6 months after breaking my ankle...



  • ColoradoBringItOn
    ColoradoBringItOn Posts: 132 Member
    Hi, 49 here and broke my tib and fib sparring on July 25 and had surgery the next day. Had a rod and screws put in and being 3.5 months in...getting stronger. Was actually doing my workouts at the gym on crutches early on. Doing pt etc. To date spinning or stationary bike daily along with hiit free weights and hiit calisthenics. Have also included the stairmaster in my work outs recently. Still have pain but that's getting better.Still walking with a slight limp...but working on it. Going to do a 5 and 10K this spring....that's a fact...even if I can't compete with my previous times...its getting back on the horse that counts...good luck!

    WTG planning those 5 and 10Ks! I can't wait until I can get to a point to even train for them again. I was training for a 5K when I broke my ankle and the race was 3 days later so I'm still upset about missing it. I will complete it next year though...it won't get the best of me!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Well I currently have a fractured fibula, no surgery just a cast. One week down and hope to get the cast off on 12/5. I fractured it about 2 weeks after I got out of a splint for a bad sprain I had at the end of august on the other ankle. So any advice for what is to come and how to keep off the weight while recuperating is great. I am hoping to be able to play sports again come this spring.
  • wateryphoenix
    wateryphoenix Posts: 644 Member
    At the end of Feb 2012 I broke both of my ankles in an accident. I broke the talus bone, and have screws in both ankles. My right ankle is worse, and I have screws in the front and back of it. I was in a wheelchair for 3 months and in physical therapy for another 2-3. It takes quite a bit to recover. To this day I still have to take Aleve before a workout, or I will be limping around like crazy.

    It was the first time I ever broke anything, as well! Just keep up with your therapy. Even after you are done seeing the therapist, keep doing those exercises! I slacked off for a little while and it made a huge difference. I can wear some heels, mostly around 2 inches.

    Feel free to add me if you wish. =D
  • holyshitfuvkgigs
    Lol we're completely on the same level dude. I broke my ankle in 3 places back in end of January and am still not fully weight baring on it yet /: recovery is slow but maaaan do I miss running/dancing. I've currently been doing a couple sessions of therapy a week + my own therapy so hopefully I'll be fully recovered and running again by the end of the year....still got ways to go
  • misseymoo_2
    It's been about 3 years since my break ....literally shattered it...had surgery about a week after it happened (plates and screws the whole shebang) and a month of pt! only got to about 85 to 90 percent rom back ....I never even thought to take painkillers before working out lol, what a brilliant idea! I've been trying to do squats and the other exercises I learned in pt to improve rom, it's tightened up a bit (partly because I'm paranoid that bending my ankle too much will break it again lol) .......I notice that my muscles in that whole leg are still very tight as well, has anyone else experienced this and how did you help it?!
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Old thread but wanted to chime in. As you can see from my profile picture I'm dealing with a fracture, a Jones Fracture. Been almost 4 months since I've walked. Sucks!!!
  • JJ48Fan
    JJ48Fan Posts: 50
    I broke my foot last December 10th.... 5th metatarsal - Jones fracture. The worst kind of break. I was in a non-bearing cast/boot for 3 and 1/2 months. Then I was able to walk in the boot for another 2 months before I was finally healed. It has taken me a long time to get back into exercise (partly out of fear, since I broke my foot doing plyometrics during P90X). I am not currently a gimp, but I totally feel your pain. Hang in there.

    I broke my 5th metatarsal - spiral fracture, 9 months ago taking out the trash (I'll never do that again :laugh: ) I too am scared to get back to running for fear of making it worse and being stuck in the boot again! I started off slowly and every time I walk or start to run my foot is in so much pain I have to ice it for the rest of the night. :grumble:
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I broke my foot last December 10th.... 5th metatarsal - Jones fracture. The worst kind of break. I was in a non-bearing cast/boot for 3 and 1/2 months. Then I was able to walk in the boot for another 2 months before I was finally healed. It has taken me a long time to get back into exercise (partly out of fear, since I broke my foot doing plyometrics during P90X). I am not currently a gimp, but I totally feel your pain. Hang in there.

    I broke my 5th metatarsal - spiral fracture, 9 months ago taking out the trash (I'll never do that again :laugh: ) I too am scared to get back to running for fear of making it worse and being stuck in the boot again! I started off slowly and every time I walk or start to run my foot is in so much pain I have to ice it for the rest of the night. :grumble:

    <<<Jones Fracture here. Almost clean thru!! No fabulous story behind it. Over training and developed a stress fracture. Saw the doc, said xrays looked fine and follow up in a month, if still tender then he will order an MRI. Three days before my appointment I got out of the car, took a step and my foot snapped. Surgery to put in the screw and the xray on the right is from this morning. Almost 4 months later and not completely healed!!! :angry: :grumble: :noway:
  • kc0622
    kc0622 Posts: 1
    I found this thread because it's been about that long since I broke my ankle and my foot, and I cannot believe how slow this recovery is! I was searching for proof that it's not just me!

    I was doing okay with my recovery, then I stumbled at the ice rink (watching from the sidelines - my kids take lessons) and for the past three days it's hurt so bad that I needed to wear my air cast again. I was able to run two miles about a month ago, but the next day I was limping about. Going down stairs is still not the same - I used to just fly down the stairs, now I have to pay attention and hold the handrail.

    It is completely frustrating. I would never have guessed how long it takes to recover from an ankle break.
  • twopeas2
    twopeas2 Posts: 81 Member
    Gosh, reading this thread is so depressing! I broke my fibula 2 1/2 weeks ago, had surgery 1 week ago and am already going BONKERS! I was doing a lot of exercise, including running up to 15kms prior to breaking it and I am missing it so bad. I will say that I seem to have lost some weight though, so that's one positive. I can't wait to be out of this damn cast. I hope all of you are healing nicely, or are much better.
  • sasawhite
    sasawhite Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all I broke my fibula on my left leg going into 4 weeks now I was in a cast for 3 weeks and now I'm wearing a boot doc said no weight bearing.. I've been limping around the house but using my crutches when I have to go out... Its so frustrating because I'm an active runner and this has changed a lot for me...

    I recent started the gym only doing upper body.. The pain has since subside a bit in my leg but I get a bit on waking up in the mornings and sometimes at night when I'm sleeping..... Even though my doctor said no weight bearing is it a bad thing with me limping around? ... My right leg which is the mobile one has been through a lot hoping around has been hard on it, and now I'm experiencing a tightness/soreness in my hip and lower back I feel as if the muscles is over use.. Has this been happening to anyone!
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    Jones fracture here, tomorrow will be 3 months. Was pissed off and not paying attention and ended up kicking a curb that was slightly taller than normal. So pissed that I felt no pain for 10 minutes. Then as fast as I could drove to the hospital. Xrays showed it was Broke all the way through. Thankfully I felt no pain unless I was stepping on it.
    Spent 2.5 weeks in a splint.
    Then no weight in a boot for a month.
    Then weight with crutches.
    Then more weight and start to lose the crutches.
    It's been about a week and a half since I got to take off the boot. And I'm already back at work. Unless I step on something the pain only feels like I have walked several miles on that foot. Compression socks help.
  • nashvillenellie
    nashvillenellie Posts: 75 Member
    I broke my ankle and shin bone after falling 12 foot from a ladder. My leg got hung in a rung on the way down. It was a very bad injury but I am lucky I did not break my neck. Somehow I managed to throw my self and land on my shoulder verses my head. My foot was pointing totally backwards when it was all said and done. I had bones sticking out everywhere. I was down for the count for a long time. I had 2 casts and had to wear a brace for a long time. I have enough metal in my leg to set off a metal detector 2 miles away. PT helped me some but I have a permanent limp and sometimes it really is very tough just walking. I let the pain take over and gained so much weight because it hurt to exercise. However, after losing 50 pounds since the first of the year I am going at it wide open at the gym. My leg still hurts but it hurts a lot less since the weight is coming off. I would love to run again, but that is really doubtful. Like I said, I thank God I did not break my neck and I am thankful I can walk, even if it is with a limp.

    I wish you a full recovery and for it to be pain free.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    I broke two bones in my ankle about five years ago. It took a year before I was pretty much normal again. my hardware developed a bursa this year and I had to have the hardware out.. it's the first time in five years I feel pretty much pre break..

    break your ankle is serious business.

    I broke mine golfing in late winter early spring. I slide down an icy incline looking for my ball. I haven't been able to golf again since.
  • I fell off a ladder and shattered my ankle took me 3 years of being on crutches physiotherapy hydrotherapy and numerous operations the last one being ankle fusion it still hurts every day I just feel lucky I can still walk
  • jamiez33
    Broke my left ankle - lateral malleolus (end of the fibula bone) back in March by rolling my ankle on the bosu ball at the gym. Had a severe sprain, dislocated ligament and broken bone. After having to change doctors due to improper diagnosis, ended up having surgery in June...had to have the bone scraped/cleaned, and fused with a plate and 4 screws and reattachment of the ligament. Have been out of the walking boot for about a month now and just finished PT of about 8 weeks (had tendonitis due to lack of ROM for so long). Just now getting back to a "normal" routine (walking without limping or pain) as well as going to the gym and attempting to run again after being in and out of casts and boots and splints and non-weight bearing with crutches since March. I have days where I feel great and others where I can't believe the throbbing pain in my knee and hip, as well as ankle, on my injured side.

    I am 31 and am fairly active, running/kickboxing/lifting before the injury, but I think I am just as shocked as the rest of you to learn how long recovery takes to even feel slightly normal again. I'm hoping that with time the pains will subside but for now everyday is a hurdle. Still debating if I should get the hardware taken out but I don't think I could go through all of that again, especially the recovery time. But I don't know that I can live with the strange feeling of my ankle not being my ankle. Any suggestions on that would be great as I will have to decide if I want the removal before you know it.

    Thanks! And I hope everyone is recovering :flowerforyou: