How Can I Improve

I am not seeing the results I want. I know weight loss is mostly diet. I'm losing about 0.5 lb every couple weeks. I'm not happy with that, but it is what it is until I get over the resistance of being one of those 1200 calorie people. (Already got fabulous advice from you all about what to do in the kitchen - so that's how I ended up where I am now on that front)

I've had no change in body composition - I haven't gone down a clothing size or anything. My measurements aren't changing. So I'm hoping I can improve some of that in the gym.

Here's my plan (some of which I'm already doing): How can I alter it actually give me some visual results???

Monday - 30 min w/Trainer - usually weights. Then 30 minutes cardio
Tuesday - Kickboxing - 1hr 15 min
Wednesday - Gym - 30 min weights - 30 min cardio
Thursday - Kickboxing - 1 hr 15 min
Friday - rest day
Saturday - Gym - 30 min weights (5x5 Stronglifts workout plus 1 or 2 other things) - 30 min cardio (I can also do an hour Pilates class if I get there in time)
Sunday - Gym - 30 min weights (5x5 Stronglifts workout plus 1 or 2 other things) - 30 min cardio (I can also do an hour Yoga class if I get there in time)

Thanks for any advice you can provide! I'm soooooooo frustrated and feel like my ticker is a total fraud because I have nothing to show for it. I'm considering deleting it because there's nothing to be proud of when I look the same as before I started.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    Are you progressively overloading your barbell with SL? Also, you shouldn't be doing SL on back to back days...bit NO-NO...if you're doing SL or any other full body routine you should be lifting 3x weekly with a break between workouts. The benefits of lifting come with resting the muscles. If you're going to lift on back to back days you need to work a split...but I really wouldn't recommend a split for a novice lifter.

    I'm also wondering why you're doing something with your trainer and then some other weight training and then SL. I think you should just pick ONE program and follow it to the T.

    That said, body comp takes's not an overnight kinda deal. I'm 2 years in and no where near satisfied with takes time and there can always be improvements.

    I'd also suggest that if you're doing your SL program in 30 minutes, perhaps the weight isn't heavy enough....unless you're just getting started with the program. The minimum I've ever been able to manage my lifts with a strength program like that is 45 minutes...but usually it's around 60. The only time I've been able to do 30 minutes was when I was a novice and still lifting very light weight for form.
  • Love2lift72
    Love2lift72 Posts: 157 Member
    ^^+1 I think it's easy for us to want faster results and try to mix a bunch of programs. That will undermine what we are trying to do. I started Starting Strength in early March. I keep saying I'm not seeing the results. BUT others do and I keep looking at my numbers to remind me I am progressing.

    Mind you my weight has just moved maybe 5 pounds on a good day, I haven't seen any difference in measurements, and clothes fit just a tad better, BUT I had a hard time with 50 pounds on a squat. These are where I am now:
    squat 130
    OHP 62
    Bench 102
    Dead 190

    I lift 3xs/ week and maybe add cardio when/if I feel like it.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member

    That said, body comp takes's not an overnight kinda deal. I'm 2 years in and no where near satisfied with takes time and there can always be improvements.

    I've been working out for 2 years - with ZERO physical results. So not expecting anything overnight, but I would expect some inches lost in 2 years. I'm just completely fed up, disgusted with myself and frustrated now. And my trainer isn't happy with me either. So I'm really trying to step up my game.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member

    I'm also wondering why you're doing something with your trainer and then some other weight training and then SL. I think you should just pick ONE program and follow it to the T.

    I'd also suggest that if you're doing your SL program in 30 minutes, perhaps the weight isn't heavy enough....unless you're just getting started with the program. The minimum I've ever been able to manage my lifts with a strength program like that is 45 minutes...but usually it's around 60. The only time I've been able to do 30 minutes was when I was a novice and still lifting very light weight for form.

    Sorry - got pulled away before I finished my last post and didn't get to acknowledge the helpful advice!

    Okay maybe I should drop the SL then since I can't commit to it as an every other day thing? And sounds like I might be doing it wrong anyway... I'll have to re-think my plan here. Kinda was in the desperate mode and not thinking things through as well as I should.

    I REALLY love my trainer and the Kickboxing so I don't want to give those up. My Kid does the trainer on Wednesday so I have to be at the gym anyway for him. Then the trainer made me commit to 2 other days which only leaves Saturday and Sunday. Or Friday - but often on Fridays I do dinner and an activity with my kid and would rather not give up that time with him if I don't have to. And here's my problem - excuses, excuses! Ahhhhhh!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Bump... I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm just a hopeless case that probably shouldn't even bother with the gym! But I'll keep going anyway....