Rewards on a budget

I've got a long way to go to reach my ultimate goal, but I have "mini" goals in mind for along the way. However, I'm stuck as to what to do as a reward for achieving those goals. I can't afford massages or pedicures or trips or new clothes or much of anything, but I'd like to have something, no matter how small, as a token of 'hey, you made it this far - just keep going to get the next one!'. Any ideas?


  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I use a cheat meal on mini goals. Although my co worker said you can have a cheat meal when you got that six pack. LOL she funny though.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Could you start a scrap-book? Take pictures and then place reminders of things in there.

    For example - a start weight picture, then a 10lb loss picture. When I started at over 200 lbs, I didn't really want to move much. After even a 10 lb loss, I was going to outside events - so maybe tickets or reminders of things you did that you couldn't do before... or event hings that you find you're enjoying now that you didn't used to? If I had one, I think I'd put the starting weight picture on the last page, and work my way forward - each page closer to the front of the book would be a page for progress. When you finally get to the front, you'll open to the first page and see you at goal.

    Just a thought.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    My "rewards" are fitness items. For less than $20 at Walmart, I can buy a new neon tank and pair of running shorts, or a cute sports bra, or a new workout/yoga DVD. For bigger milestones, I reward myself with bigger rewards. 50lbs lost earns me a Polar HRM. I'm looking to buy that next month.
  • calypsoca
    calypsoca Posts: 23 Member
    Could you start a scrap-book? Take pictures and then place reminders of things in there.

    For example - a start weight picture, then a 10lb loss picture. When I started at over 200 lbs, I didn't really want to move much. After even a 10 lb loss, I was going to outside events - so maybe tickets or reminders of things you did that you couldn't do before... or event hings that you find you're enjoying now that you didn't used to? If I had one, I think I'd put the starting weight picture on the last page, and work my way forward - each page closer to the front of the book would be a page for progress. When you finally get to the front, you'll open to the first page and see you at goal.

    Just a thought.

    I love this idea. I digitally scrapbook, so this is something I can put together with very little expense (printing it out would be the extent of the cost). Thanks so much for the fabulous idea!!
  • calypsoca
    calypsoca Posts: 23 Member
    My "rewards" are fitness items. For less than $20 at Walmart, I can buy a new neon tank and pair of running shorts, or a cute sports bra, or a new workout/yoga DVD. For bigger milestones, I reward myself with bigger rewards. 50lbs lost earns me a Polar HRM. I'm looking to buy that next month.

    For me, right now Walmart is out of the question for clothes. I'd love a HRM, but it's not in the budget for quite a while yet. The purse strings are pulled about as tight as they can get. :-( but it's something to keep in mind for down the road.
  • fullersun35
    fullersun35 Posts: 162 Member
    Some people do rocks in a jar. Move one from the full jar to the empty jar for each pound you lose.

    Or put a $1 in the jar for each pound lost. Buy something frivolous when you hit goal.
  • calypsoca
    calypsoca Posts: 23 Member
    I use a cheat meal on mini goals. Although my co worker said you can have a cheat meal when you got that six pack. LOL she funny though.

    I don't really need to do a cheat meal, as I'm able to fit pretty much anything I want into my daily goals...I try not to deprive myself of anything because my history shows that when I start to feel deprived, I go waaaaaaaay overboard and then fall completely off track and take forever (a year and a half and 50 lbs gained last time) to get back on track.
    A bowl of ice cream. Like a big giant bowl.

    Delicious! But, again, I do treat myself to ice cream occasionally :-)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Some people do rocks in a jar. Move one from the full jar to the empty jar for each pound you lose.

    Or put a $1 in the jar for each pound lost. Buy something frivolous when you hit goal.

    I'm gonna use this since I do need to buy new clothes already but don't want to.
  • calypsoca
    calypsoca Posts: 23 Member
    Some people do rocks in a jar. Move one from the full jar to the empty jar for each pound you lose.

    Or put a $1 in the jar for each pound lost. Buy something frivolous when you hit goal.

    Hmm. I'll give this one some thought. I'm not sure I'd do the rocks, though that's a neat idea, but I could probably spare $5-$10 a month into a savings account. Thanks!
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    Mine requires support from my wife. I try to get a day all to myself, playing video games, reading, etc...
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Could you start a scrap-book? Take pictures and then place reminders of things in there.

