Need Motivation! No results yet with P90 :(

Hi! I'm almost done with day 21 of P90 (not X) and the scale has gone absolutely nowhere, if not up. I gave up on that a while ago.

In terms of measurements, I have lost an inch or two. My legs and arms are much more toned and my fitness has increased greatly. I went from not being able to do the jumping section in the cardio to going much faster, doing 1 push up to 21, doing 50 crunches to 100, etc.

I just want to punch a wall because nothing is happening weight wise and not a huge difference inches wise either.

I'm female, 19, between 170-175 (changes everyday), 5'7" ish.

A typical day of food:
Bowl of Cereal with Fat Free Milk-300 calories
Working out-250-300 calories
Muscle Milk-150 calories
Lentils, Chicken Curry, and Brown Pita Bread-500 calories
Random Snacks-200 calories
Salad with Grilled Salmon-300 calories.

That totals to 1450 calories a day (not including exercise).

I've been drinking my water and green tea as well.

I just don't know :( help?


  • unikedood
    unikedood Posts: 10
    Also wanted to clarify I work out six days a week.
  • unikedood
    unikedood Posts: 10
    Bump :(
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    if you are building muscle, which seems likely since you're doing P90, you might want to consider that muscle weighs more than fat. that means you can be losing fat but building muscle, which could explain why you're not losing weight. btw, more muscle is great, as it not only means you're stronger, but means you'll burn more calories even when resting.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I have lost an inch or two. My legs and arms are much more toned and my fitness has increased greatly. I went from not being able to do the jumping section in the cardio to going much faster, doing 1 push up to 21, doing 50 crunches to 100, etc.

    That looks like pretty good results to me. The scale is not the only measure of success.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I have lost an inch or two. My legs and arms are much more toned and my fitness has increased greatly. I went from not being able to do the jumping section in the cardio to going much faster, doing 1 push up to 21, doing 50 crunches to 100, etc.

    That looks like pretty good results to me. The scale is not the only measure of success.

    Agreed, ditch the scales and carry on with P90!
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    That looks like pretty good results to me. The scale is not the only measure of success.
    perfectly put - i agree 100%
  • a5hnk
    a5hnk Posts: 10 Member
    The results sound great as someone has said above. You are approaching this the wrong way, a scale does not even begin to tell the full story. Since muscle is a denser tissue than fat, then ofcourse you could actually be gaining weight, but losing fat , which will result in a higher weight, but you would be looking better.
    Take the example of a rugby player, e.g. Sonny Bill WIlliams, the man is 108 Kgs approx 220lbs, would you complain about the weight if you looked like that?
    All in all good luck, a scale on its own is not a good approach.
    (Edit: just noticed, the original poster was a female, so bad example given by me, but the principle is still the same.)
  • unikedood
    unikedood Posts: 10
    Thank you guys. It just gets frustrating when you don't see the results you expected. I'll just stick to my tape measure instead :)
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    I have a friend who got a 6 pack after 2 kids using P90X she said the key was the nutrition/meal plan. Does P90 have a meal plan with it like P90X? I think it requires more calories and more protein. How many calories are you burning with it? I think P90X was around 600 calories for me per work out at 5'3" around 130-140 lbs (based off a HRM). So if you are burning a lot and not eating enough that could be an issue.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    no results my butt!

    the results you are looking for are going to come largely from diet, and more importantly patience.

    and to that end, you could probably eat a little more per day and still get to where you want to in the long run because it will be easier to stick with it.
  • rdsxfn
    rdsxfn Posts: 58 Member
    Phase 2 of the P90X program is where I saw more significant changes in my body. You've already made great progress! Just give it some time. Doesn't Tony Horton say in one of the videos that Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is your body? Something like that :smile:
  • rdsxfn
    rdsxfn Posts: 58 Member
    Oh and are you eating enough or too much? Weigh your food. It will make a big difference.
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    You are building muscle. Keep in mind that when you stress muscle it retains water it needs to repair. So in addition to gaining muscle, you are probably retaining some water. The weight will drop eventually, it has to if you are in a deficit.
  • beleeLafter
    That program is not designed to focus on weight-loss..........rather body transformation...............which it sounds to me like what is happening. I've done that program and several similar to it. I think I lost around 1 lb in any of them. The inches though were astounding and so many other great things happened with increased energy, feeling better, smaller clothes, etc.......

    I'd say you are having fantastic results.............burn the scale :P
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Sounds to me like you're getting pretty good results!

    Some things to consider. You are probably retaining water if you are new to intense exercise and that could be masking the scale number. Scales are dirty little liars. Or if you are not weighing and measuring everything you eat and drink you are probably eating more than you think, it is very common. But a really easy fix, go buy a digital food scale and start weighing every solid food that you eat and measuring all of your liquids. And just to throw out some more information, you cannot build muscle while eating in a deficit, which really sucks I know. But what you are seeing is your muscle definition that was hidden by fat = success.

    Here are a few links that you should read to better understand about weighing and measuring food and a general guide to success:
  • krysannboggs
    krysannboggs Posts: 48 Member
    Why is your weight so important when you are SEEING results?! Muscle is denser than fat and scales can be so severely misleading. Your body is soooooo much more complex than a stupid number on a scale :)
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hi! I'm almost done with day 21 of P90 (not X) and the scale has gone absolutely nowhere, if not up. I gave up on that a while ago.

    In terms of measurements, I have lost an inch or two. My legs and arms are much more toned and my fitness has increased greatly. I went from not being able to do the jumping section in the cardio to going much faster, doing 1 push up to 21, doing 50 crunches to 100, etc.

    call me crazy, but that sounds like results.
  • unikedood
    unikedood Posts: 10
    Thanks guys ! I've just been down in the dumps lately and I'm tired of being called overweight and fat. Your motivation helps. Maybe I'll never have a flat stomach or get rid of my love handles but at least I know I tried.
  • unikedood
    unikedood Posts: 10
    I'm hitting about 350-400 calories a workout.
    I try to take in 1400 calories a day, but I realized with my workout I'm probably getting 1000-1200. They do have a nutrition plan, but I hate following those.

    I know I'm getting my daily protein necessities through my diet.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I'm hitting about 350-400 calories a workout.
    I try to take in 1400 calories a day, but I realized with my workout I'm probably getting 1000-1200. They do have a nutrition plan, but I hate following those.

    I know I'm getting my daily protein necessities through my diet.

    you don't have to eat the individual meals in the nutrition guide

    but it is a good idea to do the calorie intake calculation.

    whenever i did these programs i would just set my calorie intake to what the nutrition guide said to eat and didn't bother login exercise