Starting Insanity on 06/09.

Hi All,
I am starting Insanity workout from Monday 06/09. I have been doing Jillian Michaels Slim Down plan for last 4 weeks. Based on what I have read so far, Insanity is not very easy but I am pretty sure I can at least finish the warm up part without taking a break ;-) .

Anyone want to join me in this insane activity? Will post the results of Fit Test Every time we do it.

The main thing is to Dig Deeeeeeep and do the best we can. The competition is with ourselves.


  • theoden524
    theoden524 Posts: 26
    Hey! I'm currently on week 1 of month 2, but definitely up for another person to check in with!!! Who knows, you might get farther in the workouts than you thought!

    - Matt
  • daniosorio
    I am starting Insanity on Monday too. I just hope I can stick with it and finish the whole program. I'm excited to see results!
  • MegSommer
    MegSommer Posts: 539 Member
    Im on week 6! Its pretty rough sometimes but i feel pretty accomplished afterwards. :drinker: I should add that i went from doing nothing for months to you will be just fine!
  • cortney_weiss
    cortney_weiss Posts: 57 Member
    Insanity was my first program too! Started from nothing and did EVERYTHING LOL Phew! It will work ya, but u will feel amazing!
  • joansjourney
    joansjourney Posts: 110
    I'm an Insanity survivor and was going to do another round but just started p90x3 instead. Good luck it's an awesome program and you will feel amazing! I did it after months of being lazy so you will make it!!
  • coaoalo
    coaoalo Posts: 104 Member
    I started yesterday so I'm up for keeping up to date with you :) I will say that I am planning on taking 2 rest days a week instead of the one built into the program. I think it'll be easier for me to complete it with that extra buffer. If I get it done then the second time round I'll do it properly.
  • moninator25
    I'll be there too! It'll be my first time doing insanity, but I'm extremely excited and motivated! Let's do this!
  • AzaleaNicole38
    AzaleaNicole38 Posts: 102 Member
    Already started, but I've been off it for a few days.
    I won't make excuses. I'd love to start back again. You should make a group!
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Starting today also!
    FR me
  • Philp0718
    Philp0718 Posts: 136 Member
    Hi All,
    I am starting Insanity workout from Monday 06/09. I have been doing Jillian Michaels Slim Down plan for last 4 weeks. Based on what I have read so far, Insanity is not very easy but I am pretty sure I can at least finish the warm up part without taking a break ;-) .

    Anyone want to join me in this insane activity? Will post the results of Fit Test Every time we do it.

    The main thing is to Dig Deeeeeeep and do the best we can. The competition is with ourselves.

    Just did the fit test on Saturday .... probably not the best idea as I was sore from other workouts during the week but oh well, I got through it .... barely. Ill join you for the accountability and motivation!

    My results from Saturday morning:

    Switch Kicks - 51
    Power Jacks - 31
    Power Knees - 39
    Power Jumps - 23
    Globe Jumps - 7
    Suicide Jumps - 12
    Push-Up Jacks - 16
    Low-Plank Oblique - 35
  • gregs_gal
    gregs_gal Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in the second week of month 2!

    It gets easier in that you can do more without taking as many breaks the longer you do it. I have to modify some exercises occasionally due to a wrist problem, but you feel like a machine when you've knocked out the workout you weren't sure you could finish! I don't have my fit test info with me, but I'll post it later. :smile:
  • daniosorio
    I can already tell this is going to kick my butt, my legs are really sore but I'm ready to keep going!
  • tulljackie
    tulljackie Posts: 9 Member
    I did my fit test today! I'm ready to dig deeper with you guys!
  • liz99887
    liz99887 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm starting on 6/9 too! Just finished 30 day shred, but I'm nervous about this one. It'll be great to have some support!
  • hotplugged
    hotplugged Posts: 37
    Finishing my recovery week right now.

    Fearfull of what months 2 has to offer lol
  • liz99887
    liz99887 Posts: 9 Member
    Just finished my first workout after the fit test. It was hard and I had to take a lot of breaks, but it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • daniosorio
    It's been difficult for me to keep pushing through the whole workout. I know the people in the video take breaks themselves so I don't feel so bad, but I definitely need more motivation
  • Dianarulez47
    Dianarulez47 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started Insanity on Monday 6/16/2014. Anyone on here an "older" person ?(40s)
    Insanity is hard but I feel pretty good and accomplished afterward. Sweaty, but good.
    Does anyone here do the workouts barefoot?
  • Dianarulez47
    Dianarulez47 Posts: 3 Member
    It's been difficult for me to keep pushing through the whole workout. I know the people in the video take breaks themselves so I don't feel so bad, but I definitely need more motivation

    I took a few breaks myself or I had to modify a few moves in order to do them. I did wall push-ups and ran in place instead of the go down to floor with 4 push-up and then jump back up. But I DIDN'T QUIT, I KEPT GOING. That's whats important to make up your mind and move! I am confident that I will get stronger.
  • liz99887
    liz99887 Posts: 9 Member
    I do them barefoot on carpeting too and haven't had a problem. Although, I stopped doing the sprint/hurdle jumps at the end and just did tiny hops because my knees started to feel like they had had enough.