Losing weight for wedding & Beyond! Shorties Unite!

fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
Hi all.
I originally started on this site at 215 lbs. I am 5ft tall. /1,53(cm).
This was in 2012.
I told myself I wasn't going to be one of those people who loses the weight and re-gains it all so I went ahead and worked hard to lose 40 lbs through diet and exercise.
Fast forward 8+ months later, here I am 173 lbs. Great. Eventually life, stress and other things catch up with me. I got/get sick all the time, 6 times within 6 months. A cold here, flu there even a cough infections. The heat rash from my brand new heart rate monitor set me back a couple weeks too. It's just too much. Oh yea... also my elliptical broke. Did I mention the temptations?

so I'm officially tired of my BS and I am looking for like minded short ladies who know what it's like. I am getting married next year and i absolutely need to lose weight for then and beyond. Mainly also because my wedding dress is the wrong size and it's a whole size smaller than it was supposed to be (David's Bridal Sale, go figure).
So.... no pressure... right? lol
I'm looking for highly motivated non toxic people who want to go on this journey with me and stay on it with me.

Current Weight: 205.4
Goal Weight: Between 150 and 135 lbs


  • cmego11
    cmego11 Posts: 2 Member
    I feel ya, girl. I am 4'11 1/2" (don't forget the 1/2!) so understand the struggles of being small vertically but stretching out horizontally a lot easier than most people. I am getting married in October and would love a Wedding Weight Buddy to keep me motivated!
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    Congrats on resolving to do something about it! At least you didn't gain ALL the weight you originally lost back. :) And you can very easily lose a size! I don't know how much in inches is between sizes for those that fit you right now, but for me (went from a size 10 to a size 4) each inch lost around bust/waist/hips was a whole size.

    I'm getting married next year, in May, and I'm 5'1". I'd gained a bunch of weight in grad school from not exercising and eating too much because I was exhausted all the time, and I just got disgusted with myself. I'm making my wedding dress myself, so being the same size when making it as I plan to be at my wedding was important! So I lost the required 10-15ish pounds, starting in January and ending just a couple weeks ago. It was HARD at first (even though I didn't have a lot to lose) because I had never intentionally lost weight before-- I had no idea if I even COULD lose weight, I thought maybe I was stuck being plump forever!-- and because I love food and had gotten used to eating way too much. But it did get easier. Learning to maintain a weight is hard too, but I have the confidence now that I will be able to do that successfully since I have better habits and know not to overeat now.

    I don't know if you want a MFP friend who's already lost the weight she needed to and is learning how to maintain, but you can add me if you want! I'm definitely a non-toxic person. ;) I don't believe in being nasty to people just because they are represented by words on a computer screen. And we're both getting married soon! That's exciting!
  • fg8585
    fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
    I'll definitely add you 2!
  • fg8585
    fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
    Add request sent! I always round up to 5ft. To me, you ARE 5ft! lol
  • OhReally42
    OhReally42 Posts: 138 Member
    I definitely know how much it sucks being shorter and trying to lose weight! I'm 5 foot too and currently at 176. I hit the 194 mark in January and refused to go past 200 so I said screw it and bought myself a stationary bike. I've gone through so many ups and downs already this year. Being sick and not exercising, having my first seizure and not being able to do anything strenuous for weeks, then just flat out getting discouraged. I'm finally starting back up. I did 5 days straight of my bike and other strength exercises along with it and I plan on keeping with this until I get to a healthy BMI. For me that's at least 123. I have a long road to go still but it's awesome to know I'm not the only shorty out here working on their weight!
  • marbaca333
    marbaca333 Posts: 2 Member
    I am also short, 5.3 ish lol! And I am also getting married this year in Oct. I was reading the boards and saw your quote and couldn't believe how well I fit the same situation. So I was desperate, I went to a doctor for help. Right now I am on a meal replacement plan. I had to take a bunch of test just to make sure I was healthy enough to go on the diet. So 1 week in and I have lost 7 lbs. please keep me in the loop I would love motivation from other short ladies in the same boat.

