Im dissapointed...

311Phil Posts: 397
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
...In myself.

I know i shouldn't be beating myself up about this...but i ate absolutely awful this weekend.

after such a great week of eating good nutritious foods, i feel like, even though i stayed under calories, that i blew it. Pizza. Wings, Guinness, steak...what is wrong with me??

I hate making excuses for myself.


I have little time to exercise, as I work 2 jobs...but there i go, just making excuses again.

i suck at this...Every diet i put myself on fail because eating ****ty is just so much easier.

Im tired of being so lazy that i can't even get myself to eat right.

Im tired of being out of breath when i walk up a flight of stairs.


  • We all have times that we feel that way. You have to pick yourself up and realize today is a new day, and a new start. You can do this! Just make the choice one day at a time. We are all in this together!
  • owenc
    owenc Posts: 1
    It sounds like maybe you would benefit from a home delivered meal service like Lite and Easy. If you don't have much time and have limited staying power, this sort of thing could help with both of those issues. Just a suggestion.
  • Totallydetermined
    Totallydetermined Posts: 19 Member
    Cut yourself some slack. Honestly, you are being unrealistic if you think you are going to eat perfectly healthy every day for the rest of your life.
    You stayed within your calories, well bloody done!!!! Junk food is designed to make us crave more and more so you did brilliantly at not over eating. And... Slim people eat crap sometimes, they just don't over eat.
    Today is a new day. You are doing really well, you do not need to be perfect.
    Be sure to let us know how this weeks eating goes. I've had chocolate every day still, I'm a total addict, but I've cut down and lost half a stone in a week.
    Keep your chin up and be proud of how well you're doing.
  • tschram12
    tschram12 Posts: 28 Member
    Dont focus on the bad, focus on the good. You stayed within your calories thats a great job. Today is a new day your doing great. Good luck to you remember the good.
  • darla499
    darla499 Posts: 402 Member
    You're right .... you shouldn't be beating yourself up.

    A weekend slip isn't so important in the long run. Remember, you're going for a new, healthy lifestyle. Not a diet ... but a program, a lifestyle. And you came right back here as soon as you were over the binge phase. That's awesome. You've already begun the transformation!.

    You didn't really even slip! You stayed within your calorie goals. That is AWESOME!

    Instead of looking back at the different diets you've been on thinking of them as failures .... count them as learning experiences. You learned how NOT to do it with each different one you experienced! So each of those stepping stones brought you closer and closer to being right here, right NOW.

    My advice is to keep coming back to MFP and build a strong support network of people that you can talk to about anything. Always log your food because that will let you see patterns or realize you don't want empty calories. You want nutrition to strengthen your body and lose weight at the same time.

    I know you can do it. I have faith in you.

    Take care.
  • LadyMarylou
    LadyMarylou Posts: 43 Member
    Don't be that disapointed, focus on your plan! Disapointement is also an excuse for eating bad things!
    Forgive yourself for this week end then find solutions for helping yourself.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    You need to allow yourself a cheat day or two otherwise you'll go mad!
    Completely avoiding 'bad' foods is totally unrealistic. The idea here is to control your intake and not overeat!
    I had a junk food weekend too but I really don't care. I'm just going to be more sensible during the week. It won't put me off of trying to lose weight still!
    The point is, as long as you're only eating junky foods occasionally, you will still lose the weight.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Thanks everyone. This site rules. I know im being too hard on myself...I am refocused. My goals are in site. I am back on the preverbial horse, and riding.

    I need to get my act in gear as far as exercise goes. I didn't work out once this weekend. I was supposed to yesterday, but I had slept late, had errands to run, and then a work party last night.

    I just want to be accountable for my actions.

    Thank you for all of your support. I know i can do this. I just had to get that off my chest.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Dude, you are right. You do suck at this and you make tons of excuses. Yes, you should beat yourself up about it. It's not healthy living. I know, great motivation speech isn't it. Wait it gets better.
    We all suck at this, we all make tons of excuses and we all beat ourselves up about it...for about 2 minutes then we refocus. That's the difference with people that make big weight changes and LIFE STYLE CHANGES. Notice I didnt' say diet. A diet is something you start and stop. When you stop, you go back to the way you were eating and gain more weight then before.
    I tell new people this...each meal is a more battles then you lose. Consistency is the key.
    Look, I'm not saying you can never eat pizza, wings or beer again. (btw, lean steaks are ok. trim all visible fat), I'm saying get to your mini goals...2 week goals, 30 day goals and celebrate your accomplishment. Pizza is one of my favorite foods and it's my cheat meal most of the time.
    Friend, your health depends on it. I know it's easy sitting from my chair but I was in your chair at 1 time. It only took 6 months for me to drop 60 lbs and I had cheat meals. You can do this. If you would like my help, friend me and I'm there for you.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    You're right .... you shouldn't be beating yourself up.

