I am very insecure but looking to change all that!

KI4IES Posts: 4 Member
As it says, I'm overweight and ashamed to be seen out in public. I started a new diet today and if this hasn't worked, I'm going to talk to doctor about bypass surgery


  • lukey086
    lukey086 Posts: 10 Member

    Welcome to MFP! :)

    I can relate... I have been overweight my whole life and use to get bullied throughout primary school and high school which has caused A LOT of insecurities. I use to HATE going out in public! I had no self-confidence and I just didn't believe in myself. I was a very insecure person. But, the great thing is that you want to change :) which is awesome! because a change is as good as a holiday! lol - it does take time though and it's not easy BUT at the end of the day it is totally worth it! and I am sure you are going to just great :) there are heaps and heaps of people here on MFP that are very supportive.
    I have worked through a lot of my insecurities and see life in a completely new way now... but, because I'm still losing weight that aspect of things still affects me a little bit.

    One of my favourite quotes is:

    “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

    Wishing you the very best of luck mate on your new journey! :)
  • Aoiusagi121
    Aoiusagi121 Posts: 14 Member

    Its the first time i post in forums and well i just came across this i would like to encourage you to loose the weigth naturally because guetting by pass surgery is very dangerous... i say it because my father passed away after not knowing how to take care of himself propetly , GL and take care!!

    PS, i hated going in public as well but once i got the weigth off i like to show off my progress once in a while

    GL in your journey!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    As it says, I'm overweight and ashamed to be seen out in public. I started a new diet today and if this hasn't worked, I'm going to talk to doctor about bypass surgery

    your ticker says you want to lose 40lbs... why are you considering surgery for that?!
  • DanielAdams3
    I'm the same ive not gone swimming or taken my top off outside for years I used to be super fit now fat! But changing all that even got my top 2 of my 6 pack back now :-) hard work and dedication is the only way
  • butlersoft
    butlersoft Posts: 219 Member
    As it says, I'm overweight and ashamed to be seen out in public. I started a new diet today and if this hasn't worked, I'm going to talk to doctor about bypass surgery

    your ticker says you want to lose 40lbs... why are you considering surgery for that?!

    ^^^^ This ...... I've lost 70lbs this year by eating to 1,800 calories daily and adding some running work.

    Also ... please don't think of it as a "new diet" since that suggests that you're setting out to do something on a temporary basis in order to hit a weight goal .... and then you'll revert to old ways and all the weight (plus more) will come back.

    Think of making permanent lifestyle changes that you can maintain. This means you DONT have to exclude anything.... it's all about moderation.

    Good luck!
  • HiyaItsMariah
    HiyaItsMariah Posts: 21 Member
    Hello !

    I just wanted to reach out to you and offer my support and motivation on your new weight loss journey. The first day is always the hardest, good job! :) I completely understand where you are coming from in terms of not feeling comfortable enough to go out into public. About a year ago, I started dating a wonderful man who comes from a long line of athletes. Since I am about 80 lbs on the heavy side, I've never been welcome in their eyes and have been told that on numerous occasions. I've tried several different diets, and would always come up with excuses and would fail. But that's only made me stronger. I found this app and the support that It brings is remarkable. I've never felt so welcomed and included before until now. I strongly encourage you to give this social website a chance, and the feeling you get when you loose the first pound is amazing. Also keep in mind that it's not going to happen overnight, but as the months go by you will start to feel your life coming back and that feeling of accomplishment is more worth it than any surgery could give you.

  • DanielAdams3
    Surgery is the easy option you got yourself to the size you are and if you habeas surgery to get thinner whats going to stop you putting on all the weight that was lost you need to do it this way otherwise you are just using the easy way out and you wont eat any better or learn from you're mistakes unfortunately you got yourself into this mess hard work and dedication is the only way you will ever learn and eat to a healthy lifestyle

    Sorry if it sounds tuff but it was easy to sit there eating?pizza and chocolate now its time to become a man and work your weight off and learn from you're mistakes

    Do not take the easy way out because you will be back here again saying why did it all go wrong
  • sharonjerome
    Hey,I was obese two years back and I felt very nervous when talk to others, people use to tease me and I was losing my confidence thereafter I joined a fitness gym, there they have given me some supplements, so gradually I was able to lose my weight. Please try this trick.
  • KI4IES
    KI4IES Posts: 4 Member
    Well, 40 pounds. I didn't want to set a unrealistic goal. I'm 280ish....see, too ashamed to even say 287! Yes, I have issues with how I see myself..My clothes don't fit anymore and walking to the car is a chore. I have only two friends, one of which is over 2000 miles away.The other of course is my wife jenette who got me on here so I have to be strong for her which I'm failing at so all in all, I have 10,000 things running around in my head but ultimately,helping other people that are helping me.
  • KI4IES
    KI4IES Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks man. I think your post might be the one that has made me just "grin and bear it" and just slowly work the weight off