My change!

I was diagnosed with hashimoto's disease a few years ago, and not put on any medication for quite some time. I've been working hard, but never saw a change in myself. Until I compared these two images. The first is after I was on my Armour thyroid for about 2 months. The second is a bit dated now, but was from March of this year. 6 months or so on thyroid medicine, clean eating and crossfit. I've lost more weight since this, gained muscle. But I'm proud to say I will not let thyroid disease beat me!


Sidenote: My profile picture now is from this morning. Face has thinned out since March :)


  • Slim4gym
    Slim4gym Posts: 5
    Well done! You look amazing. I too have Hasimotos and have just started my journey to kick its butt with the help of healthy eating and exercising. Feel free to add me. :)
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    Consider it done! :) I've dropped my body fat percentage by over 10% in the last few months, so lemme know if you have any questions or advice!
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    where the hell do all these made up illnesses come from

    It's not made up, its an autoimmune disorder. It will never go away, but you can hope to control it's effects (weight gain), with a healthy lifestyle. The immune system will always attack the thyroid.

    OP, you look great and I am glad your doing well. Ignore the morons.
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    where the hell do all these made up illnesses come from

    It's not made up, its an autoimmune disorder. It will never go away, but you can hope to control it's effects (weight gain), with a healthy lifestyle. The immune system will always attack the thyroid.

    OP, you look great and I am glad your doing well. Ignore the morons.

    Thanks a bunch. I do ignore, to each their own. First autoimmune disorder ever discovered, but clearly making it up ;)

    Regardless, thanks! Still working hard to lose more weight now that I'm at the weight I was pre-thyroid failure
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    Yeup, clearly is! Nailed it
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    it sounds like any excuse to over eat

    You have no idea of what you are taking about. So please stop the nonsense and go to your PC or phone Google Hashimoto, and learn something.

    OP, well done taking charge of your problem. I have a hypothyroid too (not Hashimoto) and I am also medicated. I don't let my thyroid problem control me either. It is the other way around.
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    it sounds like any excuse to over eat

    You have no idea of what you are taking about. So please stop the nonsense and go to your PC or phone Google Hashimoto, and learn something.

    I don't let people like that person get to me. If they want to be ignorant and insult others, that's fine. I've spoken with doctor's and I know what it does. The weight gain, hell, that is the easy part. It was the depression and brain fog that got to me.

    If they wants to be uneducated, all the best to them. Insult me for a disease I was born with? Go right on ahead. It won't bring me down, and it certainly won't bring them up.

    My fitness and health is in my hands, and I don't need their approval. I've been talked down to enough in my life. No online loud mouth, like them, is gonna get me down
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    it sounds like any excuse to over eat
    someone needs some chocolate!
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    it sounds like any excuse to over eat
    someone needs some chocolate!
    Hahahaha, or a drink!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    it sounds like any excuse to over eat

    You have no idea of what you are taking about. So please stop the nonsense and go to your PC or phone Google Hashimoto, and learn something.

    I don't let people like that get to me. If you want to be ignorant and insult others, that's fine. I've spoken with doctor's and I know what it does. The weight gain, hell, that is the easy part. It was the depression and brain fog that got to me.

    If someone wants to be uneducated, all the best to them. Insult me for a disease I was born with? Go right on ahead. It won't bring me down, and it certainly won't bring them up.

    My fitness and health is in my hands, and I don't need anyone's approval. I've been talked down to enough in my life. No online loud mouth is gonna get me down

    It seems to me that may you direct your comments to cantybaby, not to me Just saying...
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    it sounds like any excuse to over eat

    You have no idea of what you are taking about. So please stop the nonsense and go to your PC or phone Google Hashimoto, and learn something.

    I don't let people like that get to me. If you want to be ignorant and insult others, that's fine. I've spoken with doctor's and I know what it does. The weight gain, hell, that is the easy part. It was the depression and brain fog that got to me.

    If someone wants to be uneducated, all the best to them. Insult me for a disease I was born with? Go right on ahead. It won't bring me down, and it certainly won't bring them up.

    My fitness and health is in my hands, and I don't need anyone's approval. I've been talked down to enough in my life. No online loud mouth is gonna get me down

    It seems to me that may you direct your comments to cantybaby, not to me Just saying...

    Oh it was! Don't worry, I completely agreed with what you said :) I was stating for them to read, more to tell them I legit don't care what they think of me or the disease
  • GalactusEmpire
    GalactusEmpire Posts: 90 Member
    Off topic but Behind Blue Eyes is my favorite song. I dig it.
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    I love that song! And with my eyes it just seemed to work. Gotta love The Who
  • nesto610
    nesto610 Posts: 107
    Wow! Look at them gorgeous eyes. Great job OP!! Don't listen to the d*cks that don't know anything.
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    Thanks, much appreciated! I'm on a paleo diet and do crossfit 5 times a week. Hasn't been easy, but its been fun!
  • april979
    april979 Posts: 39
    . I went to my Dr. Couple days ago and while describing some symptoms I've been having lately she suggested I should have my thyroid checked. Im really nervous waiting on the results. I've seen my mother struggle with thyroid issues and havetalked to ssome others. It definitely does make some things more of a challenge but you seem to have a great attitude. Best of luck and keep up what your doing cause you look great!
  • pmm7692
    pmm7692 Posts: 1,186 Member
    I am really impressed...amazing job!
  • MamaMia1953
    MamaMia1953 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi cantybaby. I also have Hashimoto's. I want to tell you a bit about it. It is antibodies that attack your own thyroid. I have to have a yearly ultrasound. The ultrasound shows that the anitbodies have destroyed my thyroid gland. It literally shriveled up into a hard mass. I'm on replacement medicine that is hard to regulate in my case. Some people get a goiter instead, which is a swelling/growth in the neck. My friend had a goiter and hashimoto's. They found cancer when they took it out. I would love for this to be a made up disease, then I could just think myself out of the struggle I've had. Anyway, I hope you or yours don't have to deal with it in the future. I think maybe you thought that people are using it as an excuse for something? But it is indeed real. I don't think you're a moron, maybe you just didn't know about it. :smile:
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    Hi cantybaby. I also have Hashimoto's. I want to tell you a bit about it. It is antibodies that attack your own thyroid. I have to have a yearly ultrasound. The ultrasound shows that the anitbodies have destroyed my thyroid gland. It literally shriveled up into a hard mass. I'm on replacement medicine that is hard to regulate in my case. Some people get a goiter instead, which is a swelling/growth in the neck. My friend had a goiter and hashimoto's. They found cancer when they took it out. I would love for this to be a made up disease, then I could just think myself out of the struggle I've had. Anyway, I hope you or yours don't have to deal with it in the future. I think maybe you thought that people are using it as an excuse for something? But it is indeed real. I don't think you're a moron, maybe you just didn't know about it. :smile:
    Best response :) It's not a fun disease, but we won't let it beat us!
  • LinDiSm26262
    LinDiSm26262 Posts: 234 Member
    I have hashimoto's as well. It has been a challenge but I won't let it get the best of me. Good're doing great!
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