Tips & Motivation Needed

I have two months to loose about 108 pounds for my job......obviously not looking good, but im trying to get as close to the mark as possible without being unhealthy. any tips or motivational thoughts would be greatly appreciated!!!!!


  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
    108? At 4lb loss a week (which is alot) you would only lose 32lb!
  • yogalotusadg
    I know, I lost 12 in a week when I was working out 3 times a day about an hour each & eating right. i took a year off work & now in order to keep my job I have to be ready to work in March & wasn't soupposed to go back until july....
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    What kind of job requires you to lose that much weight that quickly?? I don't know what your starting weight is, but it's very unlikely that you could do this in that time frame. I think the most encouraging thing I could provide for you is realistic expectations of weight loss. There's no quick fix and for most people, a healthy pace is 1-2lbs per week. It's a long process and can be slow going at times, but keep at it. Take time to learn about how your current eating habits have led to your current weight and the sorts of lifelong changes you need to incorporate to be able to maintain your goal weight once you achieve it. Good luck!
  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
    I'm with everyone else. What kind of job do you have? To you have to lose weight to keep your job? Be safe.
  • yogalotusadg
    I have a job in club promotion & advertising & need to be in a bikini. I never lost the baby weight from my daughter (9months old) & since I'm having issues with her father I've got to get back to work sooner. don't want to work during the day as that's when she's awake most, but I have to keep a roof over out head.
  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
    I'd be worried about dropping that weight too quickly and have the skin not being able to tone up fast enough so that you have over hang. Good luck with whatever you do but be safe.
  • rjp3399
    I started on Jan 2 2011 and I have lost 19Lb, I haven't been silly, I've eaten what I've wanted to within reason, simply cut out sweets, chocolate and crisps replacing them with water and fruit and paid attention to portion sizes, last night was a good example, my wife who is ill doesn't eat that much anyway had the same portion size as myself and my daughter my son had our "normal" portion size (he is 18 and can eat for England, and doesn't seem to put any weight on !!) he was emabrased by how much he actually had, but we did have a great meal, 140g Rump steaks (son had 293g) and yes I weigh everything now, new potatoes in garlic and herb butter, mixed steamed vegetables (Carrots, Brocolli, Sprouts and sweetcorn), sauteed mushrooms and onions, followed by a low-calorie raspberry and cranberry jelly for desert, which came in around 530 calories, so it can be done, just don't go silly keep to your calorie count and pay attention to carbs and fat keep them in touch as they are the ones which will hurt you.

    Good luck and all the best, I'm sure you'll do it
  • yogalotusadg
    ahh yess positive reinforcement.. i needed that!! how often do you work out & doing that if you dont mind me asking?? cause those are the results I need if I'm going to hit my goal!!
  • rjp3399
    I am a little on the large side so I don't really work out, walking is my best friend at the moment, I try and do at least 1 brisk 10 minute walk everyday, but I count that as normal so not towards my targets, and over that is an additional 45 minutes per week of walks not much but don't want to cause other problems so I need to build it up slowly. I wouldn't say I've got it right but I've managed to find whats working for me, I'm now the lightest I've been for about 2 years, which a goal I set myself for the end of January my next goal is due in June but I hope to get there by Easter, also I have decided to weigh myself daily until weight loss plateaus then every other day or third day depending on how I feel it's going, seeing those little bits come off is encouragement in itself for me, waiting a week between weigh ins for me is depressing.

    Good luck, experiment find whats right for you we are all different :-)
  • saj9291113
    I have two months to loose about 108 pounds for my job......obviously not looking good, but im trying to get as close to the mark as possible without being unhealthy. any tips or motivational thoughts would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

    Have you looked into amputation? I mean a legs got to be about 40-50 lbs!!!

    In reality there is no serious healthy way to lose that type of weight in that time frame, period. Even if you were trying for July. Maybe walking to the next job interview might be better because this job is not the one for you.
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    I have two months to loose about 108 pounds for my job......obviously not looking good, but im trying to get as close to the mark as possible without being unhealthy. any tips or motivational thoughts would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

    Wow! That's a huge pressure, I'm sorry to hear that. I would say that any job that does that and you don't feel comfortable in to leave. But if you truly like your job and want to put in the work, then go for it. I know jobs based on looks can be hard and that people are told when they're gaining weight. If they do fire you over you're weight, that would be classed as unfair dismissal! You can go to the gym and get a few personal trainer sessions to get you started, explain the situation and they'll work out a programme for you, you can loose weight and toning will make you look even slimmer. I would visit a doctor and make sure that you can physically loose that amount of weight in such a short time safely, make sure your work isn't putting your health and safety at risk! But anyway, here's some tips I gave someone else. I hope it helps :o)
    I would say, to keep updating your diary and account for everything you eat. It does make a difference when you watch every crumb :o) Protein helps make you feel fuller for longer, as does soup. Protein doesn't stay in your body like carbs does (but don't cut carbs out). Dairy (such as milk) apparently absorbs some fat. If you get the night munchies, go for a banana and glass of milk (or home made banana milk shake), they contain a hormone that naturally helps you sleep! I'm not a nutritionist, but have picked up these tips over the years and find they help. I hope they help you and good luck!!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools


    Starting January 2011 Thread
  • yogalotusadg
    thanks for the tips!!!
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    As someone that lost a big amount....honey there is no way it's happening. Find yourself another job :/