


  • cmasonrock
    cmasonrock Posts: 50 Member
    :noway: Plyometrics!!! REALLY!!!????!!
    OMG - That hurt!!!
  • brett1117
    The Beachbody system/DVD's are the BEST at home workout program on the market!! Keep pressing play and you'll see results!! 75% of your body is made in the kitchen!! cut out the JUNK I.E sugar, soda, snacking, alcohol, etc and you'll feel and look GREAT....GL
  • cmasonrock
    cmasonrock Posts: 50 Member
    75% of your body is made in the kitchen!!

    Haha, 100% of mine is made in the kitchen. Thats the only place in my apartment I got enough room to move around!
  • ek1712
    I did p90x back in 2010 and lost 35lbs. And I kept it off for 2 years until I got pregnant.
    I had a baby boy and is now 8 months old.
    I'm now back to doing p90x (2nd week), hoping it will wok lik it did last time.

    In short, YES! P90x works!
  • TapouTFTW
    I did TapouT summer before last and made it past 60 days before tearing up my foot in a mudrun. I saw amazing results. At Day 60 I could do 10 push ups with the hand clap. When I was in the Army at top form I never even attempted to try a clap push up.

    A lot of peeps here said some really key points: modify if you have to, follow the program and leave EVERYTHING on the mat. Doing it half @ss = half @ss results.

    As soon as I finish C25K, I am heading back into TapouT... and then looking toward TapouT 2.
  • TravelinChiGal
    TravelinChiGal Posts: 216 Member
    I'm on Week 4 of the program. I LOVE it!! I am looking forward to the end of the 90 days. I can already tell I am stronger, have lost a few inches (2 weeks in, going to do bi weekly measurements), and a few pounds.

    Feel free to add me if you want support.

  • Animebride2015
    you can add me if you want to. i have done a little over a month and i am the second month, I have only lost like 6lb but i hope more in measurements ( still need those taken), people have asked me if i have lost weight and i can tell when i do certain workouts that i much stronger. I do agree don't skip yoga, i have become so much flexible.
  • pdmitra
    pdmitra Posts: 35 Member
    how many of you are following the nutrition plan diligently?
  • TravelinChiGal
    TravelinChiGal Posts: 216 Member
    how many of you are following the nutrition plan diligently?

    I am doing my best at following the macros (50/30/20) and trying to hit them daily. I honestly can't make it work 100% of the time, but give it my all. I am much more diligent with what goes into my mouth on a daily basis since starting the program, though.

  • Devasation
    Devasation Posts: 145 Member
    Feel free to add me as well.

    Since the beginning of 2013, I've completed two rounds of P90X, one round of a P90X/Insanity hybrid, the first month of another hybrid round, and I'm currently in week 5 of P90X2. (before/after pics in profile)

    As for nutrition, for the first two rounds I followed the the nutrition plan religiously, then went with IIFYM. It really is true: 80% of your results is nutrition, and abs are made in the kitchen.

    When I started I could do two pull ups, and used bands during the entire first round; during my last hybrid round, I was cranking out 110 - 120 unassisted pull ups total during Legs & Back.

    Keep bringing it!
  • michellewalker8866
    My husband ordered P90X. I loved working out with it. It is hard but do able. You just have to keep with it (I'm not doing it right now). We even have the pull up bar in the door way to the kitchen. It is so funny anyone (kids, grandkids, and husband) they can't walk through the door way without doing or trying to do a pull up. I went on line and got a team beachbody coach. I work with two of them through facebook. They are a great support team too. They do challenges to add to your daily workout. You can't have enough support when you get it those rough spots when feel like quitting. Plus, with that and MFP it helps you to be accountable. Good luck with the program.
  • cmasonrock
    cmasonrock Posts: 50 Member
    I got my discs used so I don't have a nutrition plan or anything like that. I've just been following the Rules with MFP. will that be enough? I'm also taking Whey protein after each workout.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I am getting ready to tackle P90X for the 1st time. I have done the Insanity program and love it. I am told that P90X is also hardcore and your adding another 30 days. I will be drinking Shakeology with the program as the Multi Acti Fit Vitamins all products through Beachbody. To get my max results! Hope to lose 20-25 lbs. with the program. Will also be giving up soda and fastfood for 90 days.