At it again

Hi I'm ready to start again at getting healthy, I had a baby 7months ago and was feeling healthy during pregnancy, but now after im having trouble not gaining weight and losing any. So hope joining here again will keep me on track and motivated. Along with meet new people for support. I started exercising a few days a week in April and got discouraged not losing anything, so May was totally lazy and unhealthy, trying to start June better, but so far not doing much. So tomorrow I start logging food and exercise and hope to make some changes.
Cw:233 I think
2Gw:133 maybe
Don't have any set deadlines, should I?


  • lukey086
    lukey086 Posts: 10 Member

    Personally, I haven't set a deadline for myself to lose the 45+kgs that I need to lose... but then, in the back of my mind I'm hoping that I will get there before the end of this year.
    It all comes down to personal preference I think and if you think setting yourself a deadline will help motivate you and keep you focused or not :)

    I have set A LOT of mini goals for myself... e,g, lose 5kgs then 10kgs, 20kgs, 30kgs, 40kgs, then weigh under 100kgs. I have other goals such as making sure I drink 2L of water every day and making sure I track ALL my food here on MFP.
    For me, making a lot of smaller goals helps motivate me more than having 1 or 2 big goals that I feel like it will take forever to accomplish! but, as I said earlier... it all comes down to personal preference and what you think will work for you and what won't. It's all trial and error...

    Congrats on your baby and starting your journey to a healthier you! I'm sure you will do great!

    Feel free to send me a friend request if you like :) I'm an active user who logs everyday.
