Rihanna's body



  • watermillion
    watermillion Posts: 87 Member
    You kind of sound like a 12 year old girl trying to be someone who you are not. Lets step out of your fantasy world and realize that Rihanna's only job is to look good, when she is not singing. Be a better you, not a replica of a celebrity.
    Somebody I'm not? I feel that you are calling me ugly and saying its impossible for me to be slim and beautiful like Rihanna.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    She does the strictly cardio and photoshop routine. Rihanna is young and looks good, but if you want to look like her, do cardio, and get a good photographer.

    Her personal trainer says she runs on a treadmill about 30 minutes 5 days a week.
    That's all? That doesn't sound too hard. It seems pretty doable

    Okay, but here's the thing: the reason that routine works for her is because of her age, genetics, metabolism, her current level of activity, her diet and a countless other number of factors. You have YOUR body and no one else's. That's why diet and exercise are so variable for different people. You may do really well on one type of diet and someone else may fail miserably. She is way young and is burning calories like a 20 something year old can. Can't do that when you're older. Your body changes, ain't no way around that.

    So what I'm saying is: 30 minutes 5 days a week might work for her, but don't expect that doing the same thing is going to yield you the same results.
    Rihanna and I are around the same age. I just liked her figure and thought I could achieve one like hers through the right diet and exercise. That's all. No need in putting me down like that. She's also almost 30 so she's not a teenager or anything

    RiRi is 26 which isn't almost 30. She also is rumored to do a lot of things that are not very good for anyone's body so there's that.

    I want to look like Jennifer Aniston but I won't - not even if I lose 100 lbs. I'm not built like that, I don't have the thousands of dollars a month for private trainers, stylists, cooks, highlights/lowlights, skin care and everything else that goes into being a celebrity.

    That's ok. I want to look like me.
  • watermillion
    watermillion Posts: 87 Member
    She does the strictly cardio and photoshop routine. Rihanna is young and looks good, but if you want to look like her, do cardio, and get a good photographer.

    Her personal trainer says she runs on a treadmill about 30 minutes 5 days a week.
    That's all? That doesn't sound too hard. It seems pretty doable

    Okay, but here's the thing: the reason that routine works for her is because of her age, genetics, metabolism, her current level of activity, her diet and a countless other number of factors. You have YOUR body and no one else's. That's why diet and exercise are so variable for different people. You may do really well on one type of diet and someone else may fail miserably. She is way young and is burning calories like a 20 something year old can. Can't do that when you're older. Your body changes, ain't no way around that.

    So what I'm saying is: 30 minutes 5 days a week might work for her, but don't expect that doing the same thing is going to yield you the same results.
    Rihanna and I are around the same age. I just liked her figure and thought I could achieve one like hers through the right diet and exercise. That's all. No need in putting me down like that. She's also almost 30 so she's not a teenager or anything

    RiRi is 26 which isn't almost 30. She also is rumored to do a lot of things that are not very good for anyone's body so there's that.

    I want to look like Jennifer Aniston but I won't - not even if I lose 100 lbs. I'm not built like that, I don't have the thousands of dollars a month for private trainers, stylists, cooks, highlights/lowlights, skin care and everything else that goes into being a celebrity.

    That's ok. I want to look like me.
    So I just have to accept that my thighs are always going to be flabby with cellulite? they've been that way since I was 11.
  • Jazz_Hands
    Jazz_Hands Posts: 55 Member
    Genetics are a b****. Some people are lucky, others aren't.

    Focus on your health and being the best version of YOU that you can be instead of trying to be like someone else who has a totally different lifestyle and set of genetics.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Is her body that way because she works out or because she has low body fat ? I want a figure like this, not super muscular but just firm and slim. Will cardio and calorie deficit diet give me that look?

    Cardio, weights and a calorie deficit would help.

    Good genes and photoshop would likely help more.
  • ccm1912
    ccm1912 Posts: 39 Member
    most women have cellulite (ive heard the percentage is somewhere in the 80s?). And for many, even working out doesn't get rid of it. It's called being a woman. I've had cellulite on my thighs since i was about 16, and even when i whittled down to a (unhealthy) small size at one point in my life, still had it. I just accept it now.

    No one is calling you ugly or saying you can't work hard for a great body. What they are saying is, yours might not end up *exactly* like hers, for a variety of reasons ,genetics and bone structure being two major ones that you just can't control.
  • trb85
    trb85 Posts: 81 Member
    Rhianna DOES have celulite. She just has an army of PR monkeys whose only job is to make sure that all her photos are photoshopped to remove any imperfections.

    More breaking news at 10.
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    If you want to get a realistic look at what Rihanna's legs really look like, go to YouTube and pull up her concerts. Then watch closely when they show her legs. They are by no means skinny and they are by no means perfectly toned. They jiggle. Don't go by those photoshopped photos in magazines. They are unrealistic.

    And no one is telling you that you are ugly. No one would do that. We are just saying that you should strive to be the best you that you can be.

    I wish you the best of luck in losing weight, toning your body and being the healthiest person you can be.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Do an image google search for Rihanna cellulitel and feast on the cottage cheese.
  • EmmiDahling
    EmmiDahling Posts: 104 Member
    You kind of sound like a 12 year old girl trying to be someone who you are not. Lets step out of your fantasy world and realize that Rihanna's only job is to look good, when she is not singing. Be a better you, not a replica of a celebrity.
    Somebody I'm not? I feel that you are calling me ugly and saying its impossible for me to be slim and beautiful like Rihanna.

    People are giving you good advice to which you choose not to listen. I feel your response is manipulative and calculated to garner sympathetic replies.
  • eomuno215in541
    eomuno215in541 Posts: 201 Member
    Is her body that way because she works out or because she has low body fat ? I want a figure like this, not super muscular but just firm and slim. Will cardio and calorie deficit diet give me that look?

    Why do u want the body of a 12 yo boy?
  • kmm0034
    kmm0034 Posts: 46 Member
    It you want her body, I hear Photoshop is having a sale. Most professional pictures of her are heavily photoshopped. If you want the tone firm body that photoshop makes then exercise, and realize you're human. Everyone has flaws. Even Rihanna. The best you can do for yourself is workout, eat right, and get into a healthy weight range.
  • eomuno215in541
    eomuno215in541 Posts: 201 Member
    You kind of sound like a 12 year old girl trying to be someone who you are not. Lets step out of your fantasy world and realize that Rihanna's only job is to look good, when she is not singing. Be a better you, not a replica of a celebrity.
    Somebody I'm not? I feel that you are calling me ugly and saying its impossible for me to be slim and beautiful like Rihanna.

    People are giving you good advice to which you choose not to listen. I feel your response is manipulative and calculated to garner sympathetic replies.

    calm down, kids. 12yo girl...that's not insulting. Called you ugly? No. Said lose for health and dont try to attain a celebrities unrealistic look. Calculated to garner sympathy...why do you interact with humans? Why am I talking to any of you? Good luck.
  • eomuno215in541
    eomuno215in541 Posts: 201 Member
    It you want her body, I hear Photoshop is having a sale. Most professional pictures of her are heavily photoshopped. If you want the tone firm body that photoshop makes then exercise, and realize you're human. Everyone has flaws. Even Rihanna. The best you can do for yourself is workout, eat right, and get into a healthy weight range.

    A voice of reason. Thank you!
  • cara4fit
    cara4fit Posts: 111 Member
    Far more realistic is to look at someone with a similar body type as one's own, who got into great shape to see what's possible. Aside from that, also realize that massive use of Photoshop on celebrities' and models' pix has done more to skew people's ideas of perfection. Young women in particular are very susceptible to this sort of influence, not yet knowing any better. Diet, exercise, portion control, lots of water, getting enough sleep and stress reduction are time-honored ways of health improvement. Over time one's body will improve to the best of its potential. No short-cuts!
  • emmanap91
    emmanap91 Posts: 300 Member
    Do an image google search for Rihanna cellulitel and feast on the cottage cheese.

    I did that, made me feel much better about my own legs. Then I did "celebrity cellulite" and "celebrity without photoshop" and I felt 1 million times better about myself. I might not be perfect, but they aren't either. It's always nice to be reminded of that when I start getting down on myself.
  • watermillion
    watermillion Posts: 87 Member
    The cellulite I have on my thighs is excessive. I'm 5'8, and 160lbs right now. They've been that way since I've hit puberty. They are flabby with lots of dimples all over. Why? I am not huge. if i were to get down to 130lbs will it at least reduce to where I can wear shorts and not feel ashamed?I know Rihanna has some cellulite but its not like mine.
    I don't know what to do about this. No amount of exercise will change and Im thinking id have to get really thin for it to disappear
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    The cellulite I have on my thighs is excessive. I'm 5'8, and 160lbs right now. They've been that way since I've hit puberty. They are flabby with lots of dimples all over. Why? I am not huge. if i were to get down to 130lbs will it at least reduce to where I can wear shorts and not feel ashamed?I know Rihanna has some cellulite but its not like mine.
    I don't know what to do about this. No amount of exercise will change and Im thinking id have to get really thin for it to disappear

    You have gotten enough advice here. I am not sure why you are still asking what to do about it. Take the advice and work with it. Sitting on here and complaining about it is not going to help you. You have been told that eating in a deficit and exercise is what will help you. Strength training and cardio.

    I am sure that most of us on here have it including myself. I had it really really bad, but it is starting to reduce since working out 4-5 times a week. Keep at it. It does not go away over night. It is taking me months so far, just for it to get where it is now and it is still bad, but not horrible.

    Stop comparing yourself to Rihanna. You are a you and she is she. We are all not built the same with the same genetics. Take it for what it is.
  • popsicklestar
    popsicklestar Posts: 166 Member
    She has a personal trainer and watches her diet. Here's an article about her fitness routine. http://www.fitsugar.com/Rihanna-Fitness-Routine-28162783
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Do an image google search for Rihanna cellulitel and feast on the cottage cheese.

    Don't be a hater.