New here!

Hi all,

Thought I'd introduce myself - I've been using the site for a couple weeks now, but just starting to venture over here to the message boards!

I am 34 (almost 35) yr old mom of two children. I have a 3 yr old daughter and 6 yr old son. I've been married almost 12 yrs, but we've been together 17 yrs. We are from northern Maine.

I've struggled with my weight all my adult life - I was very skinny as a child, to the point that I look at pictures of myself as a child and I think I look sickly. But then my late teens hit and the weight started creeping on. I've been able to loose quite a bit two times in my past - the last time right before I got pregnant with my son in 2004. I had lost 85lbs - but it was thanks to stress and cigarettes - not exactly the recommended diet! :noway:

Three years ago, we moved from southern Maine to northern Maine, and since then, I became a stay-at-home-mom, my son was diagnosed as having an Autism Spectrum Disorder, he's been hospitalized 3 times, we've moved once more (just across town), my dad passed away, we've almost lost my father-in-law, and some other family issues. Needless to say the lack of daily movement (my job was very active) and the stress eating, and I've gained 30lbs in 3 yrs and now I am the most I've ever weighed.

My husband (who is also overweight and a diabetic) and I have decided that we must make changes. This is our year! We've got to do it for ourselves but our children as well. I want to run and play with them and not be the mom sitting on the sidelines anymore. I want to be a better role model for them. My son has food issues because of his special needs, and he needs to see his parents making better food choices.

We aren't following really any plan per se - we've just cut out the junk food and the processed/refined foods - eating good fats, good carbs, drinking more water, no caffeine, lots of fruits and veggies - more stuff from the earth and way less stuff that's been chemically altered. And of course, getting more exercise - getting a treadmill next month, because it's hard to do a lot outside here in northern Maine in the midst of our bitter cold and snowy/icy winters.

I have a lot to loose - but I am taking it one pound at a time! I want to make my 35th year, one of the best ones yet!

Can't wait to get to know more people here! :smile:



  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    hi erin welcome, u will find the support here. stick with ur plan its a good start and join some of the challenges in the forum 2 motivate u even further. YOU CAN DO IT, GOOD LUCK :bigsmile:
  • rcwynn62
    Welcome. THere is a great support system here. Most times I just read and I usually learn something. Best of luck to you and YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • tschram12
    tschram12 Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome Im new also, good luck on your journey.