    A weekend slip isn't so important in the long run. Remember, you're going for a new, healthy lifestyle. Not a diet ... but a program, a lifestyle. And you came right back here as soon as you were over the binge phase. That's awesome. You've already begun the transformation!.

    You didn't really even slip! You stayed within your calorie goals. That is AWESOME!

    Instead of looking back at the different diets you've been on thinking of them as failures .... count them as learning experiences. You learned how NOT to do it with each different one you experienced! So each of those stepping stones brought you closer and closer to being right here, right NOW.

    My advice is to keep coming back to MFP and build a strong support network of people that you can talk to about anything. Always log your food because that will let you see patterns or realize you don't want empty calories. You want nutrition to strengthen your body and lose weight at the same time.

    I know you can do it. I have faith in you.

    Take care.
    Thank you. I felt a fire ignite in the pit of my stomach when i read this. I AM GOING TO WIN.

    and you are right. This is not a new diet. this is a new life.

    Much love.
  • Oh no! Please don't be down on yourself!

    We all have bad days, and it's completely natural to be disappointed in yourself, but use that as motivation to move forwards and give this the best shot that you can. As someone has already said, you won't eat like an angel every single day for the rest of your life - as long as the good days outweigh the bad then you will be fine.

    Look at your weight loss indicator - you've lost 12 pounds. I'd say that's something to be positive and proud about!!
  • tassles
    tassles Posts: 172
    All good advice here Phil, we all stuff up but the important thing is that you recognize the mistake and move forward from here, which is what you are doing right now!...past failures are in the past! the future holds the new you ...look forward to that and keep pushing forward even if it is 1 step forward and 2 steps back at times!...slowly it will become 2 steps forward and 1 step back ...until you have trained yourself to eat well and live well automatically! can do it!
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    yeah, i have lost 12 pounds...I'm almost under 300 which is my first true goal.
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    So pleased that youre not giving up because thats what happens we make one little slipup we beat ourselves up. Its called sabotage and bad habits are really good at it. They are hoping and a praying that you will give in and feed their craving. You sound like you are getting to the end of your bad habits though because yes you ate junk food but you kept it under control. Change in lifestyle is scary particularly if you have been living the unhealthy one for a long time you have probably forgotten what it was like to be fit and healthy. Dont be afraid it will be fine you will still be you and as I tell myself youre just upgrading the packaging. So be disappointed in the first instance, remind yourself of what you want and where you have come from then say to yourself 'tomorrow is another day' and get on with it.
    XLMKX Posts: 86
    Don't beat yourself up over this, best thing it that you have noticed what has gone wrong and now you can go forward with a plan so it doesn't happen again.
    Why don't you make a timetable? Sounds childish but it's helped me before. Just put in byour working hours and then all of your exercise/dinner around that?

    Just an idea :)

  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    by the way super impressed at your 12lb loss well done!
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    well done with the weight loss - I'm like you I really hate weekends - I spent this weekend cleaning & housework cos I was afraid to sit down and let the old habits creep up & before I'd know it I'd have eaten the days calories & be still searching for something else.
    I also have a diary where I write calories & exercise from each day just before I go to bed - I've started writing in the corner how many good days I've had & so far it 9 Good Days to Me :heart: that way if I have a bad day I can see that its only 1 day and I can move on from it
    I read this on someone elses page ................if you had 1 flat tyre would you slash the other 3 .............. bad days are part of this journey its what you do the next day that counts :happy:
  • noelani123
    noelani123 Posts: 23 Member
    I am having a very bad Monday too! I have been diligent in staying under my calorie goal, excercising everyday and still, I did not lose anything this week. I too do good all week, then even though I stay below my goals on calorie and exceed my goals on excercise, I blow it on the weekends. I think I am making bad choices in what I eat. But I don't know how that is.... I mean, instead of the pizza I would have eaten before this diet, I chose a much healthier option of wheat crust, chicken instead of sausage, spinach instead of pepperoni and still, I can't catch a break. I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!! I just have to find what I am doing wrong and fix it!
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    I´m new here, and I´m writing a blog with a daily tip on how to keep fit, and just yesterday I wrote about how indulging a wee bit every here and there is useful for keeping a diet on the long run... So, good for you staying within your calorie allotment! And congratulations for caring about your health and nutrition, at the same time... It´s so important to take care of your health (keeping sodium within limits to take care of blood pressure, for example)
    So, I agree with the rest who answered your post, every day is a chance for a fresh new start!
    XLMKX Posts: 86
    @Jam3114-Thats a brilliant tip with the diary!!
    I am definately going to try that one :)
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