30 lbs to lose club! 30LC



  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member

    Feel free to friend me...
  • parsonsk64
    parsonsk64 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi Reggie. I'd like to joint your group and am proud of you for being so proactive about your health! Like one other lady that replied, I too am old enough to be your mom :) and have been battling the same 20-30 pounds since I began having children of my own in the nineties. I'll be 50 next month and would like to lose 20 pounds for good before the year is out. Your message was inspiring and I wish everyone in the group all the best in reaching their healthy living goals! - Karen
  • barbarapoppa54
    barbarapoppa54 Posts: 16 Member
    I can certainly use the motivation and the company in the journey. I have 40 or so to lose and my biggest battle is my age...55..yes it is true...it takes a lot more work as you get older...which I ask everyone younger to please listen to that saying...its true and save yourself the extra struggle later if you take care of yourself NOW...I wish I had. Never-the-less....age is only a number and yes I will do this...so I'm in even if it takes me longer. I have been doing well for a few months but the weight is coming off Much slower and this might just be my push...having friends and a goal. Thanks Reggie for your post. Best of luck to everyone in reaching their goals and lets get this done!!!!
  • HampGod
    HampGod Posts: 31
    30LC is growing bigger by the minute. May need to start printing t shirts :) Welcome to the club everyone :)
  • 15% is an awesome goal! That's where I'm at right now, I'd like to get down to 12% but I may have to lay off of the Ritas....I remember when I dropped 50 lbs from college, and I would log literally everything in my log book. If I had a bad day, I'd get back to it the next day. Supporters are so underrated. Any successful person in any field will tell you they have the best supporting cast around them, and that's how winning is done :-)
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    Im in as well. I have about 40lbs to loose. I too am considered "obese" according to those lovely charts they have out there. I also want to get healthy and get healthy for when I start to try and have my second child. Don't want to add baby weight on top of those 40lbs. Feel free to add me whoever on here. :wink:
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    i want to lose 33 lbs as of today! weight in is tomorrow!! I use to be 122 when i was like 15 which is my "ideal" weight for my 5'3 stature! I DO NOT want to be 122. I do remember being 167 lbs when i was 20 (6 years ago) and all i needed to do was to lose weight and tone up! NOW 6 years later, a son and life overall I'm at 193.2 (as of today). Mind you, when i was pregnant i reached 188 MAX. I'm curvy and want to get down to 160, MAYBE 150 but well see when i get there! I'm always on here and very encouraging! I'm part of TWO biggest loser competitions (one on here and one with my friends). I'm so ready to kick the weight this time around!!

    You sound very simalar to me! I am 5'3 as well and back in school I was about 125. I got up to 165 with my first baby. Now she is 4 and I am at 170, the biggest I have been. I want to get down to 130 but would be satisfied with 140. I am curvy as well so I don't plan on being as small as i once was in high school. Feel free to add me if you would like. :smile:
  • milocamolly
    milocamolly Posts: 91 Member
    I'm in!
  • rjmelton
    rjmelton Posts: 37 Member
    I am down just over 50 already! And looking to do around 35 more! Count me in!!
  • arun_sankar
    arun_sankar Posts: 17 Member
    How about an Indian in the club? ;) I am in. I am 5'7 and 188 pounds, target to lose 30 pounds, even though I put a target of 15 pounds in MFP. I'm in !!!
  • ricki011
    ricki011 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in. Love the positive attitude. Reading about other's successes and setbacks helps me on a daily basis; you know the ole saying "you learn something every day". I would just like to know what YOUR plan is to get those 30 lbs off by the end of the summer. I'm interested in what others are going to do differently than they've done in the past few months or weeks or year.
    thanks for throwing the party!:love:
  • ChristinaOrtiz23
    ChristinaOrtiz23 Posts: 1,546 Member
    hit 190 people!!!! 30 more to go!!!! :bigsmile:
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    I need to lose 22lb before my get within the normal bmi, so please add me.
  • louiseb_88
    louiseb_88 Posts: 1 Member
    30 lbs to lose here too! Have just properly started today & looking forward to a lighter & healthier future!
  • Im wanting to lose 50! Im in haha.
  • Count me in! I've lost 25 so far. I need to lose an additional 30. :smile:
  • Can I please join in ?? I need to lose 43lbs ish but 30 would be amazing :-)

    I'm Ellie, mum of 3 boys, 5'3 and weigh roughly 182lbs.

    Hallo everyone :flowerforyou:
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    I wanna join.... I HAVE to lose no less than 30 lbs by September..... HAVE TO.... My wedding dress will be arriving at the end of August, a size SMALLER.... eeepp... Imagine the horror if it doesn't fit... so I NEED the MOTIVATION.
  • abilyeu2012
    abilyeu2012 Posts: 2 Member
    hello im amber. been fighting my weight since middle school. but it really got out of hand after I had my son. I lost weight after high school. was 165 when I met my hubby in 2009. was 180 by the time I was pregnant. and now as of today over 200 pounds and my son will be 4. really want to stick to working out and eating better. I do good for a couple months and then give up. so weight is always up and down. want to feel better about myself. hate how I look and always feel tired. right now im at 212. my first goal is to get to where I was right before I was pregnant, which is 180. then 160 after that. need all the support I can get. so always welcome to new friends :)
  • HampGod
    HampGod Posts: 31
    Woo! Love all the support and responses. Time to get sexy people.

    Excuse, we're already sexy. Let's get sexier though :) #30LC