What exercise to do to lose weight



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    BrightCrystal? Is that you?


    Running - okay. I will add running and walking daily.

    Insanity doesn't work for me.

    So long - you exercise a lot - good job! I do weigh my food and I'm eating at a deficit, yep.

    In what way does insanity not work? Because you do it over a 6 hour period?
  • Transatlantic20145
    Walking is a great way to get some exericse in, especially if your fitness level isn't great. I brisk walked for an hour most days for the first couple of months of my weightloss and it definitely made a difference. Adding in some kind of weight training, either body weight moves or exercises with dumbbells, could help kickstart your weightloss again.

    Most importantly, find something you like! I enjoy walking and Jillian Michaels circuit training style workouts so I look forward to doing them and, as a consequence, I work out consistently. If I had to spend an hour on an elliptical I would probably top myself. Find what works for you; and obviously play the Rocky theme tune whilst you do it.

    *Also, forgot to mention, take inch measurements! Especially if you start weight training. Some weeks the scale might not move but your inches will go down.

    Thanks! I am planning to implement walking and running into my daily routine. You mean I should measure my waist?

    Actually Insanity is around a 40 min workout the first month and then an hour the next month, otherwise it would be reaally insane!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Actually Insanity is around a 40 min workout the first month and then an hour the next month, otherwise it would be reaally insane!

    I'm well aware of what it is.

    Why didn't it work for you?
  • Transatlantic20145

    Actually Insanity is around a 40 min workout the first month and then an hour the next month, otherwise it would be reaally insane!

    I'm well aware of what it is.

    Why didn't it work for you?

    I guess different exercises affect people differently.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member

    Actually Insanity is around a 40 min workout the first month and then an hour the next month, otherwise it would be reaally insane!

    I'm well aware of what it is.

    Why didn't it work for you?
    I guess she meant it didn't help her lose weight...It didn't help me either although I enjoyed it very much~
  • Transatlantic20145

    Actually Insanity is around a 40 min workout the first month and then an hour the next month, otherwise it would be reaally insane!

    I'm well aware of what it is.

    Why didn't it work for you?
    I guess she meant it didn't help her lose weight...It didn't help me either although I enjoyed it very much~

    awwww annoying when it doesn't help to lose weight yeah!! wow you enjoyed it, it was super hard for me
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Actually Insanity is around a 40 min workout the first month and then an hour the next month, otherwise it would be reaally insane!

    I'm well aware of what it is.

    Why didn't it work for you?

    I guess different exercises affect people differently.

    Or you were eating too much...
  • Transatlantic20145

    Actually Insanity is around a 40 min workout the first month and then an hour the next month, otherwise it would be reaally insane!

    I'm well aware of what it is.

    Why didn't it work for you?

    I guess different exercises affect people differently.

    Or you were eating too much...

    Nope, I wasn't :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Actually Insanity is around a 40 min workout the first month and then an hour the next month, otherwise it would be reaally insane!

    I'm well aware of what it is.

    Why didn't it work for you?

    I guess different exercises affect people differently.

    Or you were eating too much...

    Nope, I wasn't :)

    If you were doing high intensity exercise in a calorie deficit how can it 'not work'?
  • Onderwoman
    Onderwoman Posts: 130

    Actually Insanity is around a 40 min workout the first month and then an hour the next month, otherwise it would be reaally insane!

    I'm well aware of what it is.

    Why didn't it work for you?

    I guess different exercises affect people differently.

    Or you were eating too much...

    Nope, I wasn't :)

    If dieticians in a study were found to be over eating, I think you could be too.
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member

    Actually Insanity is around a 40 min workout the first month and then an hour the next month, otherwise it would be reaally insane!

    I'm well aware of what it is.

    Why didn't it work for you?

    I guess different exercises affect people differently.

    Or you were eating too much...

    Nope, I wasn't :)

    Call the press then because you're a scientific miracle.

    As already said calorie deficit to lose weight, cardio for heart health and weight training for strength.

    The best exercise is one that you will stick to.

    If you suspect thyroid issues then speak to a doctor.

    Good luck!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member

    Actually Insanity is around a 40 min workout the first month and then an hour the next month, otherwise it would be reaally insane!

    I'm well aware of what it is.

    Why didn't it work for you?

    I guess different exercises affect people differently.

    Or you were eating too much...

    Nope, I wasn't :)

    If you were doing high intensity exercise in a calorie deficit how can it 'not work'?

    I know I was overeating...hunger was just not possilbe to control for me during those days...I know other people can but I am weak with no will power. :)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Why did every post on this forum these days have to end up a heated argument? :):flowerforyou:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Why did every post on this forum these days have to end up a heated argument? :):flowerforyou:

    You obviously haven't seen the OPs other posts...

    But if you're referring to my question about how insanity 'doesn't work', that's hardly a heated argument, just a question. As I stated, there is no way you CANT lose weight if you have a calorie deficit and are doing high intensity exercise.
  • Transatlantic20145
    It certainly is possible to have a calorie deficit and not lose weight, but hopefully with the right exercise I will lose weight.
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    OP, maybe tell us what exercises you've been doing that aren't having results.

    Cardio loses weight- running, biking, jogging, aerobic dance, zumba, etc. Find what you enjoy in order to stick with it- or at least what you dislike most.

    Body weight exercises and strength training will increase your strength and muscle mass, which burns more calories at rest and provides the "toned" look most associate with losing weight.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    It certainly is possible to have a calorie deficit and not lose weight, but hopefully with the right exercise I will lose weight.

    No, it really isn't.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    Find what you like, and do it. Try new things and figure out what you like and don't. I love to swim (great burn), Bike (great burn), box, circuit train, and strength train but my severe arthritis means no running. I gave yoga a shot but figured out the only thing I liked about yoga was saying I did it.
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member

    Thanks! I am planning to implement walking and running into my daily routine. You mean I should measure my waist?

    I weigh in once a week and I take measurements of my waist, hips, thigh and bicep at the widest part as well. It's just another way of tracking progress, as sometimes the scale may not move but the inches can still go down. I didn't find that when I was just doing pure cardio but I do now that I have added strength training a couple of times a week into my routine.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Why did every post on this forum these days have to end up a heated argument? :):flowerforyou:

    You obviously haven't seen the OPs other posts...

    But if you're referring to my question about how insanity 'doesn't work', that's hardly a heated argument, just a question. As I stated, there is no way you CANT lose weight if you have a calorie deficit and are doing high intensity exercise.

    actually not meant your post...I was just making a general observation...