    For example - a start weight picture, then a 10lb loss picture. When I started at over 200 lbs, I didn't really want to move much. After even a 10 lb loss, I was going to outside events - so maybe tickets or reminders of things you did that you couldn't do before... or event hings that you find you're enjoying now that you didn't used to? If I had one, I think I'd put the starting weight picture on the last page, and work my way forward - each page closer to the front of the book would be a page for progress. When you finally get to the front, you'll open to the first page and see you at goal.

    Just a thought.

    I love this idea. I digitally scrapbook, so this is something I can put together with very little expense (printing it out would be the extent of the cost). Thanks so much for the fabulous idea!!

    Just wanna say this is SUCH a cool idea :-) Love it.

    Also, if you're into clothing related could even be clearance or thrift store items.
  • calypsoca
    calypsoca Posts: 23 Member
    Mine requires support from my wife. I try to get a day all to myself, playing video games, reading, etc...

    I get my days to myself all the time, and can choose what I do or don't do (kids in school, I'm a single stay at home mom, so if I choose not to clean that day, it just doesn't get done, and we move on to the next day). Now, what would be good would be a NIGHT to myself. However, that requires my ex-husband's cooperation, and, well, that doesn't happen often.
  • calypsoca
    calypsoca Posts: 23 Member
    Also, if you're into clothing related could even be clearance or thrift store items.

    When I get down to a small enough size, I will definitely be thrift shopping. Still have to shop in the big girl stores for now, though, and the thrift stores around here don't carry much in the bigger sizes. Thanks!
  • kids183
    kids183 Posts: 204 Member
    Some people do rocks in a jar. Move one from the full jar to the empty jar for each pound you lose.

    Or put a $1 in the jar for each pound lost. Buy something frivolous when you hit goal.

    This is a great idea! I may have to try this too!
  • Catryx
    Catryx Posts: 8 Member
    Massages and manicures can be expensive, but your home page mentions that you have kids. How about writing up a reward 'coupon book' that you give to your kids. When you get to a goal, you ask your kids to pick one to reward you with. Examples that come to mind are:
    1. A massage from the kids
    2. Breakfast in bed (Menu pre-chosen and approved by you of course)
    3. Karaoke and dance night with the kids
    4. 'Mommy did it' art work
    5. Saturday trip to the zoo (or other free outing with them)
    Maybe the kids could help you by coming up with rewards that they'd like to give you. It would also be a terrific way to show them how to follow through on things, and allow them to participate in your journey.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Truthfully? I don't get the "rewards" thing. My "reward" is looking marvelous and feeling fantastic and the prospect of living long enough to see great great grandchildren.

    I don't need a freaking pair of shoes or an ice cream sundae as well.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    You mentioned you can't afford a pedicure but go get a new bottle of polish and have a girls afternoon of mani pedi with a friend or daughter if you have one. Even do it your self. Its z fun cheap reward.
  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member
    I treat myself to a "home mani/pedi" A couple of dollars will buy a pretty new nail polish color and then I take some time at night when my son is in bed and do my nails all pretty. It is simple and kind of frivilous but it makes me feel pretty so I like having that as a treat. really don't even need to buy new polish if you don't want to but it is nice to have something new.
  • calypsoca
    calypsoca Posts: 23 Member
    Truthfully? I don't get the "rewards" thing. My "reward" is looking marvelous and feeling fantastic and the prospect of living long enough to see great great grandchildren.

    I don't need a freaking pair of shoes or an ice cream sundae as well.

    I'm glad you're satisfied with that. I've got a long way to go before I'll feel like I look marvelous or feel fantastic, so I want something to help me along the way as motivation. I don't really have anybody cheering me on from the sidelines, aside from my 11 and 12 year old kids, and they don't really "get" it.

    And, if you read any of my responses, you'd have seen that I don't want an ice cream sundae, and while shoes had not been mentioned, I'm pretty sure my subject line made it clear that I can't afford to buy myself new shoes "just because". Carry on in your life, and I (and those who have responded positively to me) will carry on in ours.