Gilbert's syndrome

AGirrl Posts: 29 Member
Hi! I have been diagnosed w/ Gilbert's syndrome. It's a liver condition when bilirubin in liver stays permanently high. I am wondering if anyone here has the same condition. I am extremely interested whether it affects my metabolism (it is too slow, I wonder if it's the reason for that,) as well as the way I lose (and gain) weight. I have looked into various studies, and have found nothing yet. If someone has a success story w/ my condition, it would be very helpful :)


  • AGirrl
    AGirrl Posts: 29 Member
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I don't have they syndrome but a quick glance through the Mayo Clinic site does not indicate weight gain or poor metabolism to be part of this condition. The site recommends asking your doctor if the symptoms might match. Other ideas may be to have your resting metabolism tested. Keep in mind these tests have a margine of error. Finally, you could be eating more than you realize. Log your food here. Every lick, taste, and bit. Weigh solid foods on a scale and liquids with cups ( unless a weight alternative is available).

    Best of luck figuring it out. If you do find it is the syndrome causing it, do not allow it to be your reason for eating too much. :flowerforyou:
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I have it, but its never had an effect on my life at all, except doctors think you have hepatitis because of the billiruben level.

    you could probably google it.
  • shorshabae
    shorshabae Posts: 32 Member
    It has nothing to do with energy metabolism, rather more to do with the metabolism of bilirubin. I find it difficult to believe that you have a 'slow metabolism', despite seeing dozens of patients a day I never see that diagnoses. Cushings and hypothyroidism may cause weight gain though. Gilbert condition should not affect any aspect of your daily life...except that once and a while you may become jaundiced.
  • AGirrl
    AGirrl Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for all your support! OMG, I am so lucky to have myself here :) I log everything I eat, every day, after every meal. Heck, I even downloaded MFP app so that I could always track my progress at any time! I have done also additional tests (on thyroid function etc.) and everything seems OK apart from Gilbert's syndrome. In fact, I am desperate to lose weight, particularly from my thighs, b/c they look awfully big in comparison to my body in general. I look somewhat disproportioned. My height is 5'2'', and my current weight is 125 pounds. I go to gym regularly (3-4 times/week,) my coach told me that I don't have fat in my thighs, they are just muscular. Ehm, too muscular. He showed some exercises for reducing muscles in that area. For example, my usual cardio lasted apprx 1-1.5h, now 40-45 min max etc. I look forward to my new self, particularly when no one among my friends or family actually believe that I will look good. I mean, my thighs are 22 inches, I assure you, they look pretty awful. I thought it might be due to slow metabolism that no matter what I do I lose weight all over my body apart from my thighs. Even my hips look smaller. I am at a loss of what to do... Mind you, I have changed my routine only a week ago, so right now it's hard to tell whether I will see some results. Now I focus on healthy food, a lot of protein (not carbs, as was b4.) So I'll continue w/ healthy eating, it should help. Probably.
  • maroonandwhite
    maroonandwhite Posts: 4 Member
    I was diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome a couple of years ago, and researched it quite a bit at the time. From what I found, it is actually beneficial-- there are no related negative effects on health (other than a predisposition to having a slightly more yellow skin tone at times), but there is actually a statistically significant lower rate of heart disease associated with the syndrome. I think that's a pretty fair trade-off!