Tips to lose 5 pound sin seven days?!!

Hello everyone !

Although i am aware that it is not "safe" to lose more than 2 lbs in a week , i am only trying to meet my goal for a weight loss competition at work . We have a week left and i have to lose 5 more pounds to win the competition . my competitor is going to do the water/lemon/ maple syrup cleanse deal for the week and i would hate to do that since i don't feel comfortable restricting myself from solid food for so many days.

does anyone have any tips , tricks , meal plans, or anything that can help me achieve my goal?
incase anyone wants to know i am

23, 5"3, currently weigh 138 even. My goal by next tuesday is to be 133.
i work at an office but work out 3 times a week for half an hour .

i consume 1200 calories a day (except on weekends), but i know i will have to stay within 1200 calories including next weekend if i even want to stand a chance in this competition ...
please help!!


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Lower carbs and sodium, drink lots of water.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Lord help me, I hesitate to even respond because I hate to encourage this stuff, but.....

    Honestly, if you go low carb (less than ~20g per day), you MIGHT be able to drop 5lb in a week - but of water, NOT fat (that wouldn't be safe or healthy, especially at your weight). When you do a low carb diet, in the first 1-2 weeks you tend to lose quite a bit of water weight as just a function of how your body responds to that. Starting at such a low weight as you are, you might not get quite to 5lbs, but you could get close. Plus, the advantage with that is that you can still eat a healthy amount of calories while you're doing it instead of doing a crash diet and starving yourself (which is the only reason I'm bothering to respond, because doing something like that maple syrup/lemon juice thingy would just be BAD and I want to make sure you stay away from stuff like that, at least low carb won't trash your body in the long run). Just be aware that the second you start eating carbs again, the water weight will come right back on (which is normal and fine, you're not gaining that much fat since you didn't lose that much to begin with, your body is just returning to its normal carb-consuming balance).
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    magnesium citrate and a gallon of water
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Talk to your HR about how they're promoting unsafe eating practices.

    You would have to create a deficit of 2500cals/day for 7 days. It's not possible.
  • SuperTiredMom
    SuperTiredMom Posts: 172 Member
    Drink a lot of water and unsweetened green tea, get lots of rest, have a couple shots of rum the night before the weigh in. The rum will also help with water weight, just make sure you rehydrate afterward.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Not a fan of these workplace competitions that promote "the biggest loser" type competitions. How about long term competitions for who can lose the most weight and keep it off in say a years time? Also cap it at no more than 2 lbs per week on average. Do a competition once a year and the winner gets a bigger prize or something.
  • da_bears1008
    da_bears1008 Posts: 354
    don't procrastinate?
  • Wiltord1982
    Wiltord1982 Posts: 312 Member
    Cut your hair, cut your nails, maybe removing an arm would help.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Hello everyone !

    Although i am aware that it is not "safe" to lose more than 2 lbs in a week , i am only trying to meet my goal for a weight loss competition at work . We have a week left and i have to lose 5 more pounds to win the competition . my competitor is going to do the water/lemon/ maple syrup cleanse deal for the week and i would hate to do that since i don't feel comfortable restricting myself from solid food for so many days.

    does anyone have any tips , tricks , meal plans, or anything that can help me achieve my goal?
    incase anyone wants to know i am

    23, 5"3, currently weigh 138 even. My goal by next tuesday is to be 133.
    i work at an office but work out 3 times a week for half an hour .

    i consume 1200 calories a day (except on weekends), but i know i will have to stay within 1200 calories including next weekend if i even want to stand a chance in this competition ...
    please help!!

    You already know it's not a good idea. You answered your own question.
    You are not going to lose 5lbs of fat in a week. You would need to create a 17,500 calorie deficit to do so, and you can do that with some not so wise workout/food choices.

    Forget the competition. Focus on your health and sustainable changes.
  • archuvs
    archuvs Posts: 9
    I did the GM diet for a week and lost 8 pounds - granted I had a LOT to lose but it was a great start to the weight loss. It does not restrict you from solid food (mostly) and you can eat unlimited fruits and veggies... maybe that can help?
  • sstolii123
    sstolii123 Posts: 205 Member
    I would talk with a priest! A five pound sin sounds like a big sin to lose!
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    As small as you are I cannot imagine what you would have to do to lose that much in a week, but I agree with everyone else cut back on carbs and add tons ofwater, half yourbody weight in ounces of water.
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    I would talk with a priest! A five pound sin sounds like a big sin to lose!

    Bahahahahahahahaha:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kill3rtofu
    kill3rtofu Posts: 169 Member
    Cut your hair, cut your nails, maybe removing an arm would help.

    I was trying to be the first amputation reply...too slow!
  • ewelch03
    ewelch03 Posts: 3 Member
    If you are not a picky eater you should try this:

    Its strictly clean eating. If you pair this with exercise, you should loose the 5lbs in 7 days (and be able to keep some of that off). On the morning of day 8, I was down 4lbs and that was with not working out but going on a couple 4 mile walks (I'm average height and weight and my goal is to loose just over 10 more pounds to be at my goal weight).

    Another note, it is a bit expensive (since you are using ALL FRESH ingredients) and time consuming at night.

    Good luck!
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    Come down with one of those old timey diseases like cholera or dysentery.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    If the potential health issues are worth winning a competition mean that much to you, you 'may' want to step back and take a long look at your motives !!
  • aglopez1102
    aglopez1102 Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you so much for the help and advise. i'll look into it!!
  • ChloC97
    ChloC97 Posts: 13 Member
    I'd say a good old epsom salt bath the morning of the weigh in. It helps get rid of water retention so you could drop 3 or four pounds there, although you'll put it all back on again, it's a better option than starving yourself for a week!