Being a mum + weight lifting + lack of sleep

Hi there,

I started lifting about 3 months ago, and simply LOVE it. But I do have one issue which is not getting enough sleep.

And yup you can squarely place the blame at very small feet!!

Basically, I just want a little advice/support in how people can function on little sleep, (average between 5-6 1/2 hours, 7 is a luxury), and am I losing out on real gains because of this? Although I amazingly have managed to lose quite a few inches and a few pounds.

I feel tired all the time, and usually have to have a coffee an hour before a workout. But, like today I struggled through a pretty 'easy' workout.

How do you mums/dads do it?

If nothing else, I could do with virtual hugs and a slap on the back and tell me to get on with it. :P


  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I usually get 7 hours if not a little less. I sleep light and when I'm up I can NOT get back to sleep no matter how hard I try.

    Sleep is important, don't get me wrong, but nutrition is way more important in terms of making "progress" or "gains".

    Make sure you hit your macros daily or close to them. And sometimes, you just have a bad workout.... it happens. Yesterday I was squatting 400 which normally isn't a problem for me. I couldn't get any depth, my hips hurt and felt like they were going to implode, and could only get 1 rep until I had to dump the whole thing on the safety rack.

    It just happens.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Sleep => Gainz.

    But... babies are temporary. Better to lay a foundation now, even if you can't reach 100% of your genetic potential, than say "oh well, can't be perfect so might as well not try". As long as you're walking in the right direction, you'll get there eventually. Work hard, listen to your body, take rest days when you need them, and juggle your schedule when you can.

    (My youngest just turned 5. YAY NO MORE CARSEATS! WOOO, FREEDOM!)
  • asdelmonte
    asdelmonte Posts: 171 Member
    I also only get about 6.5 hours of sleep a night. I blame it on big feet; my kids are teenagers and have late night hockey practices. Is it hurting my gains? Maybe, but I will take lesser gains over nothing at all. Until the kids are all driving (3 more years) this is the way life is.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Sleep => Gainz.

    But... babies are temporary. Better to lay a foundation now, even if you can't reach 100% of your genetic potential, than say "oh well, can't be perfect so might as well not try". As long as you're walking in the right direction, you'll get there eventually. Work hard, listen to your body, take rest days when you need them, and juggle your schedule when you can.

    (My youngest just turned 5. YAY NO MORE CARSEATS! WOOO, FREEDOM!)

    Totally this.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    Yep I am so with you there, I have averaged about 5-6 hours...been trying to get to bed earlier but sometimes it just doesn't work that way. I have had 2 nights where my little man has slept through the night (he's almost 20 months!) so hoping that this sticks so I can get a bit more sleep.