to undue that work with a fleeting dessert, especially since by then the cravings would have passed.

    If you have NOT entered into a regimen this restrictive, I recommend you plan to enjoy your favorite foods within the day's calorie count. Another example, I started a diet right before my wedding. I KNEW I was not going to pass up the exquisite wedding cake or lovely food I'd ordered--to do so would have made me feel monumentally deprived. I decided ahead of time what I would put on my plate and in what proportions (I even pre-logged it on mfp), and even built in calories the next two days for leftover cake.
    :-) I realize this approach might appall some, but I went on to lose 38 lbs in the next several months because I didn't backslide into self-recrimination and bingeing (this ain't my first rodeo).

    In additional to all other strategies you employ :-) you might consider bringing along a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free dish to supplant the festive spread. We all have foods that we know we can relax a bit on portions with no problems--maybe it's an assortment of beautifully arranged multi-colored vegetables with yogurt dip. This can be important if you know there won't be much food of this type.

    Whatever you decide, you've already won by thinking it through consciously beforehand.

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Enjoy the party! Enjoy the food! Live! It's one night, one meal. Won't throw all your progress off, unless you do that for every meal, every day.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I will sometimes drink a protein shake before going somewhere like this, that way I am not starving and out of control when I get there!