Hey Friends!!

I'm Dorian 25, 3 babies, married 6 years.

I love having any accountability, but also am looking for people who are in this for the long haul. People who have a large amount to lose, or who have lost a large amount.

I currently weigh 340 and hope to get to around 140.

Thanks so much! I hope y'all are having a great day!!!


  • tink11464
    tink11464 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi Dorian - I started at 348 - about where you are and I am now at 261. Wishing you the best of luck on your loss - but you may want to try a smaller goal to start (possibly 50-100lbs) so it's not so overwhelming. :)
  • theresalmadrid
    Hi Dorian!

    Good luck on your journey! I've been using this app for a while but my progress is slow as I tend to have bad days that ruin it but I only have myself to blame. I want to lose 135 lbs, and I've only lost 16 as of today so I will be here for a while as well. :)
  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    Long way ahead of you, do you really want to reach 60kg? Try to go down 100 lbs and see how you feel, take your time. Don't forget to exercise to prevent loose skin .... Good luck and stay strong.
  • tonyamt2
    tonyamt2 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Dorian,

    I am trying to lose about 140 lbs. I would love to have more friends. Feel free to add me. We can motivate each other. I am Tonya.
  • weblur
    weblur Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Dorian! My start weight was 340 and I am aiming for 140 as well. Nice to meet you!
  • jalrashdi
    jalrashdi Posts: 34
    Hi Dorian. I want to get down to 190. I have 200 lbs to lose. Only 8 so far. I am breaking mine up into goals. I want to lose 50 lbs by Christmas. If you need more friends you are welcome to add me.
  • calypsoca
    calypsoca Posts: 23 Member
    Hiya! My start weight was 320, and I'm looking to get down around 160, then reassess when I get there. Feel free to add me!
  • _Figgzie_
    _Figgzie_ Posts: 3,506 Member

    Congrats on making the decision to lose weight and get healthy, it all starts there! I would recommend mapping out a course of action which includes eating a certain number of calories, becoming more active, lifting weights, etc. I started at over 290 and I am currently at 200 pounds.............someone mentioned focusing on smaller goals which is the path I took. I feel like I have lost 10 pounds nine times. It isn't going to be easy but nothing worth its salt is, right? Good luck and remember..........you cannot out exercise a bad diet!!
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Hi there, I started with 168 to lose. I now have 115lbs to go. feel free to add me.
  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    Hi Dorian!

    We named our first fur baby (cat) Dorian.

    I understand what you mean by the LONG HAUL! Same boat here!

    I have found a lot of support here on the boards. Check out some of the groups I am in...the lower two are pretty active.

    Feel free to friend me!

    Angie (in WV)
  • tuckeychicken
    tuckeychicken Posts: 167 Member
    Hey Dorian,

    I use to weigh 211 now I am 169 so I have about 44 pounds to reach my goal so I know you can do it. Good Luck!

    Have no friends here yet, but would love to have a supportive one if you are interested please add me as a friend.
  • trenklejm
    trenklejm Posts: 5 Member
    Please feel free to add me! I too started out with 219 to loose around! I have lost 132 so far and have about 87 to go!! Make little goals and you will make it.
  • Lene4Life
    Lene4Life Posts: 5
    :smile: Hi im the same weight as you and need to lose the same I'd love to have friends on here who are motivated and can motivate also. It's hard for me as my fiance is 140lb trying to GAIN weight so that presents challenges. Finished a week and am down 2lb andsome inches so already on a high from that. It doesnt feel like a diet cause it isnt. Just watching my portions. A couple times I wanted to give up but I'd gain nothing from that. Tracking is soooooo easy it makes it so awesome. Good luck to you and anyone who wants to add me as a friend is free to. Hope to track success together :)
  • Lene4Life
    Lene4Life Posts: 5
    Testing to see if my ticker shows up
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Sending FR. Like Angie said, check out the group's it helps a lot to chat with people who have similar goals. Its not easy but is definitely possible!
  • indycoltz
    indycoltz Posts: 565 Member
    You can do it. It's 99% mental to start..... because you can mentally talk yourself into eating at anytime. I had to figure that out. You literally have to stop and think EVERY TIME you want to eat... Stop, think, log what you're going to eat BEFORE you eat it.. and then make the decision whether you'll eat it or not.
    You'll make it.
  • cosmichvoyager
    cosmichvoyager Posts: 237 Member
    ^^^that's a good point. I log my breakfast in the morning as I eat it and then add the lunch and snacks I packed for work and sort of sketch out dinner plans based on what calories are left.
    If it looks like I am going to go over then I make a point to do some exercising so I have a bit of wiggle room.
    Welcome, Dorian!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I started this journey at 376. I'm now at 294, and want to get to about 140 too.

    Feel free to friend me!
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    Hi Dorian, I am returning to MFP because I know it works, I got off and backslid didn't reach my goal but I am back. Would love to give support and also get some help along this journey. Together we can accomplish out goals!! Sending a friend request.
  • selgregory
    I'm in the same boat, I have about 150lbs to lose!
    Feel free to add me - need as much motivation and support as I can get! :)
    & Would be happy to motivate others as well!