  • fg8585
    fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
    @ Ohreally42

    Omg, I know that magical number. I was 123 lbs for a blissful year at 16. To fit in size 4 to 6 clothing was pretty darn awesome! Keep it up! I added you!
  • fg8585
    fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
    @marbaca333, Wow congrats! Can I ask which meal replacement plan you're on?
    Way to go, keep it up!
  • marbaca333
    marbaca333 Posts: 2 Member
    I am taking protein shakes Breakfast, Lunch and Snack, and then eating lean and green for dinner. I would say you would really need to be desperate to go on this diet... and I was, so I now go in to see a support group and see a doctor once a week to make sure I'm not loosing weight to fast.
  • OhReally42
    OhReally42 Posts: 138 Member
    I know! such an awesome weight! lol I was at that early high school and my self esteem was so low then that I never appreciated it. But thats my goal. Less is fine too but at least 123!
  • fg8585
    fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
    I am taking protein shakes Breakfast, Lunch and Snack, and then eating lean and green for dinner. I would say you would really need to be desperate to go on this diet... and I was, so I now go in to see a support group and see a doctor once a week to make sure I'm not loosing weight to fast.
    Do you work out?
    haha I am pretty desperate to lose weight. (Mind you I have to fit in a size 12 dress and I am currently an 18W in wedding dress sizes) but no I'll stick to what I know since it took me so long to perfect my weight loss routine.
  • fg8585
    fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
    I know! such an awesome weight! lol I was at that early high school and my self esteem was so low then that I never appreciated it. But thats my goal. Less is fine too but at least 123!
    Oh gosh same here. I would look at myself and still feel fat or bloated. I had one friend point out my hip bones to me cause I didn't get how thin I was lol. (mind you she was thin too). Now, when I got to 173 last year my self esteem was so high, was so proud of myself. But eventually the self sabotage kicked in and I want to avoid it this time.
  • OhReally42
    OhReally42 Posts: 138 Member
    I haven't had much luck with friends really helping me. I've had one friend that I've been friends with intermittently since 8th grade (I'm 20 now) and she's very strange with her show of support. She'll tell me one day that I'm pretty and perfect and then the next day when I tell her what size of clothes I'm in she'll get mad and talk about how over weight she is and how she needs to eat better and work out better. She's never eclipsed 130 and she's always looked the same to me and our other friends. Even now, I was at 194 so I told her I was buying a bike,she went out and bought one that was cheaper, because she was 115 but that was "Just too heavy." And she continues to post about how she is losing weight but still eats fast food and she's never active. I'm working out 5 days a week, when able and just want some support from my "Best friend" but I don't get it at all. It's tough.
  • fg8585
    fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
    I haven't had much luck with friends really helping me. I've had one friend that I've been friends with intermittently since 8th grade (I'm 20 now) and she's very strange with her show of support. She'll tell me one day that I'm pretty and perfect and then the next day when I tell her what size of clothes I'm in she'll get mad and talk about how over weight she is and how she needs to eat better and work out better. She's never eclipsed 130 and she's always looked the same to me and our other friends. Even now, I was at 194 so I told her I was buying a bike,she went out and bought one that was cheaper, because she was 115 but that was "Just too heavy." And she continues to post about how she is losing weight but still eats fast food and she's never active. I'm working out 5 days a week, when able and just want some support from my "Best friend" but I don't get it at all. It's tough.
    Sounds like she has a lot of insecurities beyond your control lol. She's 115 lbs and she is still being insecure? But I think we're all like this in our heads.
  • OhReally42
    OhReally42 Posts: 138 Member
    I think so. It's nice to see other people online struggling with the cravings and temptations too, without being judged for it!
  • fg8585
    fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
    I think so. It's nice to see other people online struggling with the cravings and temptations too, without being judged for it!
    Agreed. We're all more or less in either the same boat or a similar boat. :-)
  • SammieDQ37
    SammieDQ37 Posts: 37
    I think that I'm going to try the shake and lean green idea
  • kwied90
    kwied90 Posts: 26 Member
    add me!!!! I'm getting married October 5th 2015 and need to lose 75 pounds before my wedding! I refuse to even shop for dresses until I'm at my halfway point!! I was on MFP previously and lost 60 pounds but have gained back 15 pounds! I'm committing for good this time!! I think a huge success to MFP is motivation!!!
  • misouintree
    misouintree Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in for the support group. My wedding is on October 4th this year (yikes)! I am 5"3 and have 15 lbs to lose before then. We can do this!
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    You can add me. I am 5'3. CW is 155. I just had my 2nd baby in March and gained 50 lbs with him. I still have about 25 lbs to go to get to my goal weight. Weight loss has been slow but I'm not giving up!