Nasty Prednisone!!!!!!!!

I am 39 years old and have gained 100+ since nov of 2012, largely contributed to taking prednisone for psoriatic arthritis. I have alot of medical conditions and trouble and am bound and determined to get this weight off. i currently weigh 275 pounds (as of May 29th) I dont weigh again until this coming friday, but i do want to get to 150 pounds. My first goal of loss is 50 pounds by Dec 1st. For my family christmas trip to Disney. I am looking to make friends on here that also want to lose weight and can help encourage each other to meet our goals trough determination and the use of our tools


  • ApronMom
    ApronMom Posts: 16
    I'd love to be your friend! Though I'm not on prednisone I do have arthritis, and can empathize with med issues (I take high doses of naproxin sodium and it causes me to retain pounds of water). I promise I'll encourage you all I can and I'm hoping you'll do the same.
  • Luv2eatSweets
    Luv2eatSweets Posts: 221 Member
    I do sympathize. I was on prednisone for 2 years. I pulled myself off it though. I swear I ballooned up like a beached whale. Good luck to you, stay with the program, and stay in touch with friends. They are here to help .
  • krysiep74
    krysiep74 Posts: 7 Member
    Most definately i will encourage you, That is the only way we will make it to really reach our goals. When it comes to the arthritis I am currently on Predinsone, , meloxicam, folic acid, and enbrel self injections. Against dr advise i have currently quit taking the prednisone. For exercise right now I am finding it the easiest on my body to do aqua classes. The are a great workout, burn a great number of calories and hour, and get you involved generally with pretty good ladies. I find myself now going to the pool and doing the same things as we do in classes. It is alot of fun
  • ApronMom
    ApronMom Posts: 16
    Guess I'm kind of lucky in that my arthritis is in my neck (along with 2 herniated disks as a result) so exercise isn't a huge issue unless I'm having a bad day then my head feels like it will explode. I mainly walk and 10 months ago took up karate with 2 of my 3 sons (I have a few restrictions). I live in a very small town in a very rural area so exercise choices are limited. My Doctor told me that weight loss is 30% exercise and 70% food so I don't feel so bad on days I don't feel up to doing it.