CANADIAN ready to make it happen!!!

Its wonderful i found this site... my husband introduced me as he found out about it from someone at work. I think it is fantastic and very very easy to use!!! I am looking at shedding a lot of weight this year... i ended 2010 down 18 lbs and would like to continue. I am a cook by trade so sometimes the temptation is ridiculous but with will power and healthier cooking it can happen!!! I have already threw away the dirty cigarettes for close to 3 weeks now cold turkey and am starting to feel like I'm 25 again!!! I wish all out there a fantastic start to the new year!!! Cheers to getting healthy.. (and happier) in 2011!



  • BoresEasily
    Congrats on the weight loss and most importantly the cigarettes that's a tough one for most people but by no means an impossible hurdle. Keep up the good work!
  • JulieBoBoo
    Welcome aboard! Congratulations on quitting. That's HUGE. Good luck on your journey!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Wow, Eve, the cigarettes alone is an accomplishment, then add 18 pounds off, terrific. This is a great place and you already have the right mind set!