I am in shock!

Okay so here is the deal I have lost 27 lbs since March 27th. Well for the past 2 weeks my weight loss just STOPPED all together I am unsure what the problem is I am 100% dead on my calories in counting them I ride my bike for 30 to 60 minutes per day . I don't know if my body is getting used to the bike riding or what! I can also walk but to do really super hard exercise is not the best Idea because I have had 3 mini strokes and I am only 28 years of age! I weight 217 and I am 5 foot 5 inches. I was wondering does any one have any idea what could be going on? I have hashmotoes which is hypo and hyper thyroid. I had my levels checked and the lab report said my TSH level is low so I don't if that could be some of the problem or what. My doctor said that is was fine. So if someone could help me I would love the support and help. I just feel like giving up what is the used to do all of this and the scale is not changing at all so discouraging in every way. The calories said that I am allowed to have 1410 a day I am usually a little under that like say 1300 a day or so!


  • nsobolik
    nsobolik Posts: 5 Member
    I know I am not in quite the same situation as you, but can relate. I have been frustrated because I am 11 weeks in (March 25th) and have only lost 19 lbs. I was on a steady pace at just over 2 lbs a week until about 2 weeks ago. Then everything seemed to stall. Making it even more frustrating is that my husband is doing this with me and he has lost about 33 lbs in the same time frame. What I also found is that my time of the month REALLY makes a difference. I have found that I haven't lost and actually gained. Today I saw the scale move DOWN for the first time in a couple weeks. I try to keep my spirits up by thinking long term, this isn't a sprint, it is a on going journey. I didn't gain this weight over night and I won't lose it over night. I focus on living healthier long term. I also find my frustration level is much higher when I eat under my calorie allowance. I think ugh no weight loss and I ate under my allowance..... It is there for you to use, so I say use every single calorie, but that is just me......
  • lane112409
    lane112409 Posts: 28 Member
    I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago so I don't have my time of the month anymore lol. Trust me if the weight would come off over night that would be AWESOME of course it is not going to. This is a life style change!! I am happy that you started losing weight again!!