Having another go

Well today has been ok first day always is. Motivation is what I lack. Any ideas, help would be grateful.


  • jetobukur
    jetobukur Posts: 22 Member
    If you ever feel like giving up send me a message. I'll do my best to motivate you. Keep up the good work
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Just take it one step at a time. I'm in for my millionth go at it too. I figured I had to start somewhere, and that was with logging everything I ate. Then getting my water in.

    It gets easier every day.
  • MissNayMalmoe
    MissNayMalmoe Posts: 14 Member
    It can be tough to get and stay motivate, so surround yourself with people who can and will lovingly hold you accountable and encourage you when you need it. It can be a struggle even in a group but having that support system really helps.

    Also, set mini goals. My total required weight loss is about 85 pounds, which is daunting when I look at it like that. So I break it down:
    At ten pounds lost, I get to go have a massage.
    At twenty pounds lost, I get to go have a pedicure.
    At thirty pounds lost, I get to get a new outfit.
    At forty pounds lost, I get to go on a road trip.
    At fifty pounds lost, I get to have my hair done.
    At sixty pounds, I get to dig out my old favorite shirts.
    At seventy pounds lost, I get to go whale watching.
    At eighty pounds lost, I get to take my daughter on a Disney trip.

    It breaks my big goal into milestones and celebrates progress along they way. My daughter can participate in all these rewards and I am not rewarding myself with food. I do have a treat day on Friday but I just tell myself my little girl is watching so I have to be careful in how I handle myself with treats.

    Ultimately, there will be days when...nah... you know what I mean? You just don't care, don't want to try. Those are the days when you have to force yourself to fight the hardest. There's an enemy out there who doesn't want you to do good things for yourself, so shove defiant victory in its face. :)

    I assure you-You CAN do this!!!
  • suehxst
    suehxst Posts: 5
    Thank you.
  • suehxst
    suehxst Posts: 5
    That's what I have done today wrote it all down and upped my water. Its just logging it I get bored with, I have put it in my food dairy here on line too.
  • slperryer
    slperryer Posts: 14 Member
    I've found that logging everything in the morning makes it less tedious having to log everything before/after every meal. It also helps to keep me on track throughout the day with regards to snacking, plus it makes food shopping a lot cheaper if you plan meals in advance!
  • suehxst
    suehxst Posts: 5
    Wow I like the idea of breaking down will have a look at that. Need to work out how many pounds and do it. My scales at home always seen to say the same maybe that is because I have lost no weight.

    Will let you know how I go.

    Thanks for the break it down:smile:
  • suehxst
    suehxst Posts: 5
    Today I planned meals and it worked so need to keep on track with this, also you don't forget what you eat.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Hear you! Same boat here! Just gotta keep trying!
  • Jax814
    Jax814 Posts: 2
    These are great. It makes fitness more rewarding and less daunting.
  • jetobukur
    jetobukur Posts: 22 Member
    Wow I like the idea of breaking down will have a look at that. Need to work out how many pounds and do it. My scales at home always seen to say the same maybe that is because I have lost no weight.

    Will let you know how I go.

    Thanks for the break it down:smile:

    Have you tried measuring your waist instead? I measure both my weight and waist, and I am happier to see the inches go down instead of lbs
  • turpenoid
    turpenoid Posts: 73
    I've always gotten away from my healthy habits by being obsessed with the scale. As soon as those numbers aren't going down, my interest definitely deteriorates. This time, I've taken a more mathematical approach and I've calculated my body fat % based off of several body measurements. I've only been using MFP for a week but I've already lost a total of 4" off of my body. How many pounds? 3. THREE POUNDS. How does that all work out?!


    Regardless, you just have to think to yourself "how will this make me excited in the long run? Do I need to change up my plan?"

    If you're in it for instant weight loss on the scale, be wary... sometimes the body can take a couple weeks to really start dropping major pounds! But if you can get excited about logging your food and seeing how that affects your mood, your sleep patterns, your energy levels... well, it starts to be worth it. I've found that I can't eat broccoli and asparagus in the same day or my stomach gets in a knot. Tracking is helpful in many ways! Good luck! :